Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Framework Syndicate Group / DINDSS

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

Welcome to Frameworks, here we strive for dominance in the fields of security, intelligence, reconnaissance, mining and various other up and coming fields. Please feel free to inquire about further opportunities with Frameworks at


Our FLEETBOSS has released the Frameworks Narrative, please see below.

In the early days of the year 2922,a rogue group of leaders within Dominion Industries took it upon themselves to develop a way to cripple competing shipping and industrial entities. This method, a virus, was released into the Terra System’s second largest shipping lane through a buoy under the name DeathGrrrr and spread like a raging inferno across 12 systems costing billions upon billions of dollars in corporate damages to everything it touched that did not fly the Dominion Industries flag. Soon, leadership of Dominion caught wind and decided to revoke certain essential privileges to this renegade group (i.e. food, water, communications) to handle the situation. Shortly after, a plan was concocted to leave the Terra system but like the perpetrators, it too faded out of existence rather quickly.

In August of 2941, the Historical Truth Act was passed and with its millions of articles, photos, studies, and more that became public, so too did the suspicion of the identity of the DeathGrrrr Attack’s creator. The Dominion leadership quickly revived and enacted its long-forgotten plan to vacate the system and split the organization into two separate fleets, the First Fleet would occupy the Stanton System while the Second Fleet would move to the Pyro System.

In 2943, the split was complete and the First Fleet and Second Fleet were activated, this time under a different banner. No longer did they fly the flag of the industrial conglomerate Dominion Industries, but now the privateering organization known as The Frameworks Syndicate Group. Shortly after, the Fleets’ leadership formally established their current chain of command, with founder and long-time leader ArchitectMacabre as their FLEETBOSS with long-time advisor and favorite for the position, ValhallasJava as his Deputy FLEETBOSS.

By 2952, growth of Frameworks had accelerated but the link between First Fleet and Second Fleet had been severed with the UEE closing the Stanton-Pyro Jump Gate. At this time, the Second Fleet has made communication efforts successfully with First Fleet and they have rejoined as the Frameworks Privateering Fleet under the banner of FLEETBOSS ArchitectMacabre with two additional FLEETBOSS leaders emerging, CrazyL33 and Zuladan after Deputy FLEETBOSS ValhallasJava stepped down and his Deputy title was made defunct. Currently, the Privateering Fleet is still rebuilding as well as improving its capabilities in preparation for the next phase of the FLEETBOSS’ plans for expansion.


Our FLEETBOSS has released the Frameworks Manifesto, please see below. Our FLEETBOSS has released the Frameworks Manifesto, please see below.

Frameworks exists for the purpose of dominance. We have reached into all types of gameplay to ensure that Frameworks is well-versed in all The Verse has to offer but like anybody else, we found what works best for us as well as what we enjoy. We currently utilize the following gameplay loops in The Verse:

-Salvage and Commerce
-Ground Combat/Siege Warfare
-Ship-to-ship combat

We venture into our respective fields with knowledge and a sense of curiosity, always trying to learn how to better ourselves and Frameworks as a whole. Whether we are salvaging anything from an Arrow to an Idris-M, fighting some of the Verse’s largest and most active Orgs, or stealing and holding Jumptown for a full 8 hour cycle, we try to do so with a sense of commitment and decency.

This is only a portion of what we are here to do. We cannot do this without being able to be cohesive, effective. Without these two attributes, we cannot act towards our individual and organization’s goals of expanding our coverage and control throughout the different systems. Frameworks does not tolerate any behavior deemed detrimental to this core belief.

We are few, but we are legion.


Our FLEETBOSS has released the Frameworks Charter, please see below.

The Frameworks Charter states that members cannot pad ram, cannot exploit safe zones, and should avoid provoking without firing in order to prevent the loss of Frameworks’ tactical assets. The main strategy of Frameworks is to work smart and not hard in order to achieve excellence and dominance in the systems that we inhabit. However, with that being said we also like to experiment and see what shenanigans we can get into and testing what we can get away with. Additionally, we can utilize this Charter and still have a “FAFO” mindset for those who wish to engage us in an unprofessional/impolite manner.