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Crude Bastards / CRUDES

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

This is the official Star Citizen Organisation of the Crude Bastards, a Swiss Multigaming Clan.

We are a mixed Group of spare-time Gamers, acting as Explorers, Merchants, Mercenaries and other Roles we see fit…

For more Information see our History or Homepage


We are a Swiss Multigaming Funclan, founded in 2003 around the Battlefield Series. Still Battlefield stands in the Centre and the weekly Trainings are held on the Battlegrounds of Battlefield 4. But nonetheless you will find us in many different Games, such as World of Tanks, Counter Strike, Guild Wars 2 and many more. On our Homepage at the Teamspeak-Viewer you can see our most played Games these Days and Guest are welcome. But be warned, spoken Language in our Teamspeak is Swiss-German.

But we are more than the standard Multigaming Clan, we know each other in real Life. To maintain these Friendships we usually have a Real-Life Event each month. Like: Member only private Lan-Party, BBQ, Bowling, Skiing and many more…

For more Information visit: Crude Bastards Homepage (Language: German, spoken Language: Swiss-German; you’ve been warned…)

Join us!


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