Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


DustWatch Group / DUSTWATCH

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Transport
  • Trading

“You got a job, we can do it. Don’t much care what it is.”

Dust Watch Group is a light freight company with an emphasis on speed and security.


In the days after our founders compulsory military service for the Empire, they drifted from system to system. They took odd jobs where ever they could. They always found themselves serving as deckhands aboard various shipping and mining craft, long hours, high risk, little pay. Landing on earth at the end of one of these stints, the two founders looked at each other and words weren’t even necessary, a foreman’s boot on their necks was no different than an imperators, just a different color of the same bitter ration. It was time to strike out on their own.

Dustwatch Group was formed in 2944. Sounding much more organized than it actually was, the fleet was a ragtag group of decommissioned military ships and a few medium freighters, freelancer class.

Every penny of savings the two had were handed over for the incorporation tax to the empire and a tank of quantum fuel. Just a couple of pilots among the stars. They picked up a few like minded pilots and crew on their way out to the outer planets. They would develop their skills as top notch logistic pilots, outrunning Pirate and Vanduul alike. There was no love lost for the UEE patrols and cargo sweeps either. Whatever reputation DustWatch has, they’ve earned it.

DustWatch today is still the same ragtag fleet, just larger. We’re a fan of the underdog, the little guy. We know what it’s like to overcome.We know what it’s like to be be painted into a corner and just like you, we deliver on our promises. We may be a little rough around the edges, but you’ll find no better pilots and no better guns in the verse.


If you’re considering DUSTWATCH GROUP for your transportation or logistical needs, or even perhaps are looking for a career with DustWatch please consider the following Guidelines and Company Policies.

If you are a member of an organization who may be looking to use or contract DustWatch Group, Drop Data_Transfer or TheUndustable a line, we’re always looking to network and expand coverage to other parts of the verse.

DustWatch Group Member Guidelines

—- Real World Codes—

  • DustWatch members are always to conduct themselves with the utmost respect for the community.
  • DustWatch is a safe place for all members. Racism, sexism and anything else of the sort will not be tolerated.
  • DustWatch operators are 18yrs old or above.
  • Pilots flying for DustWatch are encouraged to keep an open dialogue with both DustWatch HQ and the end client.
  • Dustwatch Group owns and maintains a 25 slot Teamspeak Server for communication needs of all members, if you need the address, simply ask.

—On Role Play— (Personal Note from Data_Transfer)

*Roleplay is not compulsory, however, we’d like to see some level of immersion in the game. It’s certainly a personal choice, but getting lost in this game is something that people are going to do, we’d appreciate it if members who don’t wish to participate in the roleplay of others make an effort to not disrupt what others are trying to get out of their experience. This is not to say you have to play along, but you can simply ignore the roleplay of others. We want to encourage folks to have fun in the verse. At the end of the day, the game is what you make it.

—In Game Operator Code—

  • DustWatch finishes the job every time.
  • DustWatch Group, on the record, does not deal with nafarious goods or employ smugglers, officially.
  • Dustwatch Group doesn’t ask clients specifics about cargo, only general declared value questions to determine insurance costs.

*Dustwatch Group will be up front an honest with clients about their time frame and status when prompted.

*Dustwatch Group will make every effort to defend their cargo.

*Dustwatch Group Operators will NOT assault or take any malicious actions against another DWG Operator, Client, or Affiliate Organization.

DustWatch Group Client/Contracts Policies

  • Security will be on all freighter flights when available.
  • Quotes on Freighter Runs will be based on a Distance/Time+Risk Assessment equation.
  • Insurance on Cargo is available at 10% of the total cost of the goods being transported.
  • DustWatch will only take on contracts it can handle and will not sub-contract to any pilot/corporation that hasn’t been properly vetted.
  • Deliveries will be made in a prompt manner whenever possible. If there are extenuating circumstances the customer will be notified.


We Specialize in the escort, transport and all around safety of our brothers and sisters in the verse. Do you need a reliable transport to get from point A to point B and all the way to Z? We have you covered! Do you need an armed escort to make it through those tougher regions of space? WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED! The DustWatch group guarantees its customers the best quality of service for an affordable price that ensures an all around great experience. Contact us when the game launches and we’ll have your back through thick and thicker!