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Galactic Worker's Communist Party / CPUEE

  • Organization
  • Regular
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  • Social
  • Infiltration

Welcome to the Galactic Worker’s Communist Party (GWCP), uniting workers across the cosmos for a just, equitable future.
We fight against capitalism, striving for collective ownership and universal equality. Join our mission to forge a truly communist galaxy.



16th August 2951, the Galactic Worker’s Communist Party was established by Vika Medvedevna.

13th of April 2953, the manifesto and the charter of the Galactic Worker’s Communist Party were wirtten


Manifesto of the Galactic Worker’s Communist Party


In the vastness of the cosmos, the struggle for the emancipation of the working class continues unabated.
The Galactic Worker’s Communist Party (GWCP) emerges as a beacon of hope, championing the cause of the working people across the galaxy.
We are committed to forging a new, just society that transcends the boundaries of planets and stars, and unites all sentient beings under a common purpose – the establishment of a truly equitable and communist system.

Our Principles

Universal Equality: The GWCP envisions a society where all beings, regardless of their species, origin, or abilities, are treated as equals. We reject discrimination based on race, gender, or species, and strive for the complete abolition of all forms of exploitation and oppression. Collective Ownership: The GWCP advocates for the common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange. We aim to dismantle the unjust system of private property and wealth concentration, replacing it with a fair and just distribution of resources and opportunities. The Right to Work: The GWCP believes that every member of society has the right to productive and meaningful work. We will promote full employment, with equal pay for equal work, and demand the implementation of a living wage that allows for a dignified and fulfilling existence. Automation and Technological Progress: The GWCP recognizes the potential of automation and advanced technologies to free workers from the drudgery of manual labor. We will harness these advancements for the benefit of all, ensuring that no one is left behind in the march toward a more prosperous future. Education and Self-Improvement: The GWCP is committed to providing free, universal education that cultivates the full potential of every individual. We will ensure access to lifelong learning, fostering a culture of self-improvement and the pursuit of knowledge. Environmental Stewardship: The GWCP acknowledges the importance of preserving our galaxy’s diverse ecosystems and natural resources. We will implement sustainable policies that promote the conservation of our shared environment and strive to minimize the impact of human activity on other forms of life. International Solidarity: The GWCP stands in solidarity with oppressed peoples throughout the galaxy. We will support the struggles of all working beings in their fight for liberation, promoting mutual aid and cooperation among the exploited masses.

Our Goals

The establishment of a Galactic Worker’s Government that represents the interests of the working class, with equal representation from all member species and planets. The complete abolition of capitalist structures, and the establishment of a communist economic system based on collective ownership and democratic control of production. The eradication of poverty, unemployment, and social injustice, ensuring that all members of society have access to the basic necessities of life. The promotion of a culture of cooperation, solidarity, and mutual respect, transcending the divisions that have historically kept the working masses subjugated. The achievement of lasting peace and harmony throughout the galaxy, free from the destructive influence of imperialism, militarism, and interstellar conflict.

Join us in our struggle for a brighter future, where every star in the galaxy shines equally bright, illuminating the path toward a truly egalitarian society.
Let us march hand in hand, comrades, toward the dawn of the Galactic Worker’s Communist goal.


Manifesto of the Communist Party
by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
February 1848


Charter of the Galactic Worker’s Communist Party


We, the united workers of the galaxy, hereby establish the Galactic Worker’s Communist Party (GWCP) to promote and defend the interests of the working class, to dismantle the structures of capitalism and exploitation, and to create a just, equitable, and sustainable society for all sentient beings across the cosmos.

Article I: Name and Purpose

The name of this organization shall be the Galactic Worker’s Communist Party (GWCP).

The purpose of the GWCP is to:

a. Represent and advocate for the rights and interests of the working class across the galaxy.
b. Establish a communist economic system based on collective ownership and democratic control.
c. Foster international solidarity and cooperation among the oppressed masses.
d. Promote peace, harmony, and sustainability throughout the galaxy.

Article II: Membership

Membership in the GWCP is open to all sentient beings who:

a. Support the goals and principles outlined in the Manifesto and this Charter.
b. Are willing to actively participate in the work of the Party.
c. Are not members of any other organization with goals and principles contrary to those of the GWCP.

All members shall have equal rights and responsibilities within the Party.

Article III: Organizational Structure

The GWCP shall be organized into Local, Regional, and Galactic Committees.

The Local Committees shall be the basic unit of the GWCP, representing workers from specific communities or industries.

The Regional Committees shall coordinate the work of Local Committees within a defined area, such as a planet, moon, or space station.

The Galactic Central Committee (GCC) shall oversee the work of all Regional Committees and coordinate the overall strategy and activities of the GWCP.

The GCC shall consist of elected representatives from each Regional Committee, ensuring equal representation from all member species and planets.

Article IV: Decision-Making and Elections

The GWCP shall operate on the principles of democratic centralism and collective decision-making.

All decisions within Local and Regional Committees shall be made by majority vote, with all members having an equal voice.

The GCC shall make decisions by consensus, striving for the broadest possible agreement among its members.

Elections for representatives to the GCC shall be held every three galactic standard years, with the right to recall and replace elected officials at any time.

Article V: Code of Conduct

All members of the GWCP shall uphold the principles of the Party and work tirelessly to advance its goals.

Members shall treat each other with respect, dignity, and solidarity, recognizing that our strength lies in our unity.

Corruption, sectarianism, and any form of discrimination or exploitation within the Party shall be strictly prohibited.

Article VI: Amendments

Amendments to this Charter may be proposed by any member of the GWCP.

Proposed amendments must be endorsed by at least one-third of the total membership before being considered for adoption.

Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the entire membership, including Local, Regional, and Galactic Committees.

In unity and solidarity, we pledge ourselves to the Galactic Worker’s Communist Party and its mission of creating a just, equitable, and sustainable society for all. Let us forge ahead together, guided by the principles of communism and the shared vision of a brighter future for the galaxy.