Welcome to Benjineering
Officially formed in 2952, Benjineering Co consists of dedicated Engineers, Mechanics, Technicians, Scientists, Designers and much more, providing custom one of a kind technology competing in a league of its own.
Think you have the flair we are looking for?
The Benjineering Project aims itself at providing any modification a citizen might need from one of our dedicated hangars or out in the field. This tight unit, currently specialising in ships and vehicles with the ultimate goal of branching out into small arms, armour and any any kind of item or device that can be tweaked, tuned, upgraded or modified, will become a new standard for customisation and personalisation.
- The Benjineering project begins. Theorised by a group of 4 friends, planning begins for a greater vision
- PROJECT TURTLEBACK. 3 Anvil Aerospace Terrapin class pathfinder ships begin a new initiative by request of the CEO himself. It is the belief of Benji that the Terrapin, with careful redesign, will become the backbone of naval defence operations.
- Partnership agreement signed between Benjineering Co & Reclamations And Terminations Syndicate to assist with the following:
- The first prototype of Project Turtleback, callsign Archer, emerged with the scanning station completely ripped out, and instead sporting a size 7 ballistic artillery cannon with 2 stage autoloading ammunition ready rack; modified landing gear with Raptor Claw terrain clamps, complimented by outriggers for stability upon firing; and an onboard computer fire control system for directing accurate fire across multiple batteries. Live fire testing of different ammunition types has been postponed after it was noted that past 75° of elevation the recoil of such a weapon would punch the short range radio communication package through the belly of the craft.
- Consolidated Outland’s Vindicator edition of the Mustang has been acquired for the fleet. No known plans have been laid for this craft, it is theorised to be part of a personal collection.
- Consolidated Outland’s Mustang Omega AMD edition also joins the Benjineering fleet. This model has sparked an idea for a secondary objective that the project will aim to achieve. Details will be revealed once mature
- A security breach came to light within the project. A middle aged male managed to find himself inside a restricted hangar dedicated to the commissioning of a 2949 Aegis Reclaimer BIS callsign Luna Basilisk. Luckily for the projects confidentiality, an operative of Benjineering hastily performed a check of his Gemini R97 shotgun’s safety mode. The corpse never did press charges against REDACTED but as punishment for the incident REDACTED was ordered to carry at least 1 extra magazine henceforth.
- Xenothreat forces broadcast across the Stanton system threatening hostilities throughout the system. Benjineering project uses the recent developments for platform testing. A 2949 Aegis Hammerhead BIS patrol gunship, the UEE Medusa, is expedited into modernisation for potential operations.
- Benjineering operatives assist with the defence and escort of supply convoys around INS Jericho. Feedback from operatives set the groundwork for future development of REDACTED & REDACTED class fighters.
- Xenothreat forces deploy multiple Idris class carrier frigates with support craft. With CDF approval the partially complete UEE Medusa deploys into the combat zone under Benjineering command. Due to the short notice of the retrofit, she departs with only 1 of her 2 REDACTED shield generators fully operational.
- Victory in Stanton, Benjineerings risky move deploying the Medusa pays off and Xenothreat forces are strategically locked out of Stanton.
- Need for a vessel capable of performing the roles of mobile command, operational springboard and territorial patrol has been identified. An order for a Roberts Space Industries Polaris class sub capital Corvette has been approved for the fleet. The hull of the vessel has been laid with details around completion date left open ended. Benjineering technicians are working closely with RSI’s manufacturing shipyard to ensure the Corvette is “built for purpose” from the ground up.
- CEO Benji enrols both Crusader Ares starfighter platforms Ion & Inferno into his personal fleet. Captain Rogers follows suit shortly after with both pushing the airframe to its limits anticipating the platform to be an integral component of warfare going forward.
- Benjineering project officially formed with task and purpose outlined. For the first time the project enters expansion phase and applications for talented individuals are being assessed.
- THE MOLESTAKE. Benjineering technicians have been assigned posts aboard an ARGO Mole class mining vessel for a short R&D task within the field. A shortfall in knowledge of one particular trainee lead to an overcharged node of REDACTED detonating. The vessel was blown out of the atmosphere and into high orbit above REDACTED approximately 500 Kilometres from the surface. Incredibly the Mole withstood the strain of such an impromptu manoeuvre which allowed for onboard sensors and black box data to be analysed. Flight recordings estimate the planetary exit speed to be in the region of 500,000m/s, allowing technicians to calculate the initial impact energy on the Mole to be approximately 108.7 Petajoules, resulting in likely the fastest speed achieved by a manned craft outside of Quantum travel, whilst not liquifying the crew thus still remaining manned after the event. Video evidence has been archived for further study. Benjineering technicians will begin probing the phenomenon in search of carbon neutral traversal viability while also funding a study into the ethics of subjecting commercial passengers to a short burst of 50,985G’s without warning. As expected the former is causing the most legal friction. Codename: PROJECT NECKBRACE.
- PROJECT ARCHANGEL. Initial trials of the Tumbril Nova chassis heavy tanks commence with emphasis on armament and fire control system tests. Initial impressions highlight issues with the hulls weight distribution, main armament vertical guidance, and vehicles vertical profile. Several strengths were also identified. One technician believes “The accuracy of the Hurston Dynamics Slayer ballistic cannon is not firstly limited by range, but by the eyeball in the gunner aiming it”. 2 Nova’s were kept from the trials and stored in preparation of REDACTED.
- The Reclaimer Luna Basilisk is once again called upon to find a way to achieve the ultimate goal of Project Archangel. Trials have produced numerous problems but men are hard at work addressing the problems discovered.
- Joining the Overdrive Initiative brought forward by the CDF on 15/03/2954, today marks the day of victory over Xenothreat forces in Stanton. From INS Jericho to the Stanton Pyro jumpgate, this onslaught has been a valuable lesson for the project. Through the initiative a handful of Mk II F7A Hornets have been delivered to the Benjineering fleet
- The Benjineering project acquires a very special craft to enrol into its fleet. The REDACTED will be transferred into secure storage while being prepared for its future within the fleet.
- PROJECT TURTLEBACK. Project temporarily put on hold, Benji cant find the keys to the Terrapin, details in the Org manifesto.
- Meetings concluded with the founding members of Ad Astra. As of today the Benjineering project officially joins the Ad Astra network alongside the cargo hauling company Brute Haul with the aim of streamlining joint ventures moving forward.
- The Benjineering Project takes delivery of the RSI Polaris.
- Preliminary work on the fleet structure begins with the goal of a highly adaptable multi role fleet consisting of several squadrons.
- Ad Astra members conclude a 4 phase defence of the Stanton system. This attack will escalate to a pushback into the Pyro system. Members are on high alert.
- The legendary F7A Mk I joins the fleet alongside several Mk II’s
- False flag attack, the true intentions of the Frontier Fighters is discovered. The Benjineering fleet moves to support the Ad Astra network gearing up to resupply the Pyro system with aid.
- Ad Astra begin a joint operation comprising of Brute Haul, Benjineering, SpaceRats & Mongs sub divisions, restocking salvage to help deliver aid to the unstable Pyro system. The Reclaimer’s “Luna Basilisk” & Tyrannosaurus Nommer lead, flanked by Vultures “ScrapRat” REDACTED & REDACTED to begin the long process of sourcing and processing material abandoned around MicroTech.
- TASK FORCE ONE. Today the Ad Astra Fleet departs in strength and numbers.
Task Force 1 has been assembled consisting of an RSI Polaris Corvette callsign “Lightblade”, stocked with reclaimed salvage and an escort flight of Hornets F7A Mk I “Big Nose” & F7A Mk II “Feder”.
Logistical support is provided by the Drake Caterpillar “Astraeus’s prison wallet”.
Additional escort support has also been provided by MiliCorp, rotating a nearby Squadron into Pyro ready to intercept and shadow the fleet between delivery points.
Several reserve & support ships are assigned to the Task Force as well.
The overall presence and shear firepower of the task force kept relief aid deliveries smooth and consistent resulting in only 6 bandits shot down due to hostile actions and or non compliance through a 9 hour operation. With over 900 standard cargo units shipped in 13 instalments and a 100% success rate, we congratulate personnel on their effectiveness, even more so to sustain no casualties.
As the fleet returns to Stanton, “Astraeus’s prison wallet” & “Feder” are diverted to Benjineering facilities for minor repairs to engines and tail sections.
This effort marks the first integration of MiliCorp forces into Ad Astra operations, and will be forever immortalised in history, as the first official sortie of the Task Force 1 flagship…
From the 6th Heavy Fleet
Named in honor of our fallen founder
Roberts Space Industries
Polaris class Corvette
Godspeed Commander o7
A chilled out community free from drama for anyone interested in the field to hangout and or contribute to the goal of building the Benjineering project
Regardless if you’re a long time vet that wants to chat and play or a fresh citizen looking to learn the ropes and explore the verse, our community welcomes all
Also if anyone finds a set of keys for a Terrapin lying around please let me know. you’ll know the ones, its got a USB keyring with a map to Tony Z on it. Rental company wont stop on spectrum o7
Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.