Admiralty Trading Co. / DARKGUARD

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  • Role play
  • Security
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Serve with honour
Reap a rich reward

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Based on the Australian shard.
Go to the Admiralty Trading Co Website…



Originally founded in 2944 by Namarie Iyer as a small freelancing operation in the Terra system, The Admiralty Trading Company soon grew to a moderate sized venture primarily operating in shipping and commodity trading. Around this time the company entered into a merger with The Dark Gaurd mercenary company led by Captain Galaxy, keeping the Admiralty Trading Co. name, but coming under the joint leadership of both Namarie and Galaxy.

In 2947 the company extended their services to the neighbouring Stanton system who’s corporate overlords had begun to rely extensively on private security and mercenaries to counter increased pirate and outlaw activity. While the company continued to trade and haul commodities, at this time it the mercenary and bounty hunting arms of the organisation grew dramatically to meet the newfound demand of the Stanton system.

By 2954 the company had amassed a small fleet of combat vessels including several small capital ships as well as an array of fighters. This fleet was used to great effect during the Slicer incursions into Stanton from the neighbouring Pyro system. Following this success, the company began armed forays into Pyro of it’s own accord, hunting down bounties and retrieving valuable cargo from the lawless system.

Current Day

The Admiralty Trading Company now operates from a base of operations on Cascom in the Castra system, offering services to many of the nearby systems. The day to day operations of the organisation continue to balance both transport of goods and private security work, although the company often takes other types of legal work if an honest credit can be made.


The Admiralty Trading Company

Founded on a belief of success through honest work, the Admiralty Trading Co. carries out maritime work throughout both UEE and unclaimed space. While we started out as just a trading company, we discovered that not everyone is prepared to find success through their own merits and would rather prey on those who are vulnerable, therefore we have since extended our operations to offer protective services to those who would otherwise be victims of dishonest men.

If there is an evident act of intimidation being carried out, We will intervene
If there is an evident act of piracy being carried out, We will intervene
If there is an evident act of exploitation being carried out, We will intervene

Our Fleet Includes:

1x RSI Polaris (Torpedo Carrier)
1x RSI Perseus (Gunboat/Patrol Vessel)
+ Various other small ships


1. Member Qualifications

1.1) Members must have completed at least one tour of duty with the UEE Military and received an honourable discharge.

1.2) Members must own an insured ship or have reliable access to one.

1.3) Members must not have any ties to any criminal or outlaw organisation.

2. Code of Conduct

2.1) No racial, sexual or otherwise offensive slurs at any time

2.2) Ramming, except as an absolute last resort or in a specialist craft designed for it, is prohibited

2.3) Other malicious or “troll” acts are prohibited to be undertaken while representing the company

2.4) When participating in company military operations the chain of command must be strictly followed, this includes:
- a) Following the direct orders of your superior officers promptly and without question in a combat scenario
- b) Not harassing or needlessly interrupting operation commanders during operations

3. Organisation Structure

3.1) When operating solo, or with less than four (4) members, members may choose are advised to operate outside of company rank structure, otherwise adhering to rank structure is advised and senior officers have the right to assert their authority.

3.2) Company rank structure is separated into three categories;
- a) Military
- b) Commercial
- c) Administrative

3.3) Military ranks are used when the company is executing a military, private security, or bounty hunting operation. The ranks in order of ascending seniority are as follows;
- a) Cadet
- b) Ensign
- c) Lieutenant (1st to 3rd)
- d) Captain
- e) Fleet Admiral

3.4) Commerce ranks are used when the company is executing a trading, hauling, or other peaceful operation. The ranks in order of ascending seniority are as follows;
- a) Cadet
- b) Crewmate
- d) Captain

3.5) Administrative ranks are held alongside other ranks and denote special or particular duties within the organisation, these include;
- a) Admiral
- b) Logistics Officer
- c) Strategic Officer
- d) Diplomatic Officer

3.6) An officer may choose to or be required to act in place of a lower rank member in a situation where they are needed or their regular command is not involved in the operation. In such an event the officer will take the duties assigned to them and take a temporary rank that will be assigned to them. In this case the officer may only give orders to the extent their temporary rank would normally allow.

This Charter is subject to change and WILL be updated as needed