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Celestial Nomads / CENO

  • Faith
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  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

We’re totally “NOT” a cult. Introducing “Celestial Nomads,” a daring Star Citizen exploration organization fueled by a sinister devotion in the uncharted cosmos. Adventure awaits, and the stars are ours to explore. Join us on discord:


On October 22, 2953, a group of fearless adventurers and devoted explorers banded together under the banner of Celestial Nomads. Founded on a mutual sinister devotion in the mysteries of the cosmos and a resolute commitment to charting uncharted territories, this exploration creed stands as a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Adventure awaits, and the stars are ours to explore.



We, the Celestial Nomads, stand united under the boundless canopy of the cosmos, bound by our unyielding faith in the power of exploration, the sanctity of the stars, and the destiny of humanity to venture beyond our terrestrial cradle. Our mission is to traverse the universe, to discover its hidden wonders, and to foster a sense of wonder and reverence for the infinite expanse that surrounds us. Through our unwavering commitment to exploration, we seek not just to chart the heavens but to unveil the mysteries of existence itself.

Article I: The Quest for Knowledge

Section 1: Cosmic Curiosity

We believe that knowledge is the ultimate vessel of human enlightenment. We pledge to embrace curiosity, to question the unknown, and to push the boundaries of human understanding through relentless exploration. As Celestial Nomads, we shall forever seek to answer the cosmic questions that beckon us to the heavens.

Section 2: Discovery and Revelation

Our faith in exploration obliges us to share the fruits of our discoveries with all of humanity. We vow to reveal the hidden treasures of the universe, not for our own gain, but to enrich the collective knowledge of our species. In this, we find purpose and meaning.

Article II: Unity Among the Stars

Section 1: Communal Bond

We recognize the significance of unity among the Celestial Nomads. In our shared voyage, we discover not only the mysteries of the universe but the strength in our interconnectedness. We pledge to support and uplift one another, forming a tightly-knit family that transcends the vastness of space.

Section 2: Inclusivity

Our cosmic faith knows no bounds, and we extend our hand to all who share our zeal for exploration, irrespective of origin, creed, or background. We celebrate the diversity of our membership as a testament to the human spirit’s boundless potential.

Article III: Stewardship of the Celestial Realm

Section 1: Ethical Exploration

With privilege comes responsibility. We commit to safeguarding the sanctity of the cosmos. Our explorations will be guided by a deep respect for the natural balance of celestial bodies, ensuring we leave no irreversible footprint in our wake.

Section 2: Guardians of Knowledge

We are the keepers of the cosmic library. We pledge to protect and preserve the knowledge we gather, guarding it against misuse and ensuring its accessibility to all future generations.

Article IV: Manifest Destiny of Humanity

Section 1: Cosmic Inheritance

We hold the belief that the stars are not merely our final frontier but our birthright. The destiny of humanity is to stretch its reach across the cosmos, illuminating the darkness with our inquisitiveness and wonder. As Celestial Nomads, we pledge to forge the path to this celestial inheritance.

Section 2: Advocate for Exploration

We shall stand as champions for exploration, inspiring others to join us on this sacred journey. Our voices will resound with the melodies of the cosmos, calling all to set forth and explore the infinite expanse that awaits.


In this manifesto, we, the Celestial Nomads, solemnly declare our unwavering commitment to the faith of exploration, the quest for knowledge, the unity among the stars, and the stewardship of the celestial realm. As we venture forth into the unknown, we carry with us the torch of discovery and the promise of a brighter, more enlightened future for all of humanity. Together, we shall embrace the infinite and etch our legacy among the constellations.


Celestial Nomads Exploration Organization Charter
We, the members of the Celestial Nomads, in our shared commitment to exploration, discovery, and the pursuit of knowledge in the vast universe of Star Citizen, hereby establish this charter to govern our organization and guide our actions.

Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name
The organization shall be known as “Celestial Nomads.”

Section 2: Purpose
The primary purpose of Celestial Nomads is to explore the universe of Star Citizen, promote fellowship among like-minded individuals, and foster a sense of community. We aim to push the boundaries of exploration, discover new worlds, and unravel the mysteries of the cosmos.

Article II: Membership
Section 1: Eligibility
Membership in Celestial Nomads is open to all individuals who share our passion for exploration and adhere to our principles.

Section 2: Rights and Responsibilities
Members have the right to participate in the organization’s activities, access resources, and contribute to our shared goals. They must, in turn, abide by the organization’s rules, respect fellow members, and uphold the values of exploration and camaraderie.

Section 3: Recruitment
Recruitment of new members shall be conducted openly and fairly, with an emphasis on inclusivity and diversity.

Article III: Leadership
Section 1: Leadership Structure
The leadership of Celestial Nomads shall consist of a council, led by a Chairman, responsible for decision-making, diplomacy, and the overall administration of the organization.

Section 2: Chairman
The Chairman shall be Founder of the Organization. The Chairman shall represent Celestial Nomads in external matters and coordinate the council’s activities.

Section 3: Council
The council shall be comprised of members who have demonstrated commitment and leadership within the organization. Council members shall collaborate in making decisions that affect the organization and its goals.

Article IV: Code of Conduct
Section 1: Respect and Integrity
Members shall treat one another, as well as external entities, with respect, honesty, and integrity. Disputes shall be resolved through diplomatic means and, if necessary, the council’s intervention.

Section 2: Loyalty to the Organization
Members are expected to prioritize the interests and well-being of Celestial Nomads over personal gain.

Section 3: Sharing Knowledge
One of our core principles is the pursuit of knowledge. Members are encouraged to share their discoveries, research, and experiences with the organization for the collective benefit of all.

Article V: Activities
Section 1: Exploration
Exploration shall be at the core of our activities. Members are encouraged to embark on expeditions, chart new star systems, and investigate unknown phenomena in the universe.

Section 2: Diplomacy
We shall engage in diplomatic relations with other organizations, fostering peaceful coexistence and cooperation in the pursuit of common goals.

Section 3: Community Events
Celestial Nomads shall organize events, seminars, and gatherings to promote community engagement, education, and shared experiences.

Article VI: Amendments
This charter may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the council, provided that any changes align with the core values and principles of Celestial Nomads.

Article VII: Dissolution
In the event that Celestial Nomads decides to disband, its assets and resources shall be distributed for the betterment of the Star Citizen community as a whole, following a council vote.

This Celestial Nomads Exploration Organization Charter shall come into effect upon its adoption by the council and shall be binding upon all members.

Adopted on this 22 day of October, in the year 2953.

