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Black Dove Company / BLACKDVCO

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

We are a PMC that aims to serve the people, organized and chartered we will function as paid guards or mercenaries as long as the price is right. All members get their own pay for their own jobs and if necessary we come together as one to do larger jobs. For people looking to get paid for combat.


We were formed out of a need. A need found by all players. We aimed to work for the people… and their money, making our fortune off of solving their misfortune. Whether it was raiding someones station, guarding a shipment or escorting a vessel we would do what needed to be done and we still will.


We as a PCM believe in both order and power. Without order all would break out into chaos and without power there would be no order. There is power in numbers and while one member with one ship isn’t strong on his own, with our comrades we can accomplish anything.


No BDC member shall betray the clients trust nor try to betray them. No piracy unless chartered by the client. Always protect the client and their vessels. Do not involve other members in personal matters, if you have a bounty on your head then you have to deal with it. No killing other members for their bounties. Anyone who does not abide by these ideals will be removed from the Company.