Chaos Brigade / CHAOSBRIG

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Freelancing

Welcome recruits to Chaos Brigade. Join us and help us fight the UEE.

Welcome to the unit that leaves havoc and chaos in it’s wake.


The Chaos Brigade was founded after The Massacre of Garron II in 2792. It was formed by anti-UEE activist who were feed up with the expansionist views the UEE have. Too long have the imperialist controled the UEE. The founders of Chaos Brigade felt that it was about time somebody did something about it. And ever since Chaos Brigade has been fighting against the UEE.


Our aim, to put an end to the imperialistic policies of the UEE in order to stop them from spreading civilization to other species, as well as slow down their expansion. To accomplish this we hit their trade. We have been labeled as pirates due to this. However that is not all we do we are also explorers and any other role that you can think of.

We will even offer protection and our piracy skills for a price.

This is how we spread chaos.


Code of Conduct

Article 1. All members of Chaos Brigade must read, understand and comply with the charter.

Article 2. All members will be courteous and friendly to fellow members and non-members at all times, zero tolerance policy for racism, sexism, or harassment of any kind.

Article 3. All members will behave in a mature and dignified manner.

Article 4. Real life comes first

Article 5. Have fun.

Rules of Engagement

1. Obey the chain of command.
2. Be comms smart (ie. no spaming chat/comms, let people finish talking before you start, be clear and concise)