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Lightspeed Locusts / CLOCUSTS

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  • Freelancing
  • Trading

The Lightspeed Locusts, born from Elite Dangerous and now thriving in the Star Citizen universe, embody chaos with a dash of mischief. Our close-knit crew embraces individual freedom amongst the backdrop of a cohesive community of likeminded gamers.

Join the swarm today!


From Humble Beginnings to Galactic Renown

In the vast expanse of virtual galaxies, where the digital and the real intertwine, a legend was born. The Lightspeed Locusts, a name that echoes through solar systems, began their journey in the universe of Elite Dangerous. A formidable group of players united by a singular ambition: to amass unparalleled wealth. This group emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic offering an alternative to social-distancing through togetherness. Much like the locusts of old Earth’s history, they swarmed solar systems with precision and purpose, extracting every ounce of value, leaving behind a trail of metaphorical pestilence before vanishing into the cosmic expanse towards their next target. It was here, among the stars, that our identity was forged, blending the thrill of exploration with the bond of camaraderie.

A New Frontier in Star Citizen

As the universe expanded, so did our ambitions. The transition to Star Citizen marked a new era for The Lightspeed Locusts. Our roots in Elite Dangerous instilled in us a profound understanding of the cosmos, but it was in the universe of Star Citizen that we found our new home—a place where our experiences could shine, and our community could flourish. Though we are newcomers to this galaxy, our members wield the expertise of seasoned veterans, navigating the stars with unmatched skill and determination.

More Than Just a Gaming Community

The Lightspeed Locusts is not just a name; it’s a family. Beyond the virtual battles and interstellar journeys, we are a community that values the strength of connection. Our philosophy is simple: be who you are, and be valued for it. We cherish the diversity of our members, understanding that each individual brings something unique to our collective table. Our laid-back nature doesn’t detract from our ambition; it enhances it, creating an environment where laughter and strategy blend seamlessly.

The Vision for Our Future

As we gaze into the horizon, our dreams stretch beyond the present. The Lightspeed Locusts envision a future filled with weekly events, giveaways, and even real-life meetups—moments that transcend the digital realm and forge memories that last a lifetime. Our structure, intentionally loose, is designed to evolve as we grow, ensuring that every member has a voice in the journey ahead. Our end-goal is to establish a strong fleet within the Star Citizen universe and carve out our home base as these features are included in Star Citizen.

Join The Swarm!

Today, we stand at the threshold of a new adventure, our swarm ready to expand. We seek not just players, but pioneers—individuals eager to contribute, whether through website development, enhancing our Discord server, branding, or simply sharing in the joy of gaming. In The Lightspeed Locusts, you’ll find more than a game; you’ll discover a place where you belong.

Embrace your place among the stars. Join The Lightspeed Locusts today, and be part of our unfolding legacy.

Click here to join our Discord server!!!


Our Philosophy:

At The Lightspeed Locusts, we are dedicated to cultivating the highest quality gaming experience for our members and allies, fostered within a team-oriented and exhilarating environment. Our mission thrives on the pillars of excellence, enjoyment, and camaraderie. By organizing weekly operations that emphasize training and engaging activities within Star Citizen, we aim to nurture a vibrant, tight-knit community. A community where laughter is abundant, and the spirit of adventure is immortal. We are committed to inspiring leadership and active participation amongst our ranks, ensuring our legacy endures for years to come. In the vastness of the ‘Verse, we stand as champions of freedom and independence, embodying the essence of chaotic neutral. Our pursuit is unhampered freedom, pledging to respect others’ quests for happiness, provided they respect ours. The Lightspeed Locusts: where excellence and fun meet the endless expanse of space.”

Our Goals:

  • Establishment of an Expeditionary Fleet: Our primary aim is to assemble a formidable expeditionary fleet, comprising capital ships and exploration vessels. This fleet will serve as the spearhead of our adventures, exploring the uncharted fringes of space.
  • Creation of a Base of Operations: With the collective effort of our entire fleet, we plan to establish a strategic base of operations at the edge of known space. This base will not only symbolize our reach and presence but also serve as a hub for our exploratory and community activities.
  • Fostering Community and Leadership: Beyond the stars, our goal is to develop a community where each member feels valued and has the opportunity to grow. We aim to cultivate an environment where new leaders emerge, inspired by our ethos, contributing to the community’s dynamic growth and sustained participation.
  • Promoting Fun and Excellence: In every endeavor, whether it’s a high-stakes operation or a casual gathering, our objective is to maintain an atmosphere where fun, laughter, and excellence are in perfect harmony. We believe that the best experiences are born from a blend of exceptional teamwork and the joy of gaming together.
  • Upholding Freedom and Independence: As we navigate the complexities of the ‘Verse, we remain steadfast in our commitment to our core values of freedom and independence. Our goal is to ensure these principles are respected within our community and in our interactions with the wider universe of Star Citizen.

Click here to join our Discord server!!!


We strive to keep rigid and stringent rules to a minimum, in furtherance of our laissez-faire philosophy. However, we recognize the necessity of having rules and guidelines to ensure operability, continuity, and inclusion. By joining the community, you agree to adhere to the Community Declarations. The following Declarations are made in hierarchy:

Declaration on Real-Life

  • Real life obligations and priorities shall always supersede the needs and desires of the community. Being a community of gamers, our chief Declaration is to ensure every member takes care of themselves and their families first. If called upon, the community will strive to assist any member facing real-life challenges through any means of support, fundraising, or by any other beneficial method.

Declaration on Treason

  • Treason is defined as any malicious act committed against the community, its members, leaders, allies, or associates, or against any interests therein, or by colluding or conspiring in furtherance of the same. Any acts of treason will result in immediate removal from the community.

Declaration on Trolling & Equity

  • Respectful of a diverse community, we strictly prohibit trolling solely for its own sake. Engaging in teasing or razzing behavior is expected and welcomed; we want all members to have fun, poke fun, laugh, and not take each other too seriously. However, engaging in behavior that is intentionally hateful, demeaning, antagonistic, or malicious towards any member or associate will not be tolerated. Any form of hate, prejudice, or discrimination based on protected status or class is strictly prohibited. Essentially, adhere to Wheaton’s Law of “Don’t be a dick.”

Declaration on Crybabies

  • Members should not wear their emotions on their sleeves, expect others to cater to their beliefs or personalities, be hypersensitive, or engage in chronic complaining. Hypersensitivity and whining are equally as discouraged as trolling and discrimination. No member will be expected to engage in “political correctness” beyond that of accepted societal norms and those outlined in the Declaration on Trolling & Equity.

Declaration on Conflict Resolution

  • We recognize that a diverse community will inevitably face conflict between members. To that end, we offer the following guidance on reducing and resolving conflict:
  • Conflicts are expected to be resolved at the lowest level, with the least amount of punitive action taken. Members should refrain from retaliation for perceived wrongdoings and transgressions. Any member who feels slighted by another is expected to first attempt to resolve the conflict directly with that member in a tactful, private manner. This does not have to occur immediately, as emotions may run high, but should be conducted within a reasonable amount of time of the alleged or perceived transgression. In accordance, any member may request any Swarm Chief or Swarm Lead to act as a neutral party, independent witness, or moderator.
  • If the conflict cannot be resolved at the lowest level, then members may seek further remedy with any Swarm Chief or Swarm Lead, who will then empanel members of leadership to act as neutral factfinders, devise a plan of resolution, and make a recommendation on punitive action to the Swarm Chiefs, if deemed necessary.

Declaration on Violations & Due Process

  • The Lightspeed Locusts, in accordance with our chief philosophy of individuality and freedom, adopt a model of progressive discipline. Any member deemed to have egregiously violated any of the Community Declarations may face punitive action including, but not limited to: warning, counseling, demotion, suspension, and removal from the community. However, progressive discipline dictates that the lowest level of punitive action be taken equal to the seriousness of the violation. Essentially, “the punishment must fit the crime.”
  • Furthermore, all members, regardless of the violation or punitive action taken, will have due process afforded to them, in that they may always make appeals to the Swarm Chiefs and will always be given “their day in court” with the Swarm Chiefs. Additionally, any punitive action beyond counseling must be the result of a majority vote by a panel of leadership.

Declaration on Comms Behavior

  • Members are expected to respect the prevailing atmosphere, subject, and nature of given comms, either in voice or text. If you know a group of people are utilizing comms for a given purpose, be mindful of that fact. Comms hijacking is frowned upon. Repeated instances of hot mic or abuse of voice-activated comms may result in loss of privilege.

Declaration on Rogue Behavior & Teamwork

  • We encourage every member to hone their skills in a myriad of fields. Not everyone will be the best at any given thing. However, when engaged in community events, all members are expected to conduct themselves accordingly in furtherance of the team. Be present, participate, and don’t go cowboy.

Declaration on Treasury

  • It is the intent of the community to raise cash funds to facilitate operation, giveaways, assistance, and other causes. All members may donate real-life monies to the community, but it is not compulsory, and can be made anonymously if desired. For the sake of transparency and accountability, all real-life monetary transactions will be recorded in a ledger, set up as a Discord channel, which will be visible to all members. Donations also include server boosting.
  • Within Star Citizen, it is the intent of the community to have a treasury account, whereby members can donate funds to support in-game operations and other members. Like real-life transactions, a separate ledger will be maintained in Discord, along with a means of requesting treasury funds.

Declaration on Participation

  • The Lightspeed Locusts do not have any minimum participation requirements. However, level of participation by members is something that will be considered for various scenarios, such as punitive action, promotion, demotion, aid/assistance, etc. Participation can be viewed as a form of social credit within the community.

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