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  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Security

For my own part, I declare I know nothing whatever about it, but looking at the stars always makes me dream, as simply as I dream over the black dots representing towns and villages on a map. Why, I ask myself, shouldn — t the shining dots of the sky be as accessible as the black dots on the map..


=ECHO=Gamers[ECHO] is an 18+ gaming community comprised of Old School Gamers and some just Fresh into gaming. We play for the Competitiveness, the Camaraderie, the Fun and our Love for Gaming.

In late 2014 we decided to give the community that had grown around us over the years a name as well as a way to represent ourselves in game, thus [ECHO] was born.

We are “one big happy family” here at =ECHO=,


These men and women put your interests above all else. That is why we “put our money where our mouth is”. The Ventures Guarantee* isn’t a gimmick, it is an ethos. If we do not fulfill our contract, you don’t pay one single credit. Any and all deposits are fully refunded. No one else is able to make this claim and stay in business; they can’t because they aren’t good enough. We do not make that statement as a boast, but as a fact – the statistics speak for themselves. Our repeat customers out-number any competitor, in any system. And our customer satisfaction is 100%.
I invite you to peruse our website and then, contact us with what you need done. If you do not see it listed, it’s due to humility, not lack of accomplishment. No job is too big or too small


Article 1: As a member of the ECHO Gamers, I hereby go forth by my duty to honor and respect all those entrusted with leadership and to those who are led by my duty. I will serve at the best of my ability to further the renown of the EG in all that we do..
Article 2: My rank is my responsibility to the team. My support for fellow members will always be present. As a member of the EG I have the right to choose to be part of the team and to serve at whatever capacity I may, however, when I am part of said team I will loyally and without question follow the orders of the commander’s appointed above me. Every ranking officer shall uphold the responsibility entrusted to them to lead an individual or team.
Article 3: The true wealth of the organization is its members. Not in credits nor any other system of currency. As a member of the EG, I will place no other member above myself, wealth or materialism, reward or office.
Article 4: I will never forget that I am a member of the EG. I am responsible for my actions and dedicated to the principles upon which this organization was founded.
Article 5: All forms of mutiny, coercion, harassment and persecution will be met with swift and decisive action.
Article 6: All alts would be required to serve within the EG realm or its subsidiaries to best uphold organizational continuity, Hidden Affiliations are not allowed in the Star Empire
Article 7: Don’t forget to have fun together! If it looks interesting and sounds exciting encourage others to join you in your adventure. This is how we grow and establish lasting friendships that the heavens themselves will fail to contain.