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First Class Federation / FIRSTCLASS

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Social

We will Explore and We will continue the Pursuit of our Freedom.


In the beginning of space exploration before we left earth, there were a group of individuals that needed their next thrill. Space was the Final Frontier. They used their wealth to fund an Organization called Roberts Space Industry. This was difficult to achieve with all the civil unrest and political corruption but they were able to keep this completely privatized and free from interference. The blood, sweat and tears of the workers who built what we have will forever be honored by never exhausting our effort to find a better place for their children to settle. A Peaceful place.

Roberts Space Industry was tasked with the understanding of navigation, structure of vessels, crew qualification, fighting tactics for both in space and on new planets and the dynamics of hyperspace transportation. They have finally developed enough technology to survive out in the vast depths of space.

We were created as the Pre-Touring Scouts. Our objective is to explore and scout ahead so that our investors have a clear and free path to the new frontiers of life. We will seek out and make contact with new civilizations, gather intel for mining resources, report hostile zones for PMC organizations and determine the best and safest places for the Investors. This is our task as a whole. Each Lieutenant Commander will be able to have the freedom and flexibility to achieve this in their own way. As long as they do not stray from the task at hand.

At the very Top of our command we have the Investors.. We do not know much about who they are, where they are or what they do. All this is irrelevant because without them we would not be here. They will remain Anonymous.

Next we have RSI, they will be working on developing new technology for all to use.

As we have grown we have been able to Research and Develop Different ways to contribute to the Verse that we call home. We are First Class Federation. We have many Opportunities that you may choose from, the Choice is Yours.

First Class Federation Careers

Once an individual reaches Flight Leader or equivalent, They will be given the option for their career here. This will be based on a few pre-requisites.

  • Time available
  • Level of Leadership ability
  • Dedication for Success

*Officer*- The Head

  • Works from experience to organize and orchestrate mission success
  • Decisions fall upon this group, rewards and consequences.
  • Dedicated Member More than 20 hours a Week.

*Warrant Officer*- The Left Hand

  • Works with officers to organize and orchestrate mission success
  • Advises on decisions to be made, responsible orders to be carried out.
  • Involved Member- Between 10-20 hours a Week.

*Enlisted*- The Right Hand

  • Works with Officers and Warrant Officers for mission success.
  • Carries out orders.
  • Casual Member- Less than 10 hours a Week.

*Independent Contractor*- A Transplant

  • Works from experience to organize and orchestrate mission success
  • Decisions fall upon this group, rewards and consequences.
  • Non Member- Time to time Contracts


First Class Exploration

Independent Contractors
  • Has the ability to float between all the different commands.

  • Dedicated to Security and Scouting.

  • Dedicated to patching up the BooBoos.

  • Dedicated to understanding the ‘Verse.

First Class Financial & Trust

Debt Collector
  • Oops, someone forgot to pay their bill.

  • Helps you with your accounts.

Loan Officer
  • Lets sign you up for some money.

First Class Commonwealth

Health Services
  • Drop on in and we will ensure you are better when you leave.

Police Services
  • Break the Law, Serve your time.

Engineering Services
  • Not only can we fix you, but it looks like your ship could use some TLC.

Civil Services
  • Have no fear, your lawyer is here.

First Class Casino

  • Give us money, give you Chips. Give us Chips, we will give you money.

  • Dont F*$k with us.

  • Cards! Cards! Cards! And some dice.

First Class Affiliate Academy

  • You will learn a thing or 2.

Assistant Professor
  • I might be able to teach a Rock how to Roll.

In First Class Exploration we have Fleet Command. These are the most experienced individuals in the Organization. They will guide us with their knowledge and provide the Democracy when needed. In each Fleet there are 4 Companies; Fleet Command, Tactics and Control, Medical and Research and Development. These Companies are what is necessary for being able to cover everywhere we need.Each Fleet Command will cover 1 Zone. A Zone being a Nautical Cone from point of deployment. Medical and Research/Development will be free to come and go from explored Zones to provide Medical and Scientific Advances to new civilizations.

Each Company will have 3 Wings. A Wing consist of 1- Fight CO, 1- Flight Chief, 1- Personnel/Recruiting/Relations/Logistics Specialists, 8- Flight Leaders and 16- Flight Crew. This will ensure each Flight will have the assets available to defend itself from hostiles.
At the Flight CO’s discretion the use of Independent Contractors [IC’s] can be used. It will be up to the CO to determine the rate at which the services are worth.

To become part of First Class Exploration you can:

Send a direct message to a member.

You must have a working microphone and speak English. There is not a Age Limit but there is a Minimum Maturity Level.



Maintain a standard of respect among its members and other gamers. We respect the opinions of ALL OUR MEMBERS as well as those of other GAMERS. If someone gets offended by your words or actions, you need to stop the conversation or change the subject immediately. FAILURE to do so is breach of our “RESPECT” policy.
The Philosophy of Gaming is that “This is a Game and is meant to be FUN” These are real people you are gaming with. They deserve the same RESPECT that you expect from them.


You need to respect the game. We do not allow any modding, boosting or cheats of any kind. AGAIN THIS IS JUST A GAME, IT IS NOT JUST ABOUT RUNNING UP THE KILL COUNT and it is no fun for those who do not cheat to get beaten by cheaters.

If you must play using any mods, then do so in a private match with other people that want to do the same. ONLY IF EVERYONE KNOWS AND AGREES TO DO SO.


Don’t be stupid this is part of respect. If you are being trash talked you can of course defend yourself. Just don’t go too far and remember you are arguing with an idiot online, what you are going to do… Caps lock him to death? You can always mute the player/players that you do not agree with. Back out of the lobby once the match is over and get on with enjoying your gaming time.

DO NOT BACK OUT OF GAMES IN PROGRESS. Show you are an adult, take your lumps (FYI the other team is not always cheating or camping, sometimes they are just better.) back out once the match is over and move on to another lobby.


Of course we don’t want to see anyone leave our community, but if you do feel it is time to leave, just let the Flight Chief know that you are doing so. To be honest whatever reason you have for leaving is fine. Life is more important and this is just a game. If you simply tell your Flight Chief you are leaving, you will be put on the “good terms” list. You will be welcome to come back anytime.

Yes we do have a “BAD TERMS” list as well. Our goal is for that list to be empty, but quite simply if you are a jerk and you disrespect other members or gamers, you will make that list. The other quick way to make the BAD TERMS list is to join another Rival clan/community on the same platform and game while still being a member in and benefiting by divulging tactics to benefit in another clan. You will be removed for that. If you leave first and join another Clan, that is your choice and you will still be on GOOD TERMS.


We do not approach other clans or communities and try and take their members. If they ask about , tell them about us. If they choose to join without you asking them, then by all means they can do so.

That’s it for the code of conduct. It is simple, don’t be a JERK, and have some fun!


Community Petitions

Petition By The Crew- Discuss and report who you talked to, whether they are For/Against the petition and present to Flight Leader. You must have a +1 in favor to present to the Flight Leader. If it is Tied or +1 Against you will need to drop the petition. If the petition only involves one Flight Crew, then the Flight Leader is authorized to make the decision. If the petition involves More than one Flight Crew then the Petitioners must present to 3 Flight Leaders. At that point they will discuss it with ALL the Flight Leaders in the Wing. If the petition can be resolved and only involves the one Wing the Flight Leaders will Vote and report the results to the Wing Chief. If a even vote occurs then the Wing Chief has final Vote. If It involves more than one Wing the (24) Flight Leaders will Choose 2 Flight Leaders to Present to the (3) Wing Commanders and (3) Wing Chiefs of the Company.

** If you are not able to get votes for the entire group (48) of Cew Members, then the Flight Leaders will need to discuss it with the remaining voters, OR they have the option to Veto by Insufficient Information. In other words If you dump the petition on the Flight Leaders to Complete, they do not have to.

Presentation by Flight Leaders- If This is necessary the 2 Flight Leaders will get with the appropriate Specialist(s) to format the Petition for presentation. They will go over Spelling and Grammar, Make sure the right message is being presented, and set up the meeting. If the petition can be resolved and only involves the one Company the Wing Commanders and Wing Chiefs will Vote and report the results to the Company Chief. If a even vote occurs then the Company Chief has final Vote. If It involves more than one Company the Wing Commanders will Choose 2 Wing Commanders to Present to the (6) Company Commanders and (12) Company Chiefs of the Fleet.

** If you are not able to get votes for the entire group (24) Flight Leaders, then the Wing Chiefs will need to discuss it with the remaining voters, OR they have the option to Veto by Insufficient Information. In other words If you dump the petition on the Wing Chiefs to Complete, they do not have to.

Company Council- If This is necessary the 2 Wing Commanders will get with the appropriate Officers(s) to format the Petition for presentation. They will go over Spelling and Grammar, Make sure the right message is being presented, and set up the meeting. If the petition can be resolved and only involves the one Fleet the Company Commanders and Company Chiefs will Vote and report the results to the Chief of Fleet. If a even vote occurs then the Chief of Fleet has final Vote. If It involves more than one Fleet the Company Commanders will Choose 2 Company Commanders to Present to the (All) Fleet Commanders and (All) Fleet Chiefs.

** If you are not able to get votes for the entire group (12) Company Chiefs, then the Company Commanders will need to discuss it with the remaining voters, OR they have the option to Veto by Insufficient Information. In other words If you dump the petition on the Company Commanders to Complete, they do not have to.

Fleet Directors- If This is necessary the 2 Company Commanders will get with the appropriate Officers(s) to format the Petition for presentation. They will go over Spelling and Grammar, Make sure the right message is being presented, and set up the meeting. The petition WILL be resolved the Fleet Commanders and Fleet Chiefs will Vote.

** If you are not able to get votes for the entire group (6) Company Commanders, then the Fleet Commanders will need to discuss it with the remaining voters, OR they have the option to Veto by Insufficient Information. In other words If you dump the petition on the Fleet Commanders to Complete, they do not have to.


FCE Charter
Roles & Responsibilities:


*Setting up Teams on the roster and setting up Teams in game are 2 different things. Setting up a Team in game is formed of the members online at the time. The Team set up on the Roster is for member to know their Chain of Command. That way you know who to go to when you have questions. We need to be utilizing the Chain of Command. When we start to Form Battalions each member will need to know where to go. I would like it to have the members who play with each other in the same Company so that when it comes to promotions we can ask their Chain of Command if they are ready to be promoted. When we go thru promotions for the enlisted everyone that is above Flight CO’s has the option to put their opinion on Promotions. When an Officer is ready to be promoted everyone above the one being promoted and the MCPO will discuss the promotion and if they are ready to handle the responsibility of said promotion. For promotion of Captain-Generals the Board will ask the opinions of the members that want their opinion heard and take that in consideration for the promotion.
Any Member that shows exceptional merits could qualify for a Meritorious Promotion or Assignment. If you download or copy it there is a chance that you will then have a Outdated version of the contents.

Mission Statement

We will explore beyond your dreams. Our goal is simple; We will know all the known Universe and we will strive to explore the new systems to bring the information back to civilization. If there is a question of who or what is out there we will be the first to be tasked to find the answers. We will build our Fleet, We will not want to be crossed. This is not a Dictatorship nor a Democracy, This is a Hierarchy. Your Command will have their orders, Your Leaders will have their orders, You will have your orders. When you begin your Dedication to this Organization we will take you in with open arms. We will show you the ropes, the do’s and dont’s. Depending on the resources and capabilities of your Team Leader you will either fly Solo or become part of a crew of a Multi-Crew ship.

  • Disclaimer- If you choose to do Solo missions or Solo objectives that is perfectly acceptable. But you will do it as a [IC]. Your earnings will be yours. You will not have support elements if you get into trouble. If you call for support you will split the profits (After fuel, ammo and repairs for all ships) with all that came to support.

Clearance Levels

Controlled Unclassified is general access for all people in and out of the community. Examples are viewing the website, Documents and Teamspeak.

Public Trust is general access for all people within the community. Examples are participation in the Teamspeak and website but still only have access to view the Documents.

Confidential is selective access to the Documents and Community. Examples are being a part of Personnel, Recruiting, Relations or Logistics.

Secret is moderate access to the Documents and the Community. You will be able to have access to the Documents and Moderator on the website and Teamspeak.

Top Secret is full and all access to the Documents, Website and Teamspeak.

Crew Member

CMNR to CMN: Minimum Clearance Level; Controlled Unclassified

A CMNR to CMN enjoys all the privileges of full membership to . His/her only responsibility at this rank is to play the game with us and have FUN. You may choose to stay at this rank and may do so for as long as you like.

No ship required. If you have a ship then your Flight Leader may have you use it from time to time. But your Flight Leader will have a 3 crew ship for you to start to build your bank accounts. This will allow you to be able to earn enough to equip your ship properly so that you are more able to protect yourself and your ship.

If you choose to rank up and help manage your Flight you will simply need to let your Flight Leader know that you want to do so. They will then ensure you understand the “code of conduct” the “rank structure” and that you understand your specific duties expected at your next rank.

You will then have a 3 week training period, where your Flight Leader will have you assist in running Operations, and during which time you will be expected to have been active with all the Crew Members.
Once your Flight Leader and your Wing Chief have agreed that you are ready for promotion, The Wing Chief will put your name forward to the Wing Commander to be considered for Promotion.

Flight Leader

PO3-PO1: Minimum Clearance Level; Public Trust

Flight Leader duties are:

  1. Play with all our members, especially the new recruits. Make them feel welcome and part of the community. Fill in the knowledge gaps for community procedures and exploration procedures.
  2. Help support and mentor the CMNR’s- CMN’s wishing to rank up.
  3. Assist their Wing Chief with running events and meetings.

You will need to have a 3 crew ship to support your crew. THE CUTLASS BLACK is the best equipped for this level of activity. Drake Interplanetary claims that the Cutlass Black is a low-cost, easy-to-maintain solution for local in-system militia units. The larger-than-average cargo hold, RIO seat and dedicated tractor mount are, the company literature insists, for facilitating search and rescue operations. It is also the least expensive out of the selection of ships. Your time as Flight Crew will allow you to save enough to invest in this ship. IF your whole crew is not present you will be able to pick up other personnel that is in the community that is available. IF you already have ship that allows more crew then you will be able to pick up Independent Contractors [IC] that are available. This will also allow you to recruit new members to the community.

To be promoted to next rank you must have 2 Months In service. You will be required to read the next ranks duties to your Wing Chief and Wing Commander. Once your Wing Commander has agreed that you are ready for promotion they will bring your name forward to the Company Executive Officer to be considered for promotion.

Wing Chief

PO1-CPO: Minimum Clearance Level; Confidential

Wing Chiefs duties are:

  1. Play with all our members, especially the new recruits. Make them feel welcome and part of the community. Fill in the knowledge gaps for community procedures and exploration procedures.
  2. Help support and mentor the CMNR’s-PO1’s wishing to rank up.
  3. Assist their Wing Commander with running events and meetings.
  4. Wing Chiefs will have access to the Rosters and will be required to help ensure the stats for each member are up to date.

You will need to have a 5 crew ship to support your crew. You crew is Personnel Specialist, Recruiting Specialist, Relations Specialist, Logistics Specialist. If your Wing CO is available you will be absorbed into their ship. The Constellation Andromeda, a multi-person freighter, is the most popular ship in RSI’s current production array. Constellations are beloved by smugglers and merchants alike because they are modular, high powered… and just downright iconic-looking. Your time as Flight Leader will allow you to save enough to invest in this ship. IF your whole crew is not present you will be able to pick up other personnel that is in the community that is available. IF you already have ship that allows more crew then you will be able to pick up Independent Contractors [IC] that are available. This will also allow you to recruit new members to the community.

To be promoted to next rank you must have 4 Months In service. You will be required to read the next ranks duties to your Wing Commander and Company Executive Officer. At this point you will start your Officer Candidate Training for becoming an Officer and receive command of your own Wing.

Company Chief

CPO: Minimum Clearance Level; Confidential

Company Chief duties are:

  1. Play with all our members, especially the new recruits. Make them feel welcome and part of the community. Fill in the knowledge gaps for community procedures and exploration procedures.
  2. Help support and mentor the CRMR’s-CPO’s wishing to rank up.
  3. Assist their Company Commander with running events and meetings.
  4. Will take ensure the duties of any Wing Chief are completed in the absence of the Wing Chief.
  5. Company Chief’s will have access to the Rosters and will be required to help ensure the stats for each member are up to date.
  6. You are to report to the Company XO for assignments, at this time you will be assigned to a Wing for a predetermined amount of time. You will then report to the Wing Commander.

You will need to be saving for a 6 crew ship to support your crew. You will travel with the Wing CO, Flight Leaders or Wing Chief. IF you already have ship that allows more crew then you will be able to pick up Independent Contractors [IC] that are available. This will also allow you to recruit new members to the community.

To be promoted to next rank you must have 6 Months In service. At this point you will Continue your Officer Candidate Training for becoming an Officer and receive command of your own Wing. You will be required to read the next ranks duties to your Company Executive Officer and a Wing Commander. Once your Company Executive Officer has agreed that you are ready for promotion They will bring your name forward to the Company Commander to be considered for promotion.

Company Senior Chief

SCPO: Minimum Clearance Level; Confidential

Company Senior Chief duties are:

  1. Play with all our members, especially the new recruits. Make them feel welcome and part of the community. Fill in the knowledge gaps for community procedures and exploration procedures.
  2. Help support and mentor the CRMR’s-CPO’s wishing to rank up.
  3. Assist their Company Commander with running events and meetings.
  4. Will take ensure the duties of any Wing Chief are completed in the absence of the Wing Chief.
  5. Company Senior Chief’s will have access to the Rosters and will be required to help ensure the stats for each member are up to date.
  6. You are to report to the Company XO for assignments, at this time you will be assigned to a Wing for a predetermined amount of time. You will then report to the Wing Commander.

You will need to be saving for a 6 crew ship to support your crew. You will travel as a passenger for your final preparation to be commissioned.

To be promoted to next rank you must have 8 Months In service. You will be required to read the next ranks duties to your Company Commander and Wing Commander. You will continue your Officer Candidate Training for becoming an Officer and receive command of your own Wing. Once your Company Executive Officer and Wing Commander has agreed that you are ready for promotion they will bring your name forward to the Company Commander to be considered for promotion.

Wing Commander

ENS-LTJG: Minimum Clearance Level; Secret

Wing Commander’s and duties are:

  1. Play with all our members, especially the new recruits. Make them feel welcome and part of the community. Fill in the knowledge gaps for community procedures and exploration procedures.
  2. Help support and mentor the CRMR’s-SCPO’s wishing to rank up.
  3. Will run operations of the Flight and its events/meetings.
  4. Assist their Company XO in operation of the Company and its events/meetings.
  5. Wing Commander will have access to the Rosters and will be required to help ensure the stats for each member are up to date.

You will need to have a 6 crew ship to support your crew. Your crew is Wing Chief, Personnel Specialist, Recruiting Specialist, Relations Specialist, Logistics Specialist. You and your crew may also travel as a passenger with the Wing Chief or Flight Leaders. The Constellation Andromeda, a multi-person freighter, is the most popular ship in RSI’s current production array. Constellations are beloved by smugglers and merchants alike because they are modular, high powered. And just downright iconic-looking. IF your whole crew is not present you will be able to pick up other personnel that is in the community that is available. IF you already have ship that allows more crew, then you will be able to pick up Independent Contractors [IC] that are available. This will also allow you to recruit new members to the community.

To be promoted to your next rank you will be required to read the rank duties to the Company XO and Company CO. The Company Executive Officer will give you the mentoring speech. Your Company Commander will then put your name forward to be considered at the next promotions meeting.

Company XO

LTJG- LT: Minimum Clearance Level; Secret

Company XO’s duties are:

  1. Play with all our members, especially the new recruits. Make them feel welcome and part of the community. Fill in the knowledge gaps for community procedures and exploration procedures.
  2. Help support and mentor the CRMR’s-LTJG’s wishing to rank up.
  3. Support their Company Commander in operation of the events/meetings.
  4. Assist their Company Commander during operation of the Company and its events/meetings.
  5. Company Executive Officer will have access to the Rosters and will be required to help ensure the stats for each member are up to date.

You will need to have a 7 crew ship to support your crew. Your crew is Company Senior Chief, Company Chief, Personnel Officer, Recruiting Officer, Relations Officer, Logistics Officer. You and your crew may also travel as a passenger with the Company Chief, Wing CO, Wing Chief or Flight Leaders. IF your whole crew is not present you will be able to pick up other personnel that is in the community that is available. IF you already have ship that allows more crew then you will be able to pick up Independent Contractors [IC] that are available. This will also allow you to recruit new members to the community.

To be promoted to your next rank you will be required to read the rank duties for both Company Commander and Battalion Executive Officer to your Battalion Executive Officer. Then Fleet Executive Officer will give you the mentoring speech. Your Fleet Commander will then put your name forward to be considered at the next promotions meeting.

Company CO

LT-LTCMDR: Minimum Clearance Level; Top Secret

Company CO’s duties are:

  1. Play with all our members, especially the new recruits. Make them feel welcome and part of the community. Fill in the knowledge gaps for community procedures and exploration procedures.
  2. Help support and mentor the CRMR’s-LT’s wishing to rank up.
  3. Support their Company Executive Officers in operation of the events/meetings.
  4. Work to assign events/meetings to be hosted and ran by the Company.
  5. Company Commander will have access to the Roster and will be responsible to ensure their Battalion stats are up to date.
  6. Bring forward any concerns, new ideas etc. brought forward by your Company members to the officers.

You will need to have a 8 crew ship to support your crew. Your crew is Company XO, Company Senior Chief, Company Chief, Personnel Officer, Recruiting Officer, Relations Officer, Logistics Officer. You and your crew may also travel as a passenger with the Company XO, Company Chief, Wing CO, Wing Chief or Flight Leaders. THE IDRIS-M/P. IF your whole crew is not present you will be able to pick up other personnel that is in the community that is available. IF you already have ship that allows more crew then you will be able to pick up Independent Contractors [IC] that are available. This will also allow you to recruit new members to the community.

To be promoted you will show the ability to run a successful Company. You will also need to receive a Mentoring speech from your Fleet Executive Officer. And the Fleet Commander will then put your name forward to be considered at the next promotions meeting.