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House of Shadows / CLANSHADOW

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Transport
  • Exploration

The depths of space are vast with much unknown to be found.
Will you find riches or just become debris?
Hire us to make sure the odds will be in your favor.


The Dude has gathered the lost and green from across the stars for profit and fortune,
Trawling the ports and dives across the stars for crew and leads alike.
Calling forth an ancient oath of The Brotherhood where The House and those within it come before ourselves.
Through feats of tongue and gun we forge our path though the stars in search of profit and fame.

Always accepting skilled and unskilled personnel in all shifts.
With a focus on internal logistics solutions The House intends to provide top tier services to assist large movement operations.


From the darkness we always rise, with our numbers we will reach the prize.

By gathering the masters of multiple trades and using said experience we shall together forge a path though the unknown to claim the spoils and reward for ourselves. With the combined experience and skill we shall ensure the stability of our craft and trades. With greater numbers comes greater security and profits alike. We are all equal within these walls and shall put the house and it’s members before ourselves.


House Rules are strictly enforced.

  1. Captain assigns crew position and duties.
  2. Disrespect/Dishonor will not be tolerated.
  3. Teach those willing to learn what you know.
  4. Never charge to teach someone your trade.
  5. Never refuse to help a member of the house in distress.
    *More Rules subject to necessity.

Rules for guild partnerships.

  1. No shaming or predatory practices will be tolerated.
  2. Orgs within Guild network must primarily be a legal operation.
    *To be edited as necessary.