United Empire Cartel / DRUG

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Smuggling
  • Trading


We make money move. Join us.
View our spectrum for more information.


Cartel Worth:
1,200,000 UEC


The link to our Discord is located on the organizations spectrum page.


Who are we?

The United Empire Cartel deals in organized illegal operations. We control key sectors in all 37 systems and smuggle substances across cities, outposts, and space stations. Our organization is filled with scammers, traders, and smugglers.


Present: Neon, SLAM, and Maze, has been low in demand. Currently smuggling Widow to various networks in the Stanton System.

2818: Voyager Direct founded for easy universal sales. The Cartel begins constructing a darknet version for sales.

2800: UEE builds “The Ark” A neutral zone of culture located in space for all the races in the universe. The Cartel utilizes it for small meetings.

2715: Government Military spread thin bracing for war with Xi’An, chasing down Vanduul raiders, and trying to maintain security on the human systems. The Cartel expands rapidly under the radar.

2603: The Second Tevarin War begins. The Cartel lends small financial support in trade for airspace.

2546: Ivar Messer, now promoted to commander, brings the captured Tevarin leader to the UPE floor. The Cartel flees Tevarin controlled systems to avoid impending heavy government population.

2541: The First Tevarin War begins after the races discovery. The Cartel makes arrangements with the Tevarin. Fueling their control in the war.

2533: Idris System Discovered. Cartel begins expansion.

2516: The Terra settlement was built on Planet 342A.03M inside the Terra System. The Cartel begins transporting to dealers inside the settlement.

2438: Government makes contact with Banu. The Cartel travels to their system to make smuggling arrangements.

2305: The Cartel begins smuggling “Maze” a nasty substance that puts the body to sleep but sends the head to the stars.

2300: The Cartel begins smuggling the party drug “Neon”. Similar to Ecstasy. Slight hallucinogenic, affects the nervous system.

2271: First jump Point discovered by Nick Croshaw. Giving the Cartel access to the cosmos.

2262: The Cartel sets base on a planet inside the Neso Triangle.

2250: Cartel begins smuggling “SLAM “ A fear-inhibitor and painkiller. Most commonly ingested as a gas.

2214: New version of the RSI engine released. Allowing The Cartel to smuggle illicit substances across the solar-system.

2157: 40% of The Cartel is relocated to Mars after it was officially classified as an oxygen-sustaining environment.

2100: Cartel begins smuggling “WiDoW” Thick ink-black Opiate. Exclusively injected as a liquid.

2075: Robert Space Industries introduced Quantum Core Engine Technology, allowing us to travel the stars with relative ease. With the new technology, we were able to expand our smuggling to multiple planets.

2050: Public space travel was introduced. Smuggling routes through our atmosphere were put in place.

2018: The Cartel was organized. Smuggling Marijuana, Meth, Cocaine, Heroine, MDMA, and military grade weapons.


Trade illegal drugs and resources to Space Stations, Cities, Players, and Outposts.

Wealth and Security

What does the Cartel expect from you?
While trading with The Cartel, you will be expected to deposit ONLY 10% of daily profits into The United Empire Cartel Bank Account

What will the money be used for?
  • Hiring outsiders in other organizations to assist YOU in moving high quantities of drugs under the radar.
  • Hiring Security teams.
  • Purchasing small to large Freighters for smuggling & trading.
  • Purchasing Luxury Ships for our leisure.

The Blacklist:


Rules & Regulations:
(These rules are not final, and will be discussed amongst the cartel)

CONTRIBUTE: Deposit 10% of daily earnings into Organizations bank account. (When feature is implemented)

DO NOT BETRAY THE CARTEL: If you are found giving information or details to other organizations, you will be terminated from the organization and placed on our Blacklist.