Black Raven Initiative / BLKRVN

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

“The two most important days of your life are
the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

– Mark Twain

Join here to find out why >>>>> DISCORD



Mission and Philosophy

The Black Raven Initiative operates under a singular guiding principle: Preservation through principle. We believe that small, calculated actions can prevent widespread disaster, and that sometimes the ends justify the means. The organization sees itself as a necessary evil, willing to do what others cannot or will not to ensure the survival and advancement of humanity. Our motto, “Corvus Aeternus Custos” (The Raven, Eternal Guardian) symbolizes an eternal sentinel watching over the cosmos, embodying wisdom, strength, and an unyielding commitment to its mission. The raven, a creature often associated with foresight and mystery, serves as a perfect emblem for a force that is ever-watchful, prepared, and dedicated to the exploration and safeguarding of the unknown. This eternal guardian stands as a symbol of both the pursuit of knowledge and the protection of what is discovered. Unlike traditional organizations, the Black Raven Initiative has no official allegiance to any nation or government. Instead, we serve a higher purpose, one that transcends borders and ideologies. Our goal is to maintain a delicate balance of power in the verse, preventing any one entity from becoming too dominant or too destructive. We truly believe in a future where humanity can thrive, but only if the most dangerous elements are kept in check.

Legacy and Influence

As the universe evolves, so does the Black Raven Initiative. We adapt to new challenges and threats, ever vigilant and ready to act when the balance of power is at risk. Always operating in the shadows, we guard the future against those who seek its demise.




Members must be a minimum of eighteen (18) years old to join the organization. This is not only for legal reasons, we expect our members to possess maturity, decorum and respect.

Real Life Comes First

Real life comes first. We will not demand your attendance over work, school, and family. We all have responsibilities outside of work. If you will be inactive for an extended period of time, let your chain of command know. We do not expect you on every day.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Griefing of any kind is strictly NOT allowed. Harassment of any kind in the verse via global comms is strictly not allowed and is a bannable offense.


In BLKRVN, we uphold high standards and treat everyone with respect. We value integrity, both within our organization and in our interactions with others in the verse.




The Rules of Engagement (ROE) codify the internal rules or directives that members of the Black Raven Initiative (“BLKRVN” or “BRI” or “The Organization”) will follow in the circumstances, conditions, degree, and manner in the use of force.

The Right to Self Defense

Regardless of any other rules stated here or elsewhere, members of BLKRVN have the inherent right, in all circumstances, to defend the lives, property, or entrusted goods under our protection. In simple terms, if a hostile act is committed or threatened against any member, you are authorized to use deadly force.

Defense of Another

As with the Right to Self Defense, the membership will have the right to defend each other. Should a hostile act be committed or threatened upon any member of the Black Raven Initiative or a declared ally, any member may act and use deadly force to defend, aid, protect, or otherwise help each other or a declared ally. A member need not witness the hostile act, a simple report by any communication means is sufficient.


No member of BLKRVN will participate in any act that violates the terms of service specified by Roberts Space Industries (“RSI”), Cloud Imperium Games (“CIG”), or subsidiaries thereof. Further, BLKRVN sees senseless and wanton violence as abhorrent. The use of force should be with a purpose, i.e. PvP with a purpose, seizing space or land area, denying access to a location, accepted challenges and duels, etc. More simply, random killing is NOT allowed. Other examples of griefing include: pad ramming, exploiting, and any other action that violates Cloud Imperium Games terms of service.


A privateer is a private person or vessel which engages in hostilities under a commission of war or a letter of marque. The Black Raven Initiative Council may commission members to engage in hostilities against others for the purpose of taking prizes, such as cargo and ships. A Privateer is NOT a Pirate. Privateering is a limited action taken in a specified area, against known specified parties, or even unknown parties over a specified time period. It is not wanton killing and stealing of cargo from any party at any time, the latter more a definition of Piracy. When authorized, BLKRVN members that are participating in Privateering shall always act in a minimum of two. The group effort provides evidence that the acts committed were within the ROE and not Piracy or Griefing. Failure to obtain authorization, solo privateer, or commit acts of piracy is a Violation of the ROE and shall be addressed as such as described herein. All proceeds from Privateering shall be split evenly amongst the members that took part in the action with an equal share distributed to the BRI bank.

Violation of the Rules of Engagement

A violation of the ROE should be brought to the attention of the first officer in the Chain of Command, however, a member shall always have the option to report a violation directly to the Council. The Council will appoint an investigating officer who will obtain all evidence and produce a report for the Leader and Council’s review. Should the member be found to be in violation of the ROE, disciplinary action will be taken at the discretion of the leadership with the Council voting in the affirmative. This can include expulsion from The Organization, especially for repeated violations.