Intelligence Support Activity
Intelligence gathering is a crucial part of warfare. One that is easily forgotten in the heat of battle never than less does it shape strategies and wins wars.
That others may live
The ISA was founded during the First-Contact War with the Tevarin (2541-2546) after the UPE felt the need of having a Combat capable frontline Intelligence Service. Shortly after its creation, the ISA played a decisive role in winning the Battle of Idris IV, delivering a devastating blow to the Tavarin Forces that upon this point were advancing deeper into Human Territory as anticipated. At this time the Service was mainly comprised of Elite Special Operations Personnel recruited from all Military-Branches. However, the ISA found itself outgunned by the Tevarin Forces and lacked substantial firepower. 2549 a few years after the Human victory over the Tevarin the newly formed UEE under the lead of a young Ivar Messer, heavily invested in the Intelligence Agency. This allowed the ISA to procure the necessary equipment to raise its effectiveness in combat. In 2554 the ISA already had an adequately sized Fleet of Combat and Support-Vessel’s. From 2555 to the beginning of the Second Tevarin War in 2603 the ISA remained largely under the radar and built the foundation for a self-sufficient Organization to break free of the dependence of UEE-Funding. The ISA feared that with Ivar Messer’s potential removal from power or death, they would cease to receive financial resources from the Government which would cripple the Agency. To combat this the ISA formed multiple new departments for Mining, Hauling, and other Business sectors. The next step was making a wide array of services accessible to the public. This obviously raised some questions about the ISA’s loyalty to the UEE. High-Command proposed an investigation but this undertaken quickly grinded to a halt because of the intervention of Imperator Messer. He highly favored the Agency and supported its activities since its success in the First Tevarin War. Besides the ISA was tasked by Ivar Messer himself to perform Anti-Piracy and Counter-Intelligence operations against the remaining Tevarin’s that required the Agency to more often than not, operate at the fringes of the law. Those informations would not be allowed to be passed on during the entire Messer-Era.
Over the course of the next centuries, the Agency started to procure many ships greatly varying in size and focus. Once relying on the UEE-Navy’s support, the ISA is now fully autonomous and can field its own Naval Strike Group with multiple Capital and Sub-Capital ships with a very capable Support-Fleet to back it up.
Further records between the First Tevarin War and Today, will be released to the public as soon as they are censored and ready to be declassified. This requires the approval of UEE High-Command.
Nowadays the ISA is one of the few surviving organizations from the Messer-Era and remained largely unchanged. Also, its mission remained the same: Protect the UEE and its Citizens at all costs.
Learn more about the ISA’s activities and services under the “Manifesto” tab.
Our Services will soon be displayed here. Stand by.
ISA Rules and principles
Trust is the daily ruler of an Intelligence Service. Some people you might trust more than others, but it is necessary to rely on your Team, your Brother in arms. Trust is the basement of a working Organization.
// ISA-Branches
Miliary// Promotion Regulatiuons
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