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Cerberus Military Contractor / CERBMIL

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Cerberus Military Corp. is a Private Military Corporation that is built around the idea of progression in military technological advancement and resource allocation for the betterment of the Human race. We are the cutting edge in the Advancement of military tech and defense allocation.


About Our Corporation:

Cerberus was created as a forefront to technology and resource gathering in frontier and hostile zones. Freelancers of a narrow view, “You pay, we make it reality.” giving the Corporation a flexible, and direct group on monetary adventures. While on several excursions, group members were given hard choices, learn fast or die, and writing this memoir… I think you know which happened.

Corporation Status/Services:

Cerberus Military Corporation is now back up and active within the United Empire of Earth with the foresight to becoming the leading edge in Military Technological Advancement and Resource Allocation and transport throughout the Galaxy. Cerberus went through a major downsizing and almost disbanding during the Earth Civil war of 2792, however the company license was held by an associate of a close Organization that allowed for Cerberus to be reborn.

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Cerberus Military Corporation Services:

-Military Escort
-Military Deployments and Major Operations
-Resource Allocation
-Warehousing and Shipping of Resources
-Defense Contracting
-Transport and VIP Defense
-Technology Advancements and Research
-Military Outsourcing

Corporation History:

Cerberus Military Corporation was founded in the 21st century in the Earth country called the United States and was founded on the basis of Military advancement and outsourcing for the United States Government. With the discovery and development of space travel in 22nd century Cerberus decided to take on a more international role in Military development and outsourcing toward the nations of the world and later colonies built by Earth. Cerberus can be accredited to assisting in the construction and funding of multiple stations in Earth’s orbit as well as defensive structures outsourced to colonies like Mars in 2120.

Once Cerberus became more of a well known company within the intergalactic community after assisting in the cleanup and rescue of workers that were affected with the Mars Terraforming incident of 2125 that marked the completion of the terraforming of Mars but the beginning of major improvements within the Company’s standards within the community and with the formation of the United Nations of Earth or UNE in 2380 only forced this improved standards as the now United Earth took steps toward future developments in the Galaxy.

In the 26th century, the Cerberus Military Corporation started to expand it’s interest into the UNE’s 12 different systems and their colonies. Cerberus assisted in colonial development and projects as well expanded resource transportation in order to fund the multiple projects that Cerberus was involved in. Cerberus also assisted the UNE in its multiple contact wars against the race of aliens called the Tevarin with military outsourcing and actual fleet/ground operations. However, in the 28th century, Cerberus went through major downsizing and loss of share holders as the UNE fell into turmoil and eventually Cerberus closed their doors following the Earth Civil war of 2792 and the fall of the Messer Era of the UNE and start of the United Empire of Earth or UEE.

With the help of an allied Organization with close ties to the Cerberus Military Corporation the company was able to reopen their doors in the most recent years and begin again with advancement of the Human Race and the betterment of Military control over UEE assets.


Cerberus is a simple and direct approach to anything that is needed by a client, if the pay is right we will handle the issue. Rules are a way to make sure the client and Cerberus corporation assist one another in the venture of monetary gains. Breaching contracts will be dealt with severe penalties up to, and including, mass genocide.
1. Cerberus Corporation is a professional organization that is based on the gain of monetary value, goods and services.
2. Cerberus Corporation is willing to forgo any and all laws in the fulfillment of our duties and contracts on a needed basis.
3. Cerberus Corporation is always first and foremost going to be given full disclosure in all parts of the contract. Lying or leaving out parts of the contract will not be tolerated.
4. Cerberus Corporation is not in the venture of free trading of goods or services, but can be contracted with a short term-as needed basis. Giving short notice will increase the monetary value of the contract.
5. Cerberus Corporation is will not, under any circumstances unless given reason to, assist in another contract without first a payment being processed in advance on short notice.
These rules are simple and defined with subject to change if the need arises from a contract flaw or issue. Any attempts from a member of the contract to subvert or break the contract, or assist in the aid against the contract, will be met with extreme measures.


Cerberus Military Corporation is a for profit, Freelancing and Resource gathering group. Giving contracts for monetary gain, or gathering large amounts of a resource to further our goals of increasing profits.

Founding Members:

Ithresh – Chairman of the Board
N/A – Director of Combat Operations
N/A – Director of Logistics
N/A – Director of Industry
N/A – Director of Personnel

Wing Commanders:

N/A – Ares 1