The Drake Crew / DRAKECREW

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Freelancing

We do the things that need doing. And some of the things that don’t.

We’re not evil, and we’re not dirty or rotten; but we just might kill you, if killing you is what needs doing.

Needs are of course ….determined by the Captain!


Weary of the constant bullshit and jaded by the never-ending bureaucracy, former workers and representatives of a major ship OEM formed a crew and decided to go privateer.

Once on their own they quickly discovered that the company they used to love had grown far more rotten than any of them had ever realized on their own. As they compared their first-hand insider accounts with each other, a larger picture emerged. One of not just corporate greed and boardroom skulduggery, but of an entity that had —while its marketing arms touted equality and concern for the common worker— in fact descended into truly depraved and evil actions. Enslaving involuntary workforces on far away moons, trading sentient beings as sex slaves and generally trafficking in suffering on a grand scale, all of it continuing to be done in the name of a few trillion extra UEC for the corporation’s dark accounts hidden away in unmonitored space far from regulatory eyes.

In hindsight they were all glad they left. The guilt of their prior corporate associations was coupled with an inherent sense of empathy for their less fortunate fellow citizens, and all of it continued to hover over their consciousness. When they came back together again, they formed a crew and decided to do something about it.

Something got done.

Here we are.


We’re not justice warriors, not legal, not really pirates either. Our informal intention is to disrupt the corporate world on behalf of the little folks, not to cause wanton chaos for everyone.

Are you flying a cargo Caterpillar, Hull, Starfarer, Freelancer, Prospector, Mole, Vulcan, Crucible, or a civilian craft for yourself? Are you perhaps not raping or enslaving anyone? Not hoarding resources from your fellow citizens? Well then, you have nothing to worry about from us!

Are you Hurston Security? Crusader Security? Arc Corp Security? Microtech Security? BlacJac Security, UEE Cops? Or perhaps a multi-billionaire who doesn’t ever give anything back to the community? Are you generally enabling/securing the oligarchy? Well then, we have plans for you. You might just find your assets missing, your houses on fire, your body considerably less contained than what it was when you last woke-up…. WE are YOUR problem.

We are the DRAKE CREW!


We support each other first:
  • The little guy second
  • Society third
  • The Oligarchs last
The Drake Crew does not ever:
  • Rape
  • Enslave
  • Allow slavers to live
  • Take from or otherwise grief the poor or average individual