Enertec Evonox Services is a mission driven corporation created for the sole purpose of freelancing, exploration, and subsequent profit from said activities. We are not beholden to only these goals, and will recruit and retain any willing members able to do tasks currently un-named.
People can be placed into three classes:
-The few who make things happen.
-The many who watch things happen.
-The overwhelming majority who have no idea what has happened.
Which are you?
Build Trust and Credibility
The success of our business is dependent on the trust and confidence we earn from our employees, customers and shareholders. We gain credibility by adhering to our commitments, displaying honesty and integrity and reaching company goals solely through honorable conduct. It is easy to say what we must do, but the proof is in our actions. Ultimately, we will be judged on what we do.Respect for the Individual
We all deserve to work in an environment where we are treated with dignity and respect. Enertec Evinox Services is committed to creating such an environment because it brings out the full potential in each of us, which, in turn, contributes directly to our business success. We cannot afford to let anyone’s talents go to waste.Open and Honest Communication
At Enertec Evinox Services everyone should feel comfortable to speak his or her mind, particularly with respect to ethics concerns. Managers have a responsibility to create an open and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable raising such questions. We all benefit tremendously when employees exercise their power to prevent mistakes or wrongdoing by asking the right questions at the right times.Conflicts of Interest
You must avoid any relationship or activity that might impair, or even appear to impair, your ability to make objective and fair decisions when performing your jobs. At times, you may be faced with situations where the business actions we take on behalf Enertec Evinox Services of may conflict with your own personal or family interests. You owe a duty to Enertec Evinox Services to advance its legitimate interests when the opportunity to do so arises. You must never use Enertec Evinox Services property or information for personal gain or personally take for yourself any opportunity that is discovered through your position with Enertec Evinox Services.Oops
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