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Boxed Freight Express and Transport / BFX

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Smuggling

Boxed Freight Exploration & Transport specializes in the expedient Transportation of nondescript items and small or light cargo, as well as Information and Data.

BFX also maintains an Exploration Branch which is constantly hard at work to ferret out the most expedient shipping routes possible!


Founded sometime in December of 2946…

Boxed Freight Express Transport has quietly specialized in a number of private shipping contracts for various entities, both corporate and private.

Branding itself as an expedient courier service specializing in the transport of small cargo and minor, nondescript items, using Light to Medium sized Cargo Haulers; BFX maintains a low profile compared to the larger Freight Organizations running expensive and often much larger Hull Series Freighters from MISC, that tend to be the favored targets of various unscrupulous elements out there.

Also, in December of 2946, to support its Freight Services, BFX acquired through a careful negotiation deal with Drake Interplanetary, an early model Drake Cutlass Black with full Life Time Insurance. Included in the deal was a guarantee from Drake Interplanetary that the Manufacturer will replace the BFX Cutlass with Drake’s newest Refit Cutlass Model, fresh off the assembly line, as soon as manufacturing is completed!

A BFX Official was quoted as stating:
BFX feels that the Drake Cutlass Black is the best ship for our needs. Its not a dedicated Freight Hauler like the larger MISC ships, which are so often targeted by pirates. Therefore with the Drake Cutlass, we feel the packages we transport, will have a much higher probability of reaching their destination, on time. We’re anxiously looking forward to the Cutlass Refit promised to us by Drake Interplanetary and look forward to doing additional business with them in the future!”


In January of 2947, BFX announced its Exploration Branch, stating that this Branch of the company will pride itself on its efforts to seek out and map the quickest and safest routes, through which your packages may be Transported!


In March of 2947, BFX acquired ownership of an Origin 315p Explorer, to support its Exploration Branch, with plans to start a rigorous Chassis Upgrade plan to better model Explorer Variants in the coming months. The company stated it had an eye on eventually settling on the ANVIL Terrapin as the Flagship for its Exploration Branch, but that it was carefully watching the current Refit of the Drake Cutlass, due to rumors of a possible Exploration Module being added to the Cutlass lineup…. however both Drake Interplanetary and BFX Officials have stated that this may be unlikely to happen.

Also in March of 2947, BFX announced plans to eventually branch into providing expedient Courier Services for the Transportation of Information and Data and stated the Company was in negotiations with Drake Interplanetary to acquire their latest Herald model which is currently on “Special Order Only” status. Drake Interplanetary offered no comments on when they planned to make the Herald available for order again; while BFX stated that it was, again, looking forward to doing future business with Drake Interplanetary.


May and June of 2947; BFX participated in the founding of local conglomerate, Ellipsis. While little is known about Ellipsis as a whole, BFX remains affiliated as a member of its Board of Directors and regularly attends and participates in local meetings and gatherings of other founding members of Ellipsis.


June and July of 2947; BFX is proud to announce its sponsorship into the Racing world! After a number of trail runs with a number of racers including the Gamma, 350r and the M50, BFX has announced the company has signed a deal with Consolidated Outland and purchased a Mustang Gamma!

Also in late June of 2947, BFX sold off its Aegis Avenger assets and reacquired the companies first and original ship… an Aurora LN.

After this was done the CEO of BFX released a statement saying:
“The Avenger Titan remains a staple in our fleet. We started with an Aurora a little over a year ago, and traded that in for the Titan.

Today however, through a deal we made between us, RSI, Aopoa and Aegis, we acquired a number of the Aopoa Nox bikes, and one of these was then traded in to Aegis for a new Titan after we sold the original Titan to reacquire an Aurora LN.

This, on the heels of our entry into the racing world and our acquisition of a Mustang Gamma. Our corporate fleet is growing!”

When asked about the earlier press release from May regarding the companies affiliation with the Ellipsis conglomerate, the BFX CEO had this to say.
“We have no comments on that matter. We have no information regarding any entities known as Ellipsis…”

The CEO of BFX then just, simply shrugged, and left the podium…


September 2947; BFX is proud to announce its affiliation with TEST Squadron and The Grey Exchange! The CEO of BFX stated the following during a recent press conference:

“We look forward to our relationship with the TEST Squadron and hope that our affiliation with them will not only be profitable, but also long lasting and give us the assistance and means of testing future shipping, cargo and transportation technologies as they eventually come online!

We also would like to announce our affiliation with The Grey Exchange which we have high hopes will further enhance our shipping and transportation services! Transportation is, after all… a precise business!”

BFX has also recently begun trial runs with the Aegis Gladius and the Drake Buccaneer, stating that the company feels both could be suitable for escort duties on vital and crucial transportation runs and has plans to purchase at least one for this purpose, in the near future.


2948 and 2949

BFX continues to grow and has expanded its operations throughout the Stanton System.

The company eventually settled its security decision on the Aegis Gladius, stating:
“Despite our continued relations with Drake Interplanetary; we feel that, at this time, the Aegis Gladius is the best option for our company security concerns.”

Expanding on the Racing front, the Company now also owns an Origin M50 and a Kruger P-72!

The company also still owns and maintains its original Mustang Gamma!

Lastly, through its continued relationship with Drake Interplanetary, the company has also acquired an ownership Title to the Manufacturers recently announced Drake Corsair!

“We feel enthusiastic about the upcoming Drake Corsair and believe that this ship not only could bolster our shipping and transportation revenue, but that it could also greatly expand on our exploration front! To accompany the Corsair and to further bolster both sides of our business venture, we’ve also added to our fleet the Drake Dragonfly!”

The company has also recently added to its fleet, the Tumbril Cyclone and Tumbril Ranger CV.

Also during the 2948 – 2949 period, the company was inducted into the illustrious Chairman’s Club!

During a press conference, the CEO of BFX humorously stated:

“Chairman’s Club? Yeah…. we’re members.”

“Ironically, it was the purchase of a Greycat PTV which put us into this famous club!”

“I was just looking into ways of further expediting the movement of small packages safely around our Hangar, getting them to the right ship for transport. I had decided that the Greycat PTV was best for this and so went and purchased one during the special November Sales in 2948!”

Next thing I know I’m getting a message on my Mobi telling me that I’ve been invited to join the Chairman’s Club!”



Black Ferret Express Transport; after the sad loss of the companies mascot pet Ferrets… has rebranded as Boxed Freight Express Transport.

The Company CEO had following to say, during a recent press conference:

“We had a pair of young Ferrets, whom my wife and I raised from kits into their old age. A Hob and a Jill named Malcolm and Serenity. They were more then just mere pets, they were a part of our family. Very intelligent, very social, and very affectionate animals that are sadly, even now in the 30th century are still very sadly misunderstood.

They were a joy in our lives and brought us many happy memories. They were the inspiration for our original company name and branding. Sadly, however… both recently passed away due to their advanced age, and we felt that keeping the original company name brought us too much sadness. We feel however, the new name better reflects the company’s current direction and goal.

With that being said, I would like to announce that Boxed Freight Express Transport; through our continued partnership with Drake Interplanetary, has recently purchased our first serious cargo hauler. The Drake Caterpillar! We believe this addition to our Fleet will put us ahead of other competing small business cargo haulers while expanding our ability to swiftly and safely deliver your cargo to its destination!”

After the statement, a large Revel & York Hangar door behind the company CEO, opened up to reveal a shiny new Drake Caterpillar in 2950 IAE Stormbringer Livery!


2951 – 2952

BFX purchased an Origin 400i, and finally took delivery of its previously ordered Drake Corsair!
BFX also purchased a Greycat STV.


Transportation is a Precise Business.


At Black Freight Express & Transport, we adhere to a strict set of rules to ensure business gets done quickly, and efficiently.

1. The deal, is the Deal.
Once a deal has been made, its terms can not be changed.
Once a Job is complete, then a new Deal can be negotiated.

2. No Names.
Names are not important, just get the job done.

3. Never open the Package.
Whats IN the package, is not our business.
Transporting and delivering the package, IS our business.

4. Never make promises, that can’t be kept.
If you can’t do the job, then don’t take the job.
Know your limitations, and don’t go beyond them.

5. Never transport what can be missed by others.
We ONLY transport nondescript items.
If an employee transports an item that goes missing, and it makes the evening headlines… They’re Fired.