Edge of Nowhere / EONS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Transport

There is nowhere we wont go. No job is too big or too small. No route is too dangerous… and, if need be, when we get to the edge of nowhere… we will venture beyond.


A band of ragtags and misfits with common goals and interests (mostly fighting together) from all over Terra came together to form EONS, a private security firm, to fulfill a simple goal of being a trustworthy and dependable contractor that clients could count on no matter the situation.

A private military company is a company that is hired and provides an entity with staff and services. Private military companies (PMCs) are often useful to governments and corporations because they can provide specialized services and help strengthen an entities forces abroad. PMCs can carry out a variety of different tasks and thus are incredibly useful in supplementing an entities forces.

PMCs can be used to help intervene in dangerous situations where other corporations are unwilling to provide troops and supplies and have helped with resolving conflicts and aiding corporations in winning conflicts.
PMCs have become so ingrained in large scale and critical corporate operations that they have become necessary and many now rely heavily on PMCs to be able to successfully carry out its missions.
PMCs increase a corporation’s military resources without having to recruit or train and hiring PMCs can serve as a deterrent to conflicts, increasing the chances of peace as PMCs more often than not do not engage in combat.


*Mercenary work: Offensive and defensive operations such as but not limited to boarding parties and escort missions.
*Search and rescue: We will come to your aid/SOS signal.
*Salvage: It isn’t uncommon for us or the enemy to lose ships; We will attempt to salvage whenever possible.
*Convoys: We will run and defend our own trade missions, including data running and interception.
*Exploration: In our off time we will explore the outer reaches of the galaxy.
*Bounty hunting: In order to keep our clients and interests safer we will partake in-contract and out-of-contract bounty hunting.

Edge of Nowhere Security is a mercenary outfit specializing in space escort, search and rescue and personal security roles. Our aim is to provide top notch protection to our clients in exchange for a reasonable fee. In our downtime, we enjoy exploring the vast expanse of space in search of new income streams.

While there may be two sides to any story, our loyalty always lies with the client(s).



TeamSpeak is a requirement: voice.central.eoreality.net:9989
Teamspeak Download

Please join our steam group page page to stay in touch!

1. Always act in a respectful and professional manner when dealing with clients and the public.
2. Always honor the contract.
3. Obey your squad leader.
4. All communication should cease when the “clear comms” command is issued.