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The Citizens Accord / CITACC

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Piracy

The Citizens Accord is a profiteering organization— conflict is the forefront of our Syndicate.

Fellow Mercenaries, Smugglers and Honorable Pirates, read the Charter below.

To those seeking said spacefarers, our Manifesto below contains the services we offer.


Violent conflict is the primary field in which the Syndicate operates, our practices include: Combat Contracting, Indiscriminate Bounty Hunting, Asset Requisition and Satellite Disruption. Industriously, we Salvage the defeated and make use of prohibitions by Smuggling contraband where low supply calls for profitable turnover.

With ten times as many NPCs in the ‘Verse to destroy and salvage, we exercise restraint while engaging Players; negotiating outcomes in which we net respectable proceeds, without diminishing the playerbase.

Under Construction


Combat Contracting
The key to success in combat is to win every battle before it begins. With well-crewed vessels and ample coordination, our accompaniment can provide escort, or combine forces to conquer an opposing fleet. No matter the task, we strive to achieve a swift resolution, while inflicting heavy losses for the opposition in question.

Bounty Hunting
Ratting is the act of patrolling dangerous space, solely to hunt warranted ships. Aside from putting NPCs to salvage, we are indiscriminate and thus likely to take on unwarranted bounties, though we engage only on honorable terms— see the Charter for Rules of Engagement.

Asset Requisition
With the use of Quantum Enforcement, unwilling participants with valuable cargo are disabled and hailed via communications. With negotiation, we aim to relieve the ship of what profit it stood to make, giving way for meaningful cooperation. This restraint will not be shown to NPCs.

Satellite Disruption
Contracted to provide coverage for a specific Station or otherwise— Coordinated strikes on a web of Communication Satellites, will delay the response times of Jurisdiction Agencies, granting our client discretion while operating beyond legality.

Contrabandists make use of prohibitions, supplying the demand for commodities that bring unwanted attention. Riskier hauling regularly nets higher return, but often attracts prying eyes. Where an escort attracts too much attention, we contractually take on crewmember roles.

Wastefulness is an unfit practice and so we work closely by means of contracting and subcontracting, competitively rated Salvage Corporations that don’t mind the occasional dirty wreck. The Syndicate will explore investing in medium salvage ships, using nepotism to maximize profit and support those within the Syndicate.


Honor – it is what separates pirates from marauders
To act without honor is to set aside gains, for power and control. To call oneself honorable, their word must be their law; uphold your bargain, especially one made in the guise of the Syndicate. There is to be under no circumstance, intrigue or iniquitous acts against other members within the Syndicate.

Rules of Engagement – we are out to make credits not to spill blood
If your target is in a ship of Combative nature, engage them unforgivingly
Industrious ships or those ladened with cargo, are to be disabled and boarded; claim their bounty without destroying their ship. Further requisition is by the discretion of the Officer in charge and is to be handled similarly to interdictions.
Cargo-ladened Players that we interdict, are to be disabled and negotiated with. After tallying the value of their cargo, we will leverage what profit they would have made on their haul as compensation for not obliterating their ship; preserving their morale to continue playing, while netting a tidy profit from their ill-preparedness.

Elections – voluntary quarterly voting, coincides with Star Citizens patch cycle
Every full member of the Syndicate is entitled to 1 vote in their perspective quarterly elections; members of a branch vote for candidates within their branch, in addition to voting for the Grand Admiral. Elections will use anonymous electronic ballots, cast by members that confirmed they’d cast a vote.
To submit oneself for any candidacy, one must publicly declare their desire for said position of candidacy, no less than 2 weeks prior to the election.
Should an Admiralty position lie Vacant, an Admiral can be forced into Candidacy with support from 5% of existing shareholders

Shares – when the Syndicate profits, it is split three ways:
  • One third is divided among those who participate.
  • A portion goes towards the weekly wage that accrues over a 7 day period and distributed during the weekend; unclaimed wage will be withheld towards the Coffers.
  • The remainder is deposited in the Syndicate Coffers, accessible by the Grand Admiral and Admiral of Treasury; funds therein are to be used productively and efficiently towards expansion of the Syndicate.

If one admits to, or is proven irrefutably to have intentionally taken action, that harms the Syndicate by means of Legitimacy, Membership, Finance or otherwise, members are to receive demotion and are to be put under further investigation; stark action may be taken, depending on the austerity of ones subversion.