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Doughnut Haus Contracting / DOUGHNUT

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Transport

Doughnut Haus Contracting focuses on high value transport and escort. Whatever it is, and wherever it is going, we’ll get it there.


In 2783 a pair of friends, Erik Schmidt and Lucas Palmer sat down at a rest stop after having just picked up a refurbished RSI Constellation Andromeda they had named the “Ghostly Gambler”. The plan had been to start offering freelance hauling services by purchasing a gently used Constellation Taurus, but the pair had set their eyes on the aged spaceframe of the Andromeda, and as seasoned military pilots, knew they had to have it. The small dinner they found themselves in was called “The Doughnut House”, and while a waitress asked them what the name was of their business, Erik sputtered “uh- Doughnut Haus Contracting.”

The name stuck.

From there, the pair offered low-cost, high-value transport, with Erik piloting the Connie and Lucas flying the attached Kruger P-52. For the first few years it was just ubiquitous space trucking, never able to really match the availability of larger shipping concerns, but always able to make a profit. As they evolved, however, they managed to secure hore high-value transport contracts, moving delicate or otherwise sensitive goods. This drew the attention of several orgs who were worried about piracy and wanted to move goods through back channels with as little attention as possible. By 2793 they had come to be well regarded for their discretion, which could have earned them trouble if it had not been for the Ark project.

The Ark

When construction of the Ark began in 2794, the need to move highly sensitive (and sought after by pirates) goods came into question. Supply convoys were all fine and good, but pirates looking for an easy score – or worse, a high-value set of hostages – were not something the UEE wanted to deal with. So a way to move these highly sensitive goods was required. On August 18th, 2794, Erik and Lucas were sent a request for a meeting with who they thought was going to be a supply chain manager of a subsidiary of Kruger intergalactic. Instead, they found themselves in a secure room with a representative of the UEE. The pair were offered a simple deal, the signing of an NDA and the opportunity to transport a series of delicate and time-sensitive electronics components on a regular. The only addition to the requirement was to have a pair of onboard security added to the ship.

This saw the introduction of the twin, Leyla and Mica Hughes who would end up becoming permanent employees after. The team would run cargo operations for the Ark project for almost its entirety, being released shortly before Secretary Leon was elected Imperator. And while the flow of easily accessible credits was no longer available, having a long-standing time operating as a solid crew for the rest of their days.

The company would go on to turn a profit for many years, operating off their reputation for several decades before Lucas passed away and Erik retired in 2842. The old Constellation was put into storage with Erik’s grandson, where it would remain for years.


In 2950, after nearly a century of sitting in storage, the Schmidt family, who had long since closed to ailing company sought to sell off its assets, including the ship. A young entrepreneur purchased the ship after selling his Reliant KORE he had only just recently purchased to fund the project. His father, who was retiring as a freelance security officer also pitched in with the sale of his Freelancer, and bought the old Andromeda to begin refit. When asked about the company logo emblazoned on the side, the kid – one Eli Martin – was simply told “it had been in the family.” looking for a name for his new High-Value Transport business, Eli asked to buy the name along with the ship, something the Schmidt family was happy to sell.

With barely any credits and a reputation as having worked under his father, Eli set out with his new company to secure contracts to grow and expand the business. Now, instead of hauling cargo, the old Connie now works as a gunship and small-scale troop transport, with a minor side of cargo when needed.

The group is small, operating only a handful of ships, but their skills and numbers look to be ready to grow.


“Do the right thing – always.”

Doughnut Haus Contracting has had two lives, one born of a group of friends coming together to do the dirty work that needed to be done, and a second from a father and son providing a service more people seem to need every day. Whether it’s providing a security detail to a remote mining facility, or delivering goods in the corners of know Empire space, Doughnut Haus Contracting has always aspired to do the right thing.


Doughnut Haus Contracting Charter

DHC is a high-value transport Corporation, focused on the movement of goods and people that require a higher degree of security and discretion.


C-Suite represents the top of the company structure. Members of the C-Suite have direct control over aspects such as approval of new recruits, management of Org resources, and creation of new Divisions of the Org.

Current C-Suite Members:
Chief Executive Officer (and Co-Founder) – AloneDoughnut [Doughnut | David]
Chief Financial Officer (and Co-Founder) – Jonny VDV [Jonny | Jon]

Board Member
Board Members oversee either specific roles or functions of the Org. These are the members who will occupy the head roles of the corporation, and are assigned to

Current Board Members:
Vice President of Transport and Logistics Division – Vik
Vice President of Escort Division – Benny
Available Positions:
Vice President of G-Sec Operations
Vice President of Extra-Org Relations

Partners are those who rise through the ranks, and lead Departments inside different Divisions. They are chosen on merit, from those who either are responsible for large recruitment drives or who work their way up.

Partners will be tasked with setting up their own larger groups within the Org, and often act as the 2IC for Divisions, or run full Departments on their own. These positions are hand picked by the Board of Directors and the C-Suite to take on these roles. While a role may be represented, it may not be open or available.

Available Positions:
Mining Operations Director
Transport Operations Director
Medical Operations Director
Fighter Operations Director
Gunboat Operations Director
Security Operations Director
Marine Operations Director

Senior Account Managers
Senior Account Managers are those entrusted to run crews. They oversee day-to-day operations of their crews, regardless of Division, and maintain uniformity and care of those under them. These will be the Captains of larger transport ships, leaders of Squads as part of G-Sec, or Squadron leaders as part of the Escort Division.

Available Positions:
Transport and Logistics
Convoy Manager
Ship’s Captain
Escort Mission Manager
Squadron Leader
G-Sec Field Manager
Security Supervisor | Marine Supervisor

Account Manager
These are the first level of managers in the various Divisions. They will likely be in charge of smaller teams under a Senior Account Manager. This might be leading a Fire Team as part of G-Sec, or acting as the Executive Officer aboard a transport.

Available Positions:
Transport and Logistics
First Officer | Quartermaster
Element Leader
Security Officer | Marine Officer

Assistants are the first of the “skilled” positions in DHC. Once you have chosen your primary career path, you move into the assistant phase. For the most part, people in this phase are to assist their teams with various operations.

Available Positions:
Transport and Logistics
Turret Gunner | Controller/Accountant
Security Operative | Marine Operative
Security Recruit | Marine Recruit
Combat Pilot
Combat Systems Operator

When a new member looks to join Doughnut Haus Contracting, they first join as a Junior. This is the position used for evaluation, where the new member has a chance to choose their career path. Once accepted into the team, they move up to being an Assistant.

Inside DHC there are several divisions that exist and are required to maintain the operations of the Org.

Transport and Logistics Divisions
Transport and Logistics is the bread and butter of Doughnut Haus Contracting. Focus is on the key transporting jobs and moving of critical goods as needed. Some might fly large transport ships, focusing on goods for customer delivery. Some might be tasked with recovering packages on far flung planets. Others still will operate mining ships, farming for valuable ores and resources. Instead your career path might focus on recovering the injured or sick. Don your fines dress attire and ensure the comfort, and safety, of our VIP guests. No matter the dream, the Transport and Logistics Division will have a home for you.

All members who work as part of the T&L team start in the same position, as handlers. They will be responsible for the movement of goods onto cargo transports, or on VIP transports act as stewards to the guests on the ship. Cargo handling, ship maintenance, and other mundane but essential tasks are undertaken by these associates.

Once you have worked as a handler you can begin training in one off two branches of operation, to become a pilot or to become a quartermaster.

Pilots are tested first with a small transport mission, required to successfully pilot a small cargo ship such as a Reliant or Avenger, with the overwatch off a senior pilot. Once successfully demonstrating their ability, they can be moved to a co-pilot status on a larger transport, where they will run as the Executive Officer and operations commander. Once they have shown their leadership, they will be given a period of evaluation, where a senior pilot will act as their XO until they pass evaluation. At this point they will be allowed to take on missions with a crew on their own. Pilots must be certified on the type of ship they plan to operate, and will require seniority and recertification if they wish to move to larger ships.

Quartermasters are responsible for the management of cargo operations and keeping detailed notes. While not the most glorious of postings, this role is critical to ensuring success. Whether the crew is unloading cargo from a rescue operation, moving from DHC outposts to necessary areas, or tracking the purchase of goods and the movement of all cargo on a DHC vessel. These will start as senior handlers, who will help move goods while also tracking goods under a trained QM, who will verify their work. If successful and well reviewed, they can become a ship quartermaster, taking over watching over operations on a ship, usually starting on a smaller Constellation or Freelancer, before moving to larger ships. Quartermasters can also take postings as DHC controlled bases, and manage inventory and logistics. The top position for Quartermasters inside DHC is System Coordination Specialists, who manage an entire star system that DHC operates inside of.

The top overall position for a member of the division, before moving into upper management is the Convoy Manager position. This position is two fold, managing the transport and logistics ships in the Fleet, as well as coordinating cargo delivery. Traditionally this role is given to the senior-most Captain of a convoy, however based on experience the role could fall to a Quartermaster who has experience in the overall movement of goods and services. If there is no assigned Convoy Manager for a convoy, it falls to the senior most ship captain by default.

Divisional Structure
Vice President (VP) of Transport and Logistics
Mining Operations Director | Transport Operations Director | Medical Operations Director
Convoy Manager
Ship’s Captain
First Officer (Co-Pilot) | Quarter Master
Turret Gunner | Controller/Accountant

Escort Division
There is no safer space than inside the UEE – but that doesn’t negate risk. Xenothreat, Nine Tails, or the Vanduul, all look for an easy mark. To ensure the convoys and operations of Doughnut Haus Contracting are safe, we have the Escort Division. We task Escort division with guarding the local volume around our convoys. Fighter escorts, dropships, and even sometimes airspace-denial vehicles are employed here. If you are looking for fast paced ship combat, look no further than the Escort Division.

Division Structure
Vice President (VP) of Escort Operations
Fighter Operations Director | Gunboat Operations Director
Escort Mission Manager
Squadron Leader
Element Leader
Combat Pilot
Combat Systems Operator

G-Sec Division

When it comes to the security of our convoys and operations, we only trust the best. DHC, as a result, employs its own Marine-Security forces known as G-Sec Division. Tasked with the protection of assets in transit, and securing assets on the ground. Whether it is a VIP on his 890 Jump, or precious cargo aboard our C2 Fleet. Security Operators ensure the cargo arrives safe.

The choice to undertake a security role shouldn’t be made lightly. The is the Division that puts it’s life on the line for the people of DHC. Hostile boarders, pirates and raiders all look our T&LD ships as easy prey. They will be more than happy to put a bullet in anyone in their way, which could be you. If you’re looking for a fast career, carrying the big guns and running head first into combat, then consider a security role. Security Operators can expect a regular rush of activity, and a chance to carve out their own way forward.

Division Structure
Vice President (VP) of G-Sec Operations
Security Operations Director | Marine Operations Director
G-Sec Field Manager
Security Supervisor | Marine Supervisor
Security Officer | Marine Officer
Security Operative | Marine Operative
Security Recruit | Marine Recruit

Players interested in joining the G-Sec Division will be required to undergo basic combat evaluation to ensure they are ready for combat. Upon completion of the evaluation the member will be moved into a Recruit role. Promotion from Recruit to Operative is based on time in and recommendation of Officers and Supervisors. Operative grants no command authority, merely a priority in being chosen for missions.