Supply or Die

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Mandalorian Loyalists / CLANSOLUS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting




In the year 2305 colonization attempt was made to the planet New Sparta in the system of Ares on the S.S. Ares, contact with the colony ship was lost one year later, however, the ship itself was not. The colony ship made it to its destination but was unable to make contact with Earth as the jump point had closed behind them; however, went on they built their colony in 2319, built ships and explored their new home. Though to say things where peaceful would be a most heinous lie, some wanted only contact with their former home, some were glad to be free of Earth wanting to form their own government, some agreed though not on the system of government republic, military junta, communist “democracy” some even wanted a stellar kingdom. Yet it is not their History I write our people’s history is a story of war.

General Gra’tua was his name he would become Madalore, the First the man who made us what we are; gave us our laws and traditions. The General fed up with the corruption and weakness of the others took it upon himself to form a new nation with a new system of government. A nation of strength and honor, the first clan. Mandalore’s war raged for decades each and every nation falling to us one by one but in the last year of what we call the first crusade Mandalore the first was struck down while leading the vanguard.

Mandalore’s death spurred on the Mandalorian army each and every vode called out for vengeance a young Madalorian called Tu’alor rallied his brothers in an assault. Tu’alor led the warriors deep into the heart of the enemy capital leaving none alive and destroying everything finally taking the enemy’s last stronghold Tu’alor emerged with the helmet of Mandalore the first. Tu’alor was soon declared Mandalor the Vengeful with the whole world now under Mandalorian domination and renamed Mandalore in 2364. Life, however, changed for the worse Tu’alor did not stay the honorable Mandalorian he once was. Tu’alor took bribes for high positions in the clan he did not try to expand eventually plating his armor in gold and encrusting it with gems, he had become as corrupt as the people Mandalore the First originally fought against.

Mandalore the Vengeful had become Mandalor the Stagnant. So came Hod Ha’ran at the time a War Leader in the clan who had bribed the Mandalore like all the others. However he was never a fan of the Mandalore for years he plotted against the Mandalore, gaining power and support from the shadows. Hod Ha’ran ordered many hits against the Mnadalore, none were successful. Finally fed up he gathered his supporters surrounded the Mandalore’s fortress in the dead of night. Quickly overtaking the guard Hod Ha’ran assaulted the fortress executing any supporters of the Mandalore as he went finally reaching the throne room Hoe Ha’ran challenged the Mandalore to a duel. Mandalore the Stagnant was easily defeated having done nothing in years Hoe Ha’ran was declared Mandalore the redeemer as he ripped the helmet off the corpse of the failed Mandalore.

Mandalore the redeemer seeing what peace and laziness did to Mandlaore the Vengeful declared in 2400 that Sol’yc Aliit must split into several clans and travel the stars in an eternal search for war, glory, honor and a new home for our people, leaving Mandalore behind they renamed it mando’a believing that after death their souls would return here to join Kad Ha’rangir in the afterlife.

We will have a detailed listing of our fleet’s composition with the release of Org 2.0


Mandalorian Clan Solus’ main goal is to unite all of the Mandalorian clans, organizations, and anyone who shows interest in becoming Mandalorian in-game, into one single entity within the game (with all of the clans/organizations still retaining their identities and holdings). When we eventually get enough organizations and members to join us, we will declare a Mandalore to lead all of the clans (with the clans still having the ability to do what ever they want themselves). This will work the same way a democratic republic works in the sense that the state governments have the ability to do as they will (individual clans) and are governed by, very loosely in this case, the federal government (the Mandalore and his council) with a main leader ultimately deciding the course the country will take (the Mandalore).

Once we get to this point, our goal will then be to grow into an Organization that has a say in the major driving forces and events in the ‘verse, and possibly, if we get bored, start a new Mandalorian Crusade and conquer entire worlds with our martial prowess.

Being a member of the clan, you can do as you please and live out any play style you want, but our primary line of work will be bounty hunting and mercenary work.
If you wish to be active within Clan Solus, there will be higher ranks and positions for you, as well as community jobs that will be available to help out the clan in your particular area of expertise; all you have to do is ask.
The ori’ramikade (who will act as the special forces unit and have a variety of covert jobs, as their name literally translates into “supercommandos”) will be an honorary position within the clan and will be hand picked by the Clan Leader.

In Times of war, lower ranks will be designated to a superior one rank above them in an ascending order until each War Leader has command of a battle squad, and will either be tasked with defensive, offensive, or support designations. Some members of the Council will be exempt from this, and will instead report directly to the Supreme MIlitary leader for covert special operations to cripple the enemy at strategic points.


- All, we are looking for more of everything from fighter pilots to cargo haulers

-Clan Leader
-War Leader


This is a listing of the rules all members and affiliates must abide by. Failure to do so will result in a punishment equal in severity to the crime.

1. There will be no killing, stealing from, or damaging the property of other clan members or allied clans/organizations/businesses

2. This is one of the tenants, the very things that make us Mandalorian; All members should wear or at least own a set of armor that most resembles the style of Mandalorian armor.

3. Ranks are mostly there to establish a specific chain of command during times of war, and besides the ranks of Clan Leader and War Master, they do not matter during times of peace.

5. If you cannot afford to buy the armor, a set will be purchased for you.

6. Your freedom to do as you want, except the rules mentioned within the Charter, cannot be infringed upon by anyone.

8. In the event that the Mandalore must leave for extended durations (in real life), a predetermined War Leader will temporarily take the role of Mandalore until the original Mandalore comes back.

9. Any disputes with another member must be taken up with them first, and if no solution is agreed upon, the problem must then be taken up with the Clan leader who will act as a mediator.

10. Ignorance of the rules and guide lines listed within the charter is not an excuse for breaking them.

11. Betraying the clan or any of it’s members for any reason other than it being an accident (which will require substantial proof) will result in your immediate expulsion and a large bounty placed on your head that all clan members are encouraged to claim. This bounty will remain until your character’s perma-death.

13. In the event of an unjust Clan Solus, it is his or her job to step down when asked by the majority (50%) of the clans members and/or council members so that an election for a new one may take place. If they refuse to step down, they will be hunted by the ori’ramikade until their perma-death or until they do decide to step down.

14. Any laws made after you broke them do not count against you.

15. The clan is not responsible for your actions unless you were told by the clan to commit them. We will, however, try to shelter you from any consequences we can, unless your actions go against our charter.

16. Any piracy or raiding is only to be done upon our enemies.

17. After a battle or skirmish, all survivors must help scavenge the battle field for injured vode and useful things that the clan can either use, sell, or trade.

18. In the event of war, all able vode must report to the clan base to be divided off into battle groups led by (War Leaders) who will be given either defensive, offensive, support roles. Following orders is mandatory unless it is absolutely necessary to do so for some reason.