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Dark Cerberus / DCER

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Infiltration

“We’re just a group of space outlaws making credits anyway we can, come and see what Cerberus can do for you”


I, Mission impala, was once a major of the prestigious militia guild, The Templar Knights. But I soon realized that the guild, like many other organizations in the galaxy, was losing it’s focus and members were going all for them selves . I saw the guild members become more for themselves and not look out for their fellow members and not follow higher ranking personnel .I saw that it just wasn’t a place for me anymore. No matter what I tried to do to help I just saw members drift away.

I decided to leave the Templars as major and go on my own, to build something that operates outside of the law but do what’s right. I gathered a small group of like-minded individuals, all of whom shared my vision for a mercenary organization that would be guided by principles of fairness and the mighty credit. Together, we founded the Dark Cerberus Syndicate.

The Dark Cerberus Syndicate quickly gained a reputation for being highly skilled and efficient, but also for being selective about the jobs we took on. We only accepted jobs that would not cause unnecessary casualties to civilians, Or to get a knock on the door from nine tails…. , and we made sure to be well-compensated for the risks we were taking. We were hired out to the highest bidder, whether it be government, corporations or individuals, to perform the job, whether legal or illegal.

As the years passed, the Dark Cerberus Syndicate stayed under the Empire’s radar, becoming one of the most sought-after mercenary organizations in the galaxy. We took on high-profile jobs, such as bodyguard, escorting, and security, as well as more dangerous jobs like assassination and sabotage, but always with the principle of completing the mission and get the loot no unnecessary casualties .

Despite the efforts of law enforcement agencies and other groups to bring us down, the Dark Cerberus Syndicate has managed to survive by dwelling in the shadows of the underworld. We have powerful connections, and strong wills that makes us a formidable force to those against us. we keep ourselves in a shadows of the underworld. My goal was to create a powerful force that would take on the dangerous jobs, but always with a moral code and fairness to the people we deal with, and I am proud to say that we have achieved that goal. WE MAYBE OUTLAWS BUT WE GET THE JOB DONE!


The Dark Cerberus Syndicate is a growing mercenary organization that operates outside of the law. Our views, intentions, and motives are guided by principles of fairness and morals.

We believe that the galaxy is overrun by corruption and greed, and that those in power often use their wealth and influence to exploit the weak and vulnerable. We see ourselves as outlaw guns for hire, using our skills and resources to throw a wrench into the Empire’s oppression and injustice.

Our intention is to provide high-quality services to the whoever will pay, whether it be corporations or individuals, Or even the underworld to perform the job others find to much to handle, whether legal or illegal. We strive to be the best in our field, and we are constantly working to improve our skills and to stay ahead of the game.

Our motive is to make profit, but not at the expense of hurting innocent people . We are guided by a strong moral code and we will not take on jobs that would hurt innocent people. We believe in being well-compensated for the risks we take, and we will not be taken advantage of by our clients.

In summary, The Dark Cerberus Syndicate is a band of outlaw mercenaries that operates outside of the law, with a strong will to complete the mission. We are guided by principles and our intentions are to provide high-quality services, to make profit without taking innocent lives, and to be respected and well-compensated for the risks we take. We don’t kill for fun.


Charter of the Dark Cerberus Syndicate:

We are a growing mercenary organization that operates outside of the law.
Our views, intentions, and motives are guided by principles of fairness and loyalty.
We believe in protecting the innocent and fighting against oppression and injustice.
Our intention is to provide high-quality services to the highest bidder, whether it be corporations, individuals or the underworld to perform the job, whether legal or illegal.
We strive to be the best in our field and to stay ahead of our competitors.
Our motive is to make profit, but not at the expense of innocent lives.
We will not take on jobs that would harm innocent people.
We believe in being well-compensated for the risks we take, and we will not be taken advantage of by our clients.
We are guided by a strong moral code and will not take actions that goes against it.
Our members must follow the chain of command and maintain secrecy.
Members are expected to always put the interests of the organization and have each others back.
We will not tolerate any form of betrayal or disloyalty.
We, the members of the Dark Cerberus outlaws, pledge to abide by this charter and to uphold the values and principles that it represents. We will work together to achieve our goals, and we will not rest until we have established ourselves as the premier mercenary organization in the galaxy.