Core Industries / COREINDUST

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Social

Core Industries – At The Core of Business in the Verse™

Join our Discord for Business Opportunity and Alliances!


__Welcome to Core Industries, Citizen! o7

Core Industries serves as a beacon of integrity in business in Stanton and beyond. Championing traders, industrialists, and entrepreneurs, we seek to provide a network of resources, information, and strong and dedicated players (of all skill and commitment levels) to all peaceful business game loop players in the verse!

Between our Discord community and our in-verse Org, Core Industries will get you making money in the verse quickly, in your preferred gameplay loop, and answer any questions you have in the process. We love helping new players, especially ones with great attitudes who can’t wait to do good business.

__Corporate Divisions

In order to maintain and support operations on the scale we do, our main org ops are split into a distinct corporate structure – with each division working together to commit resources as necessary to operate The Corp™ as a whole. The following the leaders of each division:

-> MilkyBricks | President & Director – Corporate & Diplomacy
-> SavageGrendal | Director – Special Operations
-> Golden_Constellation | Admiral & Director – Core Fleet [Navy]
-> TheTruePhoenix | Wings Commander & Director – Sec Force One [Fighter Wings]
-> Spartan117b | General & Director – Sec Force Two [Marines & Security]
-> TheBossyBandito | Director – Industry & Commerce
-> NightTimeMedz | Director – Support Fleet
-> Carliardo | Director – Cargo Ops & Logistics

Looking forward to doing business with you, Citizen. o7

-Core Industries: At The Core of Business in the Verse™



Core Industries is actively searching for enterprising entrepreneurs, good business people, dedicated crew members, and strong players to ensure the profits keep flowing for all of our partners, affiliates, and recruits alike.

All that’s required is a good attitude and good faith in good business! A few tenets of ensuring good business are outlined below:

- Don’t pirate other Core Industries Partners, Clients, or Affiliates
- Don’t pirate anyone while actively representing us
- Be respectful towards other members and players in general

Looking forward to doing business with you, Citizen. o7

-Core Industries: At The Core of Business in the Verse™


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.