Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Draco Ortu / DRACOORTU

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Draco Ortu strives to provide a content driven environment where members of the org will be able to find a role that fits their needs. Whether you wish to be a billionaire executive, or a Special Operations Operative making the verse a little safer/UN-safer. You are sure to find your place in Draco


Draco Ortu was founded recently by long term friends. During the rapid increased of lawlessness in the Stanton system we saw a need for an Organization who could operate outside of the rules governing the UEE Navy to get the things done which is normally not spoken off. DO was never going to be a pirate outfit but rather the go to ORG to get things done whether it being above board or not. Knowing that an ORG cannot operate without funding DO not only focuses on combat operations but also actively engages in Commercial activities such as Mining and Trading to provide funding for the security branch.

“Obedience Breeds Discipline, Discipline Breeds Unity, Unity Breeds Power”


65th Badgers and 2B fighter wing are the private military arm of DO, aimed at providing combat content in Star Citizen with weekly operations and training in a Role Play Environment. The focus of the standing force is to become proficient in both First person combat as well as Vehicle combat operations in both space and on land.

Security Branch:

• Applicant: All prospecting recruits awaiting Basic training.
• Recruit: Players who completed Basic training.
• Enlisted: Players who completed Enlisted training.
• Special Operations: Player who completed Special operations training.

DO offers different levels of training within both branches of the Organization. To be able to part take in training exercises you will be required to show up on time and at the place as mentioned in the training briefing that will be posted in Discord well ahead of time. You will further need to be able to connect the Discord VOIP system and be able to transmit and receive audio communications.


Members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner when in training and on Combat operations.

TDB-Trade and Development Branch Orientation Course:

Route planning.
Trade route development.
Mining Basics.
Even though DO is more of a paramilitary organization we do however have a approach to the corporate section of our business is profit driven, where you are rewarded for what you put into the Organization.

Security Training Courses:

Enlisted Training course:
Enlisted Training is a course where Recruits take part in a comprehensive training regiment, once a Recruit passes Enlistment training they will be awarded the rank of Enlisted.

Special Operations Training Course:
The scope of operations that DO require a Special type of training to cover all aspects of the combat and security. Only Enlisted personnel can apply for Special Operations training.

DO is a Casual/Regular ORG where your commitment to the Organization will be rewarded with Rank and Role, as well as in game riches. We do not have a mandatory commitment schedule but ask members to part-take in Org activities at least once every 2 weeks.

Ship Purchase Program:
DO has a in game program called the SPP where the org provides in game finances to players to acquire the needed in game Ship and Equipment to be a successful and valued member in the organization. (T’s and C’s apply)

The training is ever expanding as new futures are add to Star Citizen.

Basic Orientation course: Aimed at the newest of players in the verve to help you find your feet in this epic verse.

Enlisted Training course: This course covers a multitude of tactics and skills from FPS combat to Flight combat tactics and lots more.

Special Operations Training Course: The Special Operations training is for the diehard members of the Org who wish to be the tip of the spear, or the silent blade that stops a full-scale conflict before it even starts.

The courses mentioned above is only a overview of the 3 levels of training offered, each level has multiple courses covering specific parts of First person combat well as ship-to-ship combat.

Thank you