Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Contact Zero / CZ0

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Infiltration
  • Security

Welcome to c.Z

A haven for the wanted and greedy.

We can provide services including:

- Security
- Smuggling
- Bounty Hunters
- Guns For Hire
- Pilots For Hire
- Exploration
- Industrial / Trading

Contracts / Diplomacy / Recruitment –


Our Motto:
Through strength and cunning.

Established on January 7th, 2016 / 2946

The organization’s inception took place in the shadows of Grim Hex, where a small team assembled to handle various tasks, including cargo runs, smuggling, and hired hits. The group consisted of former UEE personnel who had been abandoned after the Battle of Vega II. As they grew familiar with each other’s skills, they decided to formalize their collaboration and establish an official PMC company known as Contact Zero. Over time, the organization progressed from the dark days of Grim Hex saloons to owning a small office on the planet ArcCorp (Stanton III). This became their operational base, providing excellent services and employment opportunities in security and combat for those willing to join their ranks.

RP Role:

Contact Zero boasts a versatile crew capable of undertaking various roles. They offer work in logistics, such as cargo support teams, as well as their main force, which specializes in defensive and offensive contract work. Additionally, the organization maintains a dedicated reconnaissance team that prioritizes gathering high-quality intel to aid in all aspects of their operations, ensuring success in achieving the company’s goals.

While primarily a legitimate company, Contact Zero occasionally engages in minor illegal activities, including immigration and drugs/arms trafficking. Operating in small teams or forming convoys, they maintain a strong focus on the security and protection of the company.


Contact Zero’s mission statement:
To provide forces needed to ensure the protection of Contact Zero’s objectives.

Our motto:
By strength by guile.

Some of the Contact Zero different focus areas for our community;

- Star Citizen
- Armed Assault
- Rainbow Six Seige
- Anything else!

Of course, you can also join Contact Zero as a casual member and just enjoy the community and gaming with friends.

We offer members of the community;

- Dedicated Servers
- Discord
- Forums

You can help direct the community, voice your views on what games you would like us to focus on with dedicated servers.

Why Join Contact Zero?


Contact Zero has a massive focused on most of the aspects of gameplay that players can find in Star Citizen. If you are into making money for wealth or power where there is money to be made then that is C.z, Maybe you want to join a team and hunt down a hardcore pirate gang for glory and bragging right? then that is C.z, Perhaps you wish to trade goods or even transport manufacture consumables then that is C.z, Want to be the first to explore the galaxy then that is C.z, Here at Contact zero, we strive to make this game most enjoyable for everyone who joins in at C.z and the Star Citizen as a whole. So what is it you want if you want it all then that is C.z!

Membership Requirements
· Must have and use Discord; headset strongly recommended
· Must be mature
· Must not cause drama
· Must be loyal to Contact Zero however you may be a part of any other organization however, you will carry now rank or be given special items or privileges in the org.

Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in expulsion.



Our Role:
Working as an elite organized unit to demonstrate we are not a force to be reckoned with. We have specialist detachments that provide logistics, area reconnaissance; Offensive action and immediate response military counter measures. We do not look for fights but we will happily end them.

Recruitment Policy:

Players who apply to Contact Zero understand that they will be subject to the following:

  • Interview
  • Employment histories (and certificates of termination).
  • CZ0’s Training Program

Member Affiliation:

CZ0 members may register membership with other organizations as affiliates as they see fit. Networking is allowed and encouraged.
Players looking to affiliate with CZ0 may only do so for three reasons:

  • The 30 Day Membership Trial period.
  • Client affiliation for ease of tracking.
  • Members who own orgs for when they play with their friends.