• Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Social

CAW INC is a collaborative Star Citizen-Machinima-producing youtube channel that aim to produce short quality films that promote the games capabilities and beauty. This Org is for everybody that want to help us acchieve that goal. We need Actors, Voice actors, camera operators and pilots!


Starting in March 2021 as a one-man hobby side project, it is… still pretty much just a one-man hobby side project.. But in time, we aim to grow and perhaps even collaborate with other content creators.
As a father to three small animals and having a full time job as well it’s limited how much time I get to play games and make videos.
I have a few friends that still play Star Citizen and help me out from time to time, but with more help I could fast-track the time it takes to produce each film.



We aim to produce really breath taking, moving and interesting films complimentary to the game that is Star Citizen!
With your help we could make some truly memorable moments and far reaching stories.

Do you have an interest or perhaps even some experience in film making?
Do you think it’s fun to see the labours of your own contribution on screen in full 3440×1440 resolution?
Do you want to make some new friends? (we are somewhat mature adults in our 30s and 40s with VERY different life experiences)
Do you have an idea or a script that you want us to help you with?

If you answered “maybe” (or at least not “HELL NO”) on any of the questions above, please do not hessitate to seek membership or reach out to us!

We need ACTORS, Voice ACTORS, Drivers, Pilots, Camera crew, storyboard artists, groupies, wine merchants… Rico, get off the keyboard, god-dammit…

If you feel like helping out, please feel free to send us an application.



Support the channel directly here:
Crypto currencies:

For Bitcoin (BTC), please use this wallet adresse:

For Etherium (ETH), Polygon (MATIC) or BinanceSmartChain (BSC), please use this wallet adresse:

Want to get easy access to tons of soundFX and licenced music while helping out this channel?
Please use this referral code:

Thank you! All contributions help a lot.
