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Venture Origins / CRAPSHOOT

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Infiltration

Venture origins is a 18+ org. We focus on things ranging from PVE mining to PVP dog fighting. We have a friendly atmosphere and if you want to try us out just put in a application as a affiliates our rules can be seen on the charter page.


Established: January 1st , 2020
  • Jan. 20 2966: Lockdown & Controlled Jumptown – Duration – 6hr


What was the first ship you pledged to? Was it an Aurora? Mustang? Nomad? Hull-C? Javelin? WE DON’T CARE We have waited patiently for you. Never doubting the circumstances that brought you here. So why are you here? Whether you sought us out, or found us by accident, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are finally here. So, what do we care about? YOU

We at Venture Origins care about you, the citizen of the verse. It doesn’t matter where you live, what you fly, what role you fill, we care about you. The player who questions all that he says, thinks, and does. You play through the game’s rules and fight/mine/trade/salvage by their rules. Why should you? Why question them in the first place? Because they put you in a box. They sell you a box to fly in space, in every given direction, do your job, return, sell, rinse and repeat. What is someone who does the same thing every day, works for a fixed amount, and works again the next day. That is a slave. We do not conform to such “normality’s”. WE ARE VENTURE ORIGINS

How could you know? How can you trust us? That’s something we can’t explain simply and plainly. That’s something you must experience on your own. However, I can explain who we are and what we do.
Venture Origins, is a privately own, privately ran, Freelancer entity. We aspire to instill qualities in all our members such as

● Leadership ● Independence ● Teamwork ● Free Thinking ● Loyalty

These are the attributes needed to build an idea, not an organization. We are more than a conglomerate of players that sit idle and play empty minded. Each day we labor towards our liberation. We are confined to a single system. Regulated by those who hold power of all. While we do wait for our said liberation, we do not sit on our hands and watch the numbers flicker on the screen, we are preparing, learning, and educating, so that Venture Origins is ready, so when the flood gates open, we will be ready to press forward into the void of the unknown.

We are not a mindless drove of scrappers and pirates who wander aimlessly through the sea of the sky, we possess a vision of what we will become. As we prepare in the dark, we are building to become- ● Self-Governing ● Self-Sufficient ● Self-Educated ● Self-Centered ● Self-Preserving

We do not conform to the Empire and their hypocrisy. We are accountable to our actions, our faults, our misleading, our strengths, our victories, our vison. We do not seek conformity, submission, and control – WE SEEK FREEDOM

Freedom to reach to their stars with our own hands, not of those who hand it to us. We are the first along the frontier, we are the last to leave a battle, we are the ones who fight oppression and say, NO

We offer liberation and the ability to become who you wish to be. We offer salvation from those who seek to lie and deceit you in other organizations. We offer clarity to the path beyond their stars. So, who are we? We are – VENTURE ORIGINS JOIN US




Respect and Consideration: All members are expected to treat each other with respect and consideration. Harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or any form of offensive behavior will not be tolerated.

Admin/Moderator Authority: Admins and moderators have the authority to enforce the code of conduct and carry out disciplinary actions when necessary. Their decisions should be respected and followed by all members.

Disciplinary Actions: Violations of the code of conduct may result in disciplinary actions, which can include but are not limited to warnings, temporary loss of voice or text chat privileges, temporary or permanent removal from specific channels or server, and permanent expulsion from the server.

Disorderly Conduct: Engaging in disorderly conduct, such as excessive spamming, trolling, or disruptive behavior, may result in temporary loss of voice, text, or access to Venture Origins’ servers. The duration of the disciplinary action will depend on the severity and frequency of the offense.

Repeated Offenses: Repeat offenses will be taken seriously and may lead to more severe consequences, including removal from the organization. Members are encouraged to learn from their mistakes and contribute positively to the server’s community.

Respectful Communication: While light-hearted banter and jokes are encouraged, any form of disrespect or offensive language towards other members is strictly prohibited. Immediate expulsion may occur in cases of severe disrespect, unless both parties involved explicitly state that they are simply joking.

Promotion of Unofficial Allies: Promotion of other organizations that are not officially recognized as allies is prohibited. Please consult with admins or moderators if you are unsure about the status of a particular organization.