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Capsule Corp. / CCORP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Engineering
  • Freelancing

Bringing the future, to the present.


We don’t have much of a history just yet, but we want you to help us build the future!

We are currently hiring.


Specializing in all things gadgetry, Capsule Corp. is your one stop shop for premium ship modifications.

We have also been known to take on all kinds of freelance jobs, with the aid of our own premium mods it’s a breeze! Including but not limited to: cargo hauls (be it inanimate or something a bit more VIP), recon requests, and even bounties!


Employees of Capsule Corp. shall hereby abide to the following:
  • Be relatively friendly.
    • You don’t have to give customers kisses and hugs but try not to call them a dunce-shrak-eater while on the job.
  • Quality workmanship.
    • Whether tweaking ship mods, protecting cargo, or even blasting bounties, nothin’ says Capsule Corp. like getting the job done right with quality assured.
  • Uniform.
    • When on a job, make sure you wear your Capsule Corp. uniform, that’s how people will know quality is on the way!
  • Shooting people is bad.
    • Remember folks, shooting another human, alien — and in some parts endangered species of plants — in the face without justification or reason is a criminal offense.