Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


BlackListed Gaming / BLGAMING

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Security

Multi-Purposed operating outside the law when necessary.

Discord: – MSG _Zast for privileges on discord.

Thinking about purchasing Star Citizen? Use Referral – STAR-MMPP-D9MJ and get more MONEY!


BlackListed Gaming

When we were founded:

2949-12-01 18:14:28 – RSI Time

Where we are from:

We are from all over the world, but most are from the United States. All org events are based on EST timezone.


What is BlackListed Gaming?

  • We are an organization that plays many different games together. We are looking forward most to Star Citizen as this will be our primary game once the game is further in development.

What will you guys do in Star Citizen?

  • We are a multi-purpose organization meaning we might dip our fingers in a bit of everything.
    This can include but is not limited to:
  • Mining
    Cargo Hauling
    Refueling, Repairing & Rearming
  • We have every ship an organization may need to be successful and are most excited for ships that require multiple players.

What if I am a solo player?

  • That is not a problem. We will have small-scale roles that will pay dividends. For example, we will need people to provide our merchant ships with merchandise to sell. All organizations can benefit from solo players.

But I only have a starter ship, how can I be helpful?

  • Our organization has many ships that will need to be operational, and many of these ships will require multiple players. We need players like yourself to help make these ships operational.

What would I do in these ships?

  • In BlackListed, rank provides privileges and opportunities. Our ranking structure will help determine what roles people are qualified for.
  • Operator – Any role requested
  • Pilot – May fill roles or be pilots
  • 2nd Lt. – Authority to access specific org ships and command and fly
  • Captain – Will help command fleet and fill any desired role
  • Grand Admiral & Admiral – Fleet Command and full control of organization ships

How do I receive promotions?

  • Our Star Citizen council discusses promotions each quarter. Players who show desire, discipline, and dedication to the organization typically receive promotions the fastest. We are looking for quality players who have the same faith in the game as we do. Although the game is still years away from completion, we believe building our community early will help us achieve greater success.


Who’s asking?

If you really want to know, go to #faq-rules in discord.