Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Combined Task Force 152 / CTF152

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Exploration

Combined Task Force 152 will be exactly what it’s name says. A combined group of players filling as many of the possible roles as we can and given the same purpose. The 152 is not meant to be a guild or a clan or anything of the sort, it’s a Task Group to be called upon when needed.


The One-Five-Two was originally conceived as a sub-group within Operation Pitchfork

Until we get forum functionality, I’ll use this tab for updates and other relevant information.



TS Info-

May 11th 2014

Hey everyone! Thanks for joining (if you did that is, though otherwise you wouldn’t be seeing this so d’oh)! I set up the Organization because… well, thought it was a good idea! Hopefully we can keep bringing in people until we have a solid group to fly with. I’d be really glad if we got twenty or thirty regulars so we know we’ll always have someone to cover our backs!

PD: If you are the artsy type and you’d like to make a contribution to the org’s looks, by all means, I just threw in a couple things together so the page doesn’t look plain!



May 9th 2014 – Organization created

May 10th 2014 – First batch of invites sent


What CTF-152 aims to be

Combined Task Force 152 will be exactly what it’s name says. A combined group of players filling as many of the possible roles as we can and given the same purpose. The 152 is not meant to be a guild or a clan or anything of the sort, it’s a group specifically created to work together during Operation Pitchfork.

The idea is to have enough ships to almost fill up an instance, and of course, enough pilots for those ships. While it’d be optimal to have a good variety of ships to work with (fighters, bombers, haulers, capitals) there will be enough time to procure the types we lack once the PU launches.

Hopefully, by the time we are good to go, our Task Force will be an autonomous unit able to deal with anything the Vanduul or Dents throw at us.


How CTF-152 will operate

Our organization will be lax but present. This means that, while nobody is going to tell you how to fly or which modules to equip on your own ship, we should all be pointing our ships in the same direction and trying to accomplish the same thing. Bottom line is, we should have each others back. There would be no point in this group if everyone was just flying on his or her own and chasing shinies!

When it comes to decision making (ie. Go here, go there, try to disable a ship or destroy it), it’ll be up to general consensus. Nobody will have a say over the other. In order to hasten this process (taking too long could cost us ships and pilots) I’ll try to come up with possible situations we may face and we can figure out the guidelines together.