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Blackfour / BLACKFOUR

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Pacta sunt servanda

Elite training. Trusted services.

Official Steam group page




To BLACKFOUR, the contract is sacred. We will never abandon our clients. We will never betray their trust.

When failure is not an option, or when absolute secrecy must be maintained, you will choose BLACKFOUR. You will choose us because we field only elite personnel and advanced technology. You’ll choose us because we are worthy of your trust.

Our services include, but are not limited to:
  • Escort security
  • Rapid threat response
  • Bulk, high value, or discrete cargo transportation
  • Reconnaissance
  • Bounty hunting


Contract Rules:

1. As long as the client upholds their end of the contract, you shall uphold yours.

2. Any information gained under contract, which might compromise the security of the client, shall be kept secret; even after the contract has ended.

3. While on contract, you shall obey orders given to you by a superior without question.

4. Orders may only be given in direct fulfillment of a contract.

When you are on contract, you are representing BLACKFOUR as a whole. If you fail to uphold our values, you damage our reputation as a company. In your own time, you are free to behave as you please, unless you take any action against the interests of BLACKFOUR or its clients.

General Rules:

No bigotry or flaming. Basically, don’t be an idiot or you will be removed. Permanently.