Supply or Die

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Clan Smoke Jaguar / CLANJAGUAR

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Security

“A magnificent beast, the smoke jaguar. it is ferocity unbound, tenacity without limit. Once it locks its powerful jaws around the throat of its prey, it never lets go. The greatest of warriors might be shamed by comparing himself to such fierce courage”. The Collected Writings of Nicholas Kerensky


This will be a casual guild that likes to have fun. Anyone is welcome to join as long as they can maintain a civil and mature attitude. Our focus will be providing support, and security to Pilots as well as all other aspects of the game.


… A magnificent beast, the smoke jaguar. it is ferocity unbound, tenacity without limit. Once it locks its powerful jaws around the throat of its prey, it never lets go. The greatest of warriors might be shamed by comparing himself to such fierce courage…

My Clans might learn much from this beast. Like us, it came from Nature, but has been improved by human hands. And now the great cat born on Terra thrives on a world so many light-years away from the planet of its birth that the human mind shudders to contemplate it…as we must. As we will…

The smoke jaguar fights like a true warrior. No deceit, no subterfuge – a single, brutal assault, both open and deadly. A powerful spring from above, a slash of its huge claws across its victim’s throat, and its prey lies dead before it. So should all of us fight our enemies – openly, but with overwhelming force. Thus we may win true glory, by defeating the foe in honorable combat. Truly, this great cat is a finer warrior than any human being I have ever seen on the field of battle…!”

-From Birth of a New Society: The Collected Writings of Nicholas Kerensky, Strana Mechty Press, 3025
