Supply or Die

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D-Block / DBLOCK

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Infiltration
  • Piracy

D-Block, the shadow that looms over the Klescher Rehabilitation Facility in the Stanton system, is a name that echoes with notoriety and fear. This ruthless prison gang has carved out a reputation for being the most formidable and unforgiving faction within the facility’s harsh, unforgiving walls.


Known for their merciless control, D-Block operates under a strict code that prioritizes strength, loyalty, and power. They are the unseen rulers of the prison’s underbelly, orchestrating a network of illicit activities that range from contraband smuggling to brutal enforcement of their own twisted form of justice.

Inmates who cross paths with D-Block often find themselves facing a grim fate. The gang does not tolerate weakness or betrayal, and those who fall out of favor are met with swift and severe retribution. Their influence is so pervasive that even the guards turn a blind eye to their reign of terror, knowing full well the consequences of interference.

At the heart of D-Block’s operations is the relentless pursuit of Merits, the prison’s currency, which they accumulate through mining labor and other means. They use these Merits to exert control over the prison’s economy, trading favors, and commodities to maintain their dominance.

For those seeking to escape the clutches of D-Block, the path is fraught with peril. The gang has eyes and ears everywhere, and any attempt at escape or rebellion is met with a violent crackdown. Yet, despite the danger, some still dare to dream of freedom, plotting their escape from the facility and the tyrannical grip of D-Block.

In summary, D-Block is not just a prison gang; it is a force to be reckoned with, a symbol of fear and power within the Star Citizen universe. Their ruthless nature and iron-fisted rule are a testament to the dark depths of human depravity, even in the far reaches of space.


In the unforgiving depths of Klescher, where hope is a rare commodity, we, D-Block, claim mastery over our fate. Shadow rulers of these mines, our creed is simple: Survival. Power. Brotherhood. Our mission is to carve out a realm where the forgotten and condemned are named, purposed, and familial. As the unseen hand, we guide contraband’s flow, whisper threats to keep debts paid, and rule with an iron fist. The shank commands respect, serving as judge and jury—combat proves your worth, steel earns your place. Every D-Block member is kin in this underworld; we bleed and rise together. We control the trade; narcotics to merits, if it holds value, it passes through us. We don’t just recruit; we curate. Seeking artisans of crime, those who craft legacies with their deeds. To those who etch their names into the underworld’s annals, boundless wealth and reverence await. Cross us, and face obliteration. We are the lifeblood of the shadows, the true patrons of Klescher. In solidarity, we find might; in supremacy, we find sovereignty. Defy us at your own peril; we are the tempest within these walls, our influence, limitless.

D-Block: Not just a gang, but a legacy.


We, the sovereign criminals of Klescher, ordain and establish this Charter to form a more perfect union of outlaws, establish justice within Klescher, provide common defense, promote the welfare of our members, and secure liberty’s blessings. The name of this organization is D-Block, exercising full sovereignty over its affairs within Klescher Rehabilitation Facility. Our purpose is to maintain order and control, provide protection and support to members, control the flow of illegal goods and merits, and uphold our reputation and power. Membership is granted to those who demonstrate loyalty, strength, and value, and members must abide by our laws and ethos; betrayal or disloyalty is grounds for expulsion and retribution. Governance is by a council of the highest-ranking members, making decisions by consensus or majority vote, with the leader having the final say in a tie. The council enforces D-Block laws and executes its purpose. Members respect the shank as a symbol of power and order, settle disputes through the council or trial by combat, and contribute to our collective goals and operations. Amendments to this Charter require a two-thirds council vote.