Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


FIRE Federation / FIREFED

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Exploration

Jump into the FIRE! | | Founded by members of the Forrest FIRE Community on Twitch, the FIRE Federation is an Organization of awesome, fun-loving, skilled gamers working together to win, w/o enforcing strict requirements. It’s about having fun, while succeeding & kicking ass!


Come make history, with us!

We’re just getting started! So, now is the time when you can join and help be a part of some great, from the very beginning! Those who join us now, will always be one of the founders of the organization, and can help us determine how things proceed. So, instead of just documenting history, or learning the history of others, here you can make history!


We do the expensive stuff, so you don’t have to!

We’re building a formidable fleet! So, you don’t have to. We are learning from the best, so we can teach you how to be the best! The FIRE Federation leaders are building a massive fleet, so members can fly the biggest and best ships, experience the biggest and best gameplay, all without having to buy anything beyond a base game package! We are learning how everything works, the knowledge and skills to succeed, the lore of the universe, what is coming down the road, and what we should expect. From ship combat to mining. From salvage to exploration. Whatever the game has to offer, we want to be amongst the best, without putting pressure or stress on our members. We keep up with all the details, so we can share the fleet, knowledge, and skills with our members. Not everyone has the time to become a Star Citizen expert. Our leaders do it, so you can be a part of the biggest and best the universe has to offer, without having to already be an expert, while remaining laid-back and relaxed. All you have to worry about is playing and having fun. However much or little. However long or short. Be learning from the best as you go. Those who join us now, can choose to always be one of the founders and become leaders of the organization, or just have fun as a member! Whatever you enjoy, and however much time you have, we want to make a universe of possibilities for our members. You can help us determine how things are structured and organized, as we grow and evolve. So, join us and have fun while kicking ass!


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