Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Deep Space Confederacy / DSCF

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Welcome aboard, to the Deep Space Confederacy’s page!

Feel free to take a look around into our ​own lil’ community of like-minded citizens, who are looking to strike out in search of fun and adventure throughout the Stanton system – and beyond.

You might even find a cool thing or two!



The Deep Space Confederacy was first founded by Kithikor Valdaine and Shawna Mufin, two freelancers working around the Sol System whom noticed a customer base that relied on them to get things done where law enforcement had fallen short or down-right failed. Valdaine soon met James Hill on an uneventful shipping run. Valdaine learned James had recently lost his shipping business due to an unfortunate run-in with pirates. Hill suggested on joining the team and even offered personel he knew, wanting a change from the backwater stops they were acustomed to. Mufin agreed to fund the organizations first Shipping and Security wing. Sadly, Mufin lost his life when pirates ambushed him on his way to the Stanton System. Kithikor was never able to find his friend’s remains or the where-abouts of the ‘Trenton’, the TC freighter Mufin piloted. Hill quietly left soon after, seeing the risk slowly over-shadow the rewards. Kithikor remains, vowing to keep the DSCF alive…


DSCF is a Freelancer/Security Corporation.
Contractual Agreements Only

Contract Types

Transport Requests (Consumer Goods)
Enforcements (Player Protection)
Security (Convoy Escorts)
Bounty Services


The Charter written herein is official. Any concerns about anything found within should be addressed to the leadership for adjustment concideration. No section of it’s current state is to change without a proper Council vote.


  1. 1. Ranks and Structure
    DSC is maintained by an official rank structure. Below is the list (ascending order) of our ranks and duties:
  • Founder
    Head of the Organisation. Decides apon any tied votes within the Council. Receives Admiral’s reports.
  • Admiral
    Council Member. Resolves any despute(s) brought to the Council by any Department Head(s) when in session. Overseer of all Department Heads.
  • Captain
    Department Head. Responsible for the construction and maintaining of any department duties. Executes official department operations. Responsible for department coffers.
  • Commander
    Second in command of respective department head. Executes official department operations when the Captain is off-duty.
  • Lt. Commander
    Co-ordinates medium to large tasks associated to their respective department.
  • Lieutenant
    Co-ordinates Small to medium tasks associated to their respective department.
  • Ensign
    Responcible for selecting a defined career goal. Will assist in any/all tasks needed.
  • Crewmen
    Entery-level rank. Can explore any/all career options.
  • Recruit
    Trial period rank.


  1. 2. Departments
    DSC is comprised of six departments. Below is each department and the duties assigned to each.
  • Military [Blood Ravens]
    Protection, Mercenary Contracts, Combat Operations.
  • Trade [Ruby Interstellar]
    Establishing/Maintaining Trade Routes, Solidifing NPC/Player Contractual Targets.
  • Industry [MadKat Industries]
    Mining, Mineral/Component Storage, Construction, Repairing (Ships, Settlements, ect.)
  • Logistics [Logistics Guild]
    Refueling/Reairming/Replenishing. (Ships, Settlements, ect.)
  • Medical [Search & Rescue]
    Responding/Locating Emergencies, Administering Required Medical Practices.
  • Salvage [Taggart Salvaging Inc.]
    Locating/Securing Crash Sites, Establishing Salvage Rights.


  1. 3. Organization Operations
    Official Ops must be approved/operated by the appropriate department heads. All currencies obtained by an Official Ops will be managed by the department head leading the Op. Currencies obtained by the Op will be distributed to the Coffer assigned to the department. Department heads must decide the distribution of such currencies to meet the most need of the department. Each department would set their own individual objectives respectfully.

Non-Official Ops are always encuraged.
Non-Official Ops will NOT be subject to the rules assigned to any Official Ops.

*working as a well-trained group to help everyone obtain their goals (Ships, Equipment, ect) Over time each Op member WILL see each of their goals reached!

Department Coffers
Coffers assigned to each department must be used as the single source of department funding. No Coffer should ever be mixed unless approved by the Council. Funds from the Coffer(s) MUST be in proper updated order and will be verified by random audits by the Council.


(Charter will be updating periodically at a later time/date as content becomes avalible)