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Basilisk Security Solutions / BSEC

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

We are the $42,000,000 stretch goal. Your enemies will say we’re unfair, we say its about time.


2950-02-11 08:49:37 Organization Founded
2950-02-11 09:05:48 Founding Admirals Appointed.: [Redacted] and [Redacted]
2950-03-14 02:21:56 [Redacted] Appointed to Commodore
2950-05-09 14:00:00 [Redacted] Appointed to Admiral
2950-06-03 06:40:38 [Redacted] Appointed to Commodore
2950-06-03 06:41:16 [Redacted] Appointed to Commodore
2954-01-22 22:20:00 Vehicle Acquisition Cooperative started with two initial supporters
2954-05-04 02:30:00 Project Dragon begins
2954-05-04 03:24:00 [Redacted] Appointed to Project Leader


1 to change the light bulb and to post that the light bulb has been changed.
14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently.
7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs.
6 to argue over whether it’s ‘lightbulb’ or ‘light bulb’.
Another 6 to condemn those 6 as stupid.
22 to tell those 6 to stop being jerks.
2 industry professionals to inform the group that the proper term is ‘lamp’.
15 know-it-alls who claim they were in the industry, and that ‘light bulb’ is perfectly correct.
49 to post memes and gifs (several are of Michael Jackson eating popcorn with the words added, “I’m just here for the comments.”)
19 to post that this page is not about light bulbs and to please take this discussion to a light bulb page.
11 to defend the posting to this page saying that we all use light bulbs and therefore the posts are relevant here.
24 to discuss the merits of LED/swirly fluorescent light bulbs
44 to claim LED and fluorescent bulbs will kill you.
12 to post F.
8 to ask what F means.
7 to post ‘Following’ but there’s 3 dots at the top right that means you don’t have to.
3 to say “can’t share”
2 to reply “can’t share from a closed group”
36 People to post pics of their own light bulbs.
15 People to post “I can’t see S$%^!” and use their own light bulbs.
6 to report the post or PM an admin because someone said “f÷×$”
4 to say “Didn’t we go through this already a short time ago?”.
13 to say “Do a search on light bulbs before posting questions about light bulbs”.
1 to bring politics into the discussion by adding that (insert politician of choice) isn’t the brightest bulb. This usually takes place within the first three comments.
50 more to get into personal attacks over their political views.
5 admins to ban the light bulb posters who took it all too seriously.
and LASTLY 1 late arrival to comment on the original post 6 months later and start it all over again.


Welcome to Basilisk Security Solutions (Spectrum ID: BSEC)

BSEC Is a security and assets acquisition organization supplemented by internal trades such as mining, industrial construction, and others. We are a Independent entity with our own independent structure. Our ultimate goal here is to have fun and be the best possible guild we can be in the ‘Verse. To provide the atmosphere this would require, we have set some basic ground rules for everyone to follow. This includes officers and the server/guild owner. Please read below and have fun!


Rule 1: This is intended to be a drama free org. AKA, we don’t want your drama. If you intend to bring your drama into this org… or bring our info out of it to anywhere else, please leave at your earliest convenience.

Rule 2: We, in this Organization, are an 18+ guild. This means that we expect the maturity of someone 18+. This comes with the tolerance and the reservations of being one.

Rule 3: If you have a game conflict with someone, take it up with the leadership before making a scene of it, if it is personal, keep it out of our chats.

Rule 4: Our Admirals have the highest authority here, we are not a democracy, though we try to be inclusive as possible. Please consider this to be the admiral’s house. You are a member here, but also a guest.

Rule 5: As with any guest, we fully expect members to respect each other including leadership. In return, we will also promise you equal respect.

Rule 6: Membership in this guild also constitutes our coalition with other groups and entities. We are to respect our colleagues as if they were our own.

Rule 7: It is ok to affiliate with other guilds, in fact, we encourage it. However. Times where political situations require conflict between two associated guilds and the necessity comes, you will be given the appropriate prompt to declare your stand between the two parties, thus concluding your participation, whether that be temporary or permanent, with the other guild.

Rule 8: We are not currently accepting affiliation at this point. Members who wish to have server permissions beyond basic channels and official org membership MUST Main BSEC. Resources WILL be limited to those members with an Enlisted or greater Rank.

This Rules List is a fluid list that will be adjusted as necessary. All rules are subject to change. Where Rules are changed or added, we will provide necessary notification.


Here in BSEC, we utilize a dual system. One system provides your rank in administration as the other provides your role and job as a member when we are running as a group or fleet primarily. Roles can be changed at any time without any “Testing” to fit your position. Obviously leadership roles will require some additional rank and then the necessary skills to be a leader, however. Your rank in guild is earned, not given.

(In Ascending Order)

Recruit: Prospective members who have yet to either join the community discord, purchase the game, or officially main BSEC. This would also include any affiliates should we decide to open up the ability to do so.

Enlisted: Any MAIN member of BSEC. Enlisted members most commonly include your Infantry, Pilot, Engineer and Deckhand roles.

Ensign: Any MAIN member of BSEC with either a distinguished service record or displays above average performance or skill when in game. This can include people who are prospective leadership candidates. Ensigns typically will share the same roles with the Enlisted members.

Lieutenant: Any MAIN member of BSEC who has proven to be capable leaders, trusted members, and can asses and follow information quickly and effectively. This rank is the last rank attainable by service length. Lieutenants will typically fill the Squad and Squadron leader roles as well as Deck Officer and Helmsman. Ensigns will only be promoted to Lieutenant on an “as needed” basis.

Commander: Any MAIN member who has exceeded the expectations of the Lieutenant and can handle high-stress situations. Commanders MUST have history with the Organization, must be able to follow their roles without hesitation and communicate effectively with others. Commander Ranks are typically the advisers and assistants to the Captain. Commander roles typically include Bridge Officer and Executive Officer.

Captain: Any member who has exceeded the position of Commander. Captain is a role granted by the Admirals to lead a crew and their ship. Captains are responsible for the safety of their crew and vessels and are the first line of upper administration. They are to carry out the instructions of the admirals to the best of their ability and communicate instruction to their assigned executive officers or crew.

Commodore: First level of Administrative Authority. Commodores are hand picked by Admirals and approved by the Admiral of the Navy. Assists an assigned admiral directly. Commodores typically are more hands on than the admiral as they are the people who typically ensure an admirals order is carried on by the fleet captains. Commodores are typically in charge of recruitment.

Current Commodores:

[Names Now Redacted]

Admiral: The Admirals carry out the general will of the guild. Typically Admirals are assigned fleets at a given notice and are expected to maintain them without additional dependence. Admirals are the general managers of the guild and the first line of authority for internal disputes. Members Assigned this rank by the Admiral of the Navy (AOTN) will act with a stature becoming of the guild and are the ONLY other rank beside AOTN that can represent BSEC as Ambassadors. Admirals will work with each other in counsel to handle major guild decisions.

Current Admirals:

[Names Now Redacted]

Admiral of the Navy: Guild manager, Entails all roles of the Admiral and provides the goal and outline of the guild’s intent to the Admirals. The AOTN Manages guild funds and discloses guild bank withdraws and balances to the Admirals. The AOTN is responsible for approving and denying alliances and declaring enemies and represents the guild before other guilds. It is the expectation that the AOTN maintains general order in the guild and amends the guild’s roles, responsibilities, and interests to keep up with changing events and environs.

Current Admiral of the Navy:

[Name Now Redacted]

(Standard Issue is Black armor)

Infantry (Gray Pauldron): Standard infantry. Assigned to a Squad Leader.

Squad Leader (Red Pauldron): Ground team leadership. In charge of communicating with officers and carrying out officer’s orders to their assigned unit.

Squadron Pilot (Blue Pauldron): Fighter pilot, Co-pilots, and gunners. Assigned to a Squadron Leader.

Squadron Leader (Cyan Pauldron): Fighter team leader. In charge of communicating with the fleet and officers to carry out mission objectives.

Gunner (Dark Green Pauldron): Full time turret and anti-air artillery operators. Also includes live ammunition services.

Engineer (Olive Green Pauldron): Maintenance, Repair, and in charge of replacing ammunition.

Deck Hands (Yellow Pauldron, Orange armor): Maintain, rearm, repair, and retrofit on board vehicles. Assigned to Deck Officer.

Deck Officer (Orange Pauldron): Manages deck hands and Coordinates all traffic inside hangars and garages. The key communication point between the hangar/garage and the bridge.

Helmsman (Violet Pauldron): Pilots capital class ships. Takes orders directly from the Executive Officer and the Captain.

Bridge Officer (White Pauldron): The central communications of the ship. Relays orders from the XO and Captain to Ground Teams, Strike Forces, and on board departments. Also manages Radar, Communications, and prioritizes important information to relay back to the XO and Captain.

Executive Officer (Lime Pauldron): Sets the Captain’s Orders into motion, the the Captain provides information of what needs to be done, the XO is in charge of making it happen in the best way possible. The XO is the second in command of a typical vessel where Administration is not present.

Captain (Yellow Pauldron): The Leader of a ship and its crew. Carries out the will of the administration. Maintains order on board their assigned or designated ship.

Administration Roles (Typically also Yellow Pauldron, but personal outfit can change to what they deem fitting): This category follows the standard rank system from here on. This category includes the Commodore, Admiral, and Admiral of the Navy ranks.