Supply or Die

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Special Circumstances / CULTURE

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Security

Special Circumstances:

An organisation focused on exploration, escort, mercenary work and trading.

Funny, satirical ship names are a must in tribute of the late great Iain M Banks

Click here for dedicated Special Circumstances Forum


[Transmission Begins]
Welcome, agent.

You will note that your official UEEN rank (where appropriate) has been suspended whilst on secondment to Special Circumstances.
You will please remove all official insignia and marks of ranks and replace with the Special Circumstances unit patch.
Your ship designations should use Special Circumstances designator style with clarity of purpose.
Special Circumstance has no official UEEN unit designation. UEE Central Government disavows all knowledge of any unit operating under the designation ‘Special Circumstances’.

Please pay attention to requests issued to you by your recruiting agent, and keep this receiving com channel open.

More information will follow.
[Transmission Ends]

Iain M Banks (RIP), created some brilliant and funny ship names and this was one of the inspirations behind creating a Culture based organisation. So here is a list of member’s ships with names:

CCO “Kiss My Assets”Aegis Idris M

CGV “This time next year, No-one will Care”MISC Endeavour

GPV “Peace, Love and Cocaine”Origin Jumpworks 890 Jump

GXV “Temporarily Misplaced”Anvil Carrack

GSV “Jack the Stripper”Aegis Reclaimer

HTL “Invisible Hand”Hull C

HCB “World Without End”Aegis Retaliator Bomber

HSV “Space Cow”MISC Starfarer

LXV “Warning – May Contain Nuts”RSI Constellation Aquila

LXV “I Can See the Pub From Here!”RSI Constellation Aquila

LTV “No Credit Extended”RSI Constellation Taurus

LRISMART Failure Imminent”Crusader Mercury Star Runner

LTV “Sorry We Missed You”MISC Hull B

MCD “Through Adversity”Aegis Redeemer

MCB “Landscape Gardening Can be Fun”- *Aegis Vanguard Harbinger

MCO “So, I Was In The Area”Aegis Vanguard Warden

MCO “Ignorance is Miss”MISC Freelancer MIS

MXV “Creature Comfort”MISC Freelancer

SCO “Don’t Make Me Come Back There”Anvil Super Hornet F7C-M

SCO “Reluctant Pacifistic tendencies”Anvil Super Hornet F7C-M

SCB “The Bigger They Come”Anvil Gladiator

SCO “Disciplinary Meeting”Aegis Sabre

SCO “Was that a Rhetorical Question?”Aegis Sabre

SCO “A Stab In The Dark”Aegis Sabre

SCO “I have no mouth, and must scream”Aegis Sabre

SEI “Go on, I’m listening”Drake Herald

SXV “Just Browsing”Origin Jumpworks 315p

SXV “Don’t mind if I do…”Origin Jumpworks 315p

SCV “Looking for Trouble”Origin Jumpworks 300i

SCV “Eve of Potential Destruction”Aegis Avenger Stalker

SCO “Fly In Your Ointment”Consolidated Outland Mustang Delta

SGV “Trinkets or Trouble”RSI Aurora LN

SXV “What’s Over the Next Hill?”Consolidated Outland Mustang Beta

SGV “Excessive Outpouring of Gravitas”RSI Aurora

SRF “And then Time Stood Still”Origin Jumpworks M50

SCF “dn ʎɐʍ sıɥ⊥”Kruger P52 Merlin


“In Special Circumstances we deal in the moral equivalent of black holes, where the normal laws—the rules of right and wrong that people imagine apply everywhere else in the universe—break down; beyond those metaphysical event-horizons, there exist … special circumstances. That’s us. That’s our territory; our domain.” Diziet Sma – Use of Weapons.

Our overall concept is a semi-black-ops / mercenary outfit. Generally human centred (we act for the good of Humanity, but our interpretations may be personal and varied). Basically everyone is an agent, and everybody has a vote. When planning activities for the group, we’ll handle this by poll. It will then be down to the SA’s (Senior Agents) to get everyone in gear.

Special Circumstances will have a trading arm / trading activities on the books, along with exploration, special operations and military interventions.

We’ll have Culture style ship names – these are basically a three-letter code indicating the general class of the hull, and a short, oddball rhetoric of the purpose of the ship. The more humorous the better.
For example a small general purpose ship (like the Aurora) kitted for combat could be called ‘SGP – Did You Spill My Pint?’.
If equipped for carrying small cargo- ‘SGP – Got your Handbag Right Here.’


Hierarchy – A collective council of 7 at the top, not one specific leader. Decisions will be made by vote as we are a democratic organisation and want all members to feel like they have a say in the general running.

No Piracy, pod killing, slavery or taking advantage of weaker players for personal gratification. We want to contribute to making Star Citizen a fun experience that’s challenging for the right reasons. Any members found to be engaging in these activities will be expelled.

Respect – Every member of Special Circumstances are expected to show respect for other members and allies of the organisation, a certain level of maturity is required and no back stabbing or underhanded tactics will be tolerated.

Ship names – As the organisation is founded on an appreciation of the Culture novels by Iain M Banks (R.I.P.), ship names must follow Culture styles. Direct copying is not accepted however, this is intended as a tribute to the books, not pure plagiarism.

Multiple Organisation Rules – Members belonging to multiple organisations is allowed in Special Circumstances as long as the other organisation’s rules & conduct are aligned with our own. Therefore if an applicant also belongs to a pirate organisation for example, the application will be declined. If it is found that already existing members of Special Circumstances also belong to a conflicting organisation that member will be asked to choose whether to leave that org and stay with us or leave Special Circumstances.

Secret Organisations – The aim of Special Circumstances is to create a close knit group of players who feel they can rely and depend on each other. As such any affiliations must be revealed to the Council of Seven, failure to do so will lead to expulsion from our group.