Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Free Alliance of Merchants and Explorers / FAME

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Exploration

Set out from any point. They are all alike. They all lead to a point of departure. [Antonio Porchia]


The known universe is growing bigger every day. So are the dangers too. Pirates lurking in the shadows, the Vanduuls or murderous Tevarin hunting down innocent Cititzens for a piece of their cargo or just for their heads.

Despite the dangers or maybe just because of them, trading and exploration are fundamental instincts of many great minded people. Traders and explorers who put the need of the many before their own have always helped each other.

FAME has been founded just recently to provide trustworthy adventurers and traders with a platform to share ressources and information,seek for help or trade among each other without forcing them under a tight set of rules. Every free soul and even the greatest loner needs a helping hand every ones in a while.

So if you like to go on small joint missions into unknown territory, if you need some really trustworthy partners for a delicate deal or just want to spend some time with likeminded people to share stories from your adventures far away, you will always find someone of the family to turn to!

We have no rigorous set of rules, no forced duties or fees and no minimum commitment. Just don’t turn away when a member needs you! The currency of FAME is loyalty. If you need help we are there for you wether you need a rescue or a helping hand to complete an important mission.

Betray us and permadeath will be a relief!

Beeing a FAME is a batch of honor you have earned, a sign of extreme trustworthiness and an insurance for the adventurer who doesn’t want to be constrained. We concentrate on small missions, on exploration and on helping out each other without having to be on duty. A family member of FAME will never turn you in to the authorities or to a bounty hunter (and survive afterwards!) However, we will pick up your rescue pod from the farthest places or use our combined wealth to organise a powerfull rescue mission from a bounty hunter if necessary.


  • 1 Aegis RECLAIMER (LTI)
  • 2 Anvil CARRACK (LTI)
  • 1 Drake CUTLASS BLUE
  • 1 Origin 350R (LTI)
  • 1 Origin 315P EXPLORER (LTI)
  • 3 Anvil F7C-M SUPER HORNET (LTI)
  • 2 Consolidated Outland MUSTANG Delta
  • 1 Consolidated Outland MUSTANG Omega
  • 2 Aegis AVENGER
  • 1 Anvil CRUCIBLE (LTI)
  • 1 Aegis SABRE (LTI)
  • 1 Drake Interplanetary CATERPILLAR (LTI)
  • 1 Drake Interplanetary HERALD (LTI)
  • 1 Kruger P-72 ARCHIMEDES (LTI)

If you think you are worthy to be earning your place in the family, feel free to apply. There will be a probation period where you have the chance to earn our trust. When we think you have what it takes you will be granted the “aknowledged memberhip”. With that you can earn the title of “Trusted Member” for example by taking part in a particularly dangerous joint mission or by serving the family in some other outstanding way like a heroic rescue of another family member. Some day you might become an officer, serving the family in a more direct way.


Our organisation is a family like group of people who like to explore and trade in the outer regions of known space. We do not wish to become a big organisation and every member still does business on his own account. We do however share a common mindset that loyalty and unconditional help among friends is the most important thing above all.

We don’t need a big fighting force. We just might put all our money together and hire the best bounty hunters we can afford to prove our point!

We neither do politics nor do we enforce legality. We want to go out where this doesn’t matter. FAME is about finding trustworthy friends to take on small but delicate missions or for a longer trip into a newly discovered region over the week-end.

We are neutral which means:

  • No wars with other groups or authorities!
  • No support of piracy or stealing!
  • We are open to all non-agressive groups, species and parties.


A family member earns his trust!
This organization is about contributions. Always offer your help to a family member in need without expecting a return. When you are in trouble you can expect the same. Don’t abuse your econimical advantages, privileges or titles against a family member. Business within the organization always hast to be a win-win for all.

A family member never puts his family in danger!
If you do a get involved with the wrong people, make sure you don’t drag the family into it. The same applies to illegal business operations or attack missions. If you do something stupid bear the consequences. Ask for help as long as it doesn’t put the family in danger. That includes damage to its reputation.

A family member acts self responsible and self accountable!
FAME is not a substitute for a paid escort, nor will it free your ass from a big gang of pirates or from the authorities if you have put yourself knowingly into a high risk situation for your own profit. If you carry out a personal vendetta, make sure you keep that to your personal relationship with the enemy of choice. We will not judge you and your actions as long as you take full responsibility for it. For joint family operations and special missions you will however get the full support from the organization. These missions have to be authorized by the family counsel and are lead by an Officer or Colonel!

A family member never turns away from a member in need!
If a family member needs help, e.g. after loosing everything he has or when floating in a rescue pod far out, don’t turn away. If a family member needs a lift make the small detour from your current mission if it isn’t too much trouble. Helping others in the family is building trust and trust is the currency in the family. The more you give the more you receive when you really need help yourself!

A family member never betrays his family (and lives
If betrayed the family will use its combined ressources to join with or hire the strongest forces we can find to hunt down the traitor as long as it takes until *perma*death befalls him or her.

The family stays in the background
Family membership is nothing to be disussed outside the organization. The family tries to stay in the background, we are not a fighting force. A group action against another fraction has to be approved by the family counsel (Colonels and Officers) first. Joint missions among family mebers are encouraged and don’t need to be approved as long as the family name stays outside. Remember to act in a self responsible and self accountable way, as a group and as an individual.