Supply or Die

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Carrier Strike Group 3 / CSG3

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Scouting

Welcome to CSG-3


Members must join our chat server

CSG3 Discord Server
Select the Quarterdeck, read the content first
No Affiliates or Redactions accepted


Currently under revision, to be reposted soon


Welcome to Carrier Strike Group 3. Here is some info on what we are and are not about.

We are:

Roleplaying milsim unit (UEE aligned)
Mature and Friendly
Cater to all types of gamers
Have positions for casual to more dedicated players
Offer civilian type jobs, as well as military
Looking to be an active and friendly part of the Star Citizen community
Older players with a lot of military experience

We are NOT:

A group that is only worried about winning or making the game a job
A group that takes the game too serious
A group that acts with disrespect to its members or the community
A group that preforms dishonorable acts


Carrier Strike Group 3 Charter

Multiple Unit Memberships-
We no longer accept Affiliates except in the case of special agreements. However, our rules have recently been changed to allow our members to be affiliates of other organizations. Approval from the Command Staff is required before the member may affiliate or keep current affiliations. Redacted members, or members with redacted affiliates will not be accepted.

Personnel Etiquette-
The etiquette of personnel within CSG-3 is expected to be conducted in a professional and mature manner. At no time should a member within the CSG make degrading remarks, either verbally or non-verbally, to or about another person in any capacity. These negative remarks that are not permitted can be, but are not limited to, the following topics: race or ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, or any other issues/topic that could be construed as generally insulting. The personnel of CSG-3 are expected to be professional and mature in their dealings with anyone else who is either within or without of Carrier Strike Group 3. The unit forums are also not a permissible location to have discussions relating to these topics. These discussions generally become inflamed and chaotic in a very short time and are thereby prohibited. In short, if you think someone might be offended, then it would be a good idea to refrain from making such a comment.

Communications Usage-
CSG-3 utilizes both forums and a TeamSpeak server to enable a wide range of methods to communicate with other members. The use of unit communication systems is a privilege. If these systems are abused, the privilege will be revoked most commonly by a unit discharge. These systems can and should be utilized in a fashion that can expedite communications between members. These systems should be used as such.

UCMJ- Uniform Code of Military Justice-
The UCMJ is the legal code for the military of the UEE. The UCMJ will only be utilized under circumstances that warrant such. The unit is not, nor does it intend to, get into the habit of dispensing discipline. If the actions of a member of the unit becomes unruly, aggressive, disrespectful, threatening, or downright distasteful, disciplinary actions will be processed. The Admiralty of CSG-3 has the final say in matters pertaining to unit discipline. If the infraction is complicated, then a meeting will be convened with the member who committed the infraction, their direct CO, and the primary members of the unit leadership. These matters will be dealt with in an expedited manner. If the infraction is deemed to be on a large enough scale, the member who committed the infraction will be discharge from the unit with no allowance for re-admittance. Infractions of a less heinous nature will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

The leadership and members of Carrier Strike Group 3 will endeavor to cultivate an environment where disciplinary actions are not required but instances can happen.


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