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Crimson Dawn / CDWN

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Exclusive
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

Providing chaos to your local system



Crimson Dawn rose from the ashes what started as a 1 man army turn into a competent batch of fighters, pilots and drivers. Thriving in Stanton for a few years Crimson Dawn accumulated wealth on the down-low evading local law enforcement and gained UEC from various assassination hits. Members found themselves in prison a shortly after a botched job involving local security forces on the Planet Hurston In the Stanton System. These members were found recruiting new members within the* Khlesher Rehabilitation Facility* on Hurston’s moon Aberdeen. Prison security watched the inmates work on the mines, after a series of homicides found deep in the tunnels oxygen kiosk, the inmates were seen running back into the mess hall along with a large group of inmates. The Members of ALFA led an escape out of the facility with a large group of fugitives which fled the scene, the fugitives were last seen in the Crusader System on the security outpost Kareah after a confiscated contraband raid. Word has gone about that Crimson dawn are operating within the same system but little is to be heard of their activity, there has been a constant comm-array outages in the Yela system which is said to be the work of Crimson dawn and its associates. they are said top work within the corrupt stations within Stanton. Crimson Dawn posses a diligent group of soldiers and businessmen but lack numbers. Members treacle in but it is still a growing organisation. Crimson Dawn used to reside on the Moon of Yela Orbiting Crusader in the Stanton System but have moved due to traffic. Before there was a bustling Slam operation on the Moon of Yela at (REDACTED). they now inhabit a run down station named Grim Hex a gang run station from a mining operation that went south, not much has been seen of Crimson Dawn other than a few salvage operations until a recent spike in activity in the Pyro System around the planets* Monox* and Bloom. Seeing Surges in organised contraband cargo operations and hostile takeover on some settlements in the area,


Crimson Dawn specialises in syndicate activity and wish to provide security under our terms.

Settlements under Crimson Dawn control will have a protection tax on all transported good through owned ports. Exotic (Contraband) goods may also pass on account it is escorted by a Patched Pilot.

Crimson Dawn controlled areas will have a strict ban on larger organisations from using trade ports under Crimson Dawn Control.

Larger Group Cargo will be taxed higher due to security mishaps.

Crimson Dawn controlled areas will protect all civilians if provoked.

Crimson Dawn will pay handsomely if offered work.

Crimson Dawn is always recruiting members.

All members have a collective goal of a high pay check *no matter the cost.

All members work up the rankings from infantry to a specialised role.


Crimson Dawn has a ranking system to provide a sense of structure to the small but growing org, prove your trust early to become one of the members of the ALFA

Here is a List From Highest to Lowest use for reference

- The top you would have the Crimson Dawn Chief (CDC)

- The members of ALFA CDC Branch;

– the Crimson Dawn Captain Lieutenants (CD-CL)
– the Crimson Dawn Captain Communications (CD-CC)
– the Crimson Dawn Captain Recruiters (CD-CR)

- The High ranking Members of the Militia CDE Branch;

– Crimson Dawn Enforcers Lieutenants (CD-EL) – Crimson Dawn Enforcers Communications (CD-EC) – Crimson Dawn Enforcers Recruiters (CD-ER) – Crimson Dawn Enforcers Pilot (CD-EP)

- Pilots ,Engineering, Communication Operators;

– Crimson Dawn Patched Lieutenant (CD-PL)
– Crimson Dawn Patched Communications (CD-PC)
– Crimson Dawn Patched Recruiter (CD-PR)
– Crimson Dawn Patched Pilot (CD-PP)
– Crimson Dawn Patched Medic (CD-PM)
– Crimson Dawn Patched Infantry (CD-PI)

Members of the frontline Militia;

– Crimson Dawn Soldier Lieutenant (CD-SL)
– Crimson Dawn Soldier Communications(CD-SC)
– Crimson Dawn Soldier Recruiter(CD-SR)
– Crimson Dawn Soldier Medic(CD-SM)
– Crimson Dawn Soldier Infantry(CD-SI)
– Crimson Dawn Soldier Guard (CD-SG)
– Crimson Dawn Soldier (CDS)

initiates know as ‘Thugs:

-Crimson Dawn Thug (CDT)

To become a member simply make an application.

You will begin as a CDT. Either joined through application or through another member you must await instructions, begin risky high grade contract work with a high pay-out. Not many make it through the trail process but if you are selected by a CD-SR you we be promoted to a CD-S

A Solider lieutenant CD- SL will see fit if you are ready to become a soldier for Crimson Dawn

Thug Members CD-T be recruited as a soldier:

- A soldier will be required to be competent with arms
- be competent in medical treatment.
- A soldier will encounter a lot of combat but its primary goal is protection whether that be a higher ranking member or valuable cargo defence comes first.
- a soldier will also be sent on various higher grade missions such as data heists or cargo robbery as the core force of Crimson Dawn as a soldier you will working with the organisation,

if see fit a Patched lieutenant CD-PL will promote you to

- Soldier Infantry SI – will be required to the main anchor to any ground operation work with your a squad of men recruit Thug Members to the Soldier recruitment
- Soldier Communications SC
- will work with assigned PL and provide communications and strategy.
-*Soldier Medic SM*
- Work with assigned SL and provide medical attention when needed.
- Provide cover for CD forces EMT extraction.. – Ferry patients to ships.

if a Patched Lieutenant PL see fit then we assign you to a specialisation if you choose to continue your current specialisation such as Medic, Communications or Infantry you will be promoted to the patched version of your current job.

The patched are required to maintain the fleet of Crimson Dawn. if your decide to change your role you make take on these roles.

Members will be recruited into specialisation:

- Patched Pilot PP:
- Expected to fly as getaway or combat pilot for various operations this is beginning of the pilot specialisation.
- Patched Infantry PI: – Expected to protect and maintain ships from pirates and will be the main force within the ship. – Expected to operate turrets in ships. – Expected to prevent ship boarding
- Patched Medic PM – Similar to Soldier Medic SM Patched Medic PM must maintain the crews health. – Expected to treat incapacitated crew members and other CD forces. – work as EMT crew for EM
- Patched Communications PC – Operating as bridge crew for larger ships within the fleet – Command Low Tier operations within your ship
- Patched Recruiter PR – Expected to recruit Soldiers Infantry SI into the Patched Infantry PI – Work as a squad lead to the infantry within your ship

Enforcer Lieutenant members may choose you to rank up into either a;

Patched Lieutenant PL is the beginning stage of becoming a higher ranking ALFA member this specialisation would require you to give up on other roles and take on training with an Enforcer Lieutenant EL then later With a Captain CD-C. You will have to be selected by a Enforcer Recruiter ER to begin the ALFA training program.

Or if you choose to continue currently role you will become;

- Enforcer Pilot
- Piloting larger cargo ships and heavy fighters EP’s are a more heavy ordnance role. This is the end of the Pilot specialisation role.
- as a EP you take direct orders from the EL and EC, The* CDC branch (ALFA)* will also task the pilot on specific missions.
- Enforcer Medic
Enforcer Medic will be expected to either work on a large capital ship or be part of a Specialised EMT crew this is the highest medic rank to receive you will be tasked in managing of the SM’s and PM’s
-*Enforcer Infantry*
-*Enforcer Infantry* is the highest ranking infantry you will be tasked in ground and air operations providing the best support on the frontline.
-*Enforcers* have multiple roles from managing the SI and PI branch with operations.
-*Enforcer Lieutenant*
- Commanding the larger cargo ships the*EL are in charge* of managing contracts for smaller operations
- Commanding smaller fleets on vital cargo runs
- Tasking the*EI branch*
- Training and tasking upcoming Lieutenants such as*PL and SL*
- Enforcer Communications – Commanding bridges on larger cargo ships – Communications with the smaller fleet operations – Communicate with the CDC branch with tactics and strategy
-*Enforcer Recruiter*
- Working with communications this sub role is a vital one for the groundwork of the organisation this is the easiest way to become a member of the CDC branch but will come will a specific role of recruitment.
- Expected to recruit new* PR’s* and train them.
- Work closely with the communications and Lieutenant on bridge command.

From this selection Captain Recruiter may Rank you up to

- Captain CDC Branch

From here you may work in

- Captain Communications
- Coming up with contract ideas planning operations and heists.
- Help shape the way for the future of the Organisation.
- Provide Communication to all in the CDE branch.
- Bridge crew for capital class ships and corvettes.
- Captain Recruiter
- Commanding all*ER* and tasking them.
- Bridge crew.
- Larger infantry command.

Captain Lieutenant may promote you to;

- Captain Boss CB
- Commanding With The CDC leading large ships and fleets
- Bridge Crew or Infantry Commander
- larger scale operations

CDC has control over who may rank up to Captain Lieutenant

-h4. Captain Lieutenant CL
- Advanced management
- UEC collection
- Wage dispersion
- Large scale fleet command.

Crimson Dawn is still working on a more in depth ranking system but this foundation provides a simple base structure for the organisation to run smoothly.

Us in the CDC hope to see you apply to become a Member and when you join you will be a assigned a CD number this is your soldier code this will come up aside your rank for example (CD-PI9256) this is your Crimson Dawn name. When you have a name you will be accepted as a thug into the syndicate.

Good luck and happy hunting.