Bad News / BADNEWS

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Bad News – Intergalactic News and Intelligence Agency

“Everyone Knows Bad News Travel Fast!”


Founded in 2946 by Jaaku Guimas. The agency ran from his C1 Spirit for a couple of years before leasing an office floor near Riker Memorial Spaceport in Area18, Arccorp.
Since then, the company has grown to be one of Stanton’s most reputable independent news wire service provider,

Recently a legal lawsuit by Aciedo CommRelays followed by an office raid has left the company struggling to keep up financially, thus laying off most staff and prompting a reform that also ended up having Bad News become one of the founding members of the Od3ica Spacecomms Relay Service.

Currently Bad News mobile office, the IMS-Lucrethia (Anvil Carrack) provides editorial support to field reporters and is usually not far from reporter ships like the IMS-Clementine (Reliant Mako).

Read Our News articles


“One of the problems has to do with the speed of light and the difficulties involved in trying to exceed it. You can’t. Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.”

-Douglas Adams

Bad News – Intergalactic News and Intelligence Agency

  • Operating from a main ship (mobile office), developing the crew’s story based on in-game events, interactions with other orgs, and players;
  • Require your character to have backstory, dreams, and goals inline with the Star Citizen lore;
  • Our organization provides the fastest news service in the galaxy. Our Editorial Department covers various topics; check our content (here)
  • We believe in active neutrality, influencing the powers that be to promote balance and serving the people;
  • Reaching over 4000 readers across 30+ Discord servers, we have partnerships with radios and other news agencies.
  • Our Intelligence Department runs an academy and conducts operations for other org clients.

Bad News main focus is news wire agency, acquiring information from around the verse and selling it to interested parties.
Secondary areas is the news paper (text+image media), with occasional news article. More recently Bad News expanded to the vids section of the Spectrum, by broadcasting live news reporting on current developing and emergent events.

The agency employs a multidisciplinary team, ranging from reporters, anchors, journalists and editors to the news fleet crew with pilots, engineers, security and office medic.

We’re looking for players interested in joining a roleplay experience as a civilian ship crew some of whom are also Special Agents


Bad News Organisation Bylaws

Article I: Purpose

Bad News – Intergalactic News and Intelligence Agency is a Cooperative Corporation, owned and operated by its members, that aims to serve the peoples of the galaxy beyond profit and politics.
To ensure our members and employees that their confidence and our credibility are held in high regard, Bad News leadership must be open to change. This constitution and its bylaws purpose is that our Organisation can remain actively neutral, promote the best journalism practices, fair judgment and ethical use of the intelligence/information it gathers.

Article II: Membership

  1. Eligibility: Membership is open to all individuals who support the mission and values of Bad News.
  2. Active Members: Members who participate regularly in organisational activities and meetings.
  3. Passive Members: Members who support the organisation but do not participate regularly.
  4. Staff: Members whose primary Org and focus of activity is Bad News.
  5. Honorary Member: Members who by their continuous and unwavering dedication have been awarded this title.

Article III: Board of Directors and Elections

  1. Composition: The board shall consist of active members of the elected List that fulfill eligibility requirements, including the President of the Board.
  2. Term: The term of the directors shall be [one year], unless decided otherwise during the annual general meeting.
  3. Duties: The board shall oversee the operations of the organisation, ensure adherence to the bylaws, and promote the organisation’s mission, as well as execute the suffrage process.
  4. Nominations:
    1. Every member of the association can nominate candidates to integrate or form a List for the board of directors or receive the honorary title.
    2. Nominations must be submitted formally.
    3. A deadline for submitting nominations shall be set [e.g., one month before the election].
    4. Acceptance: Nominees must accept their nomination.
  5. List Format:
    1. Accepted nominees shall integrate into a list or form a new list.
    2. Deadline for List presentation is 1 month before election, updates allowed until 1 day before election day.
    3. Members will vote for the entire list or individual candidates as specified in the bylaws.
  6. Elections:
    1. Elections shall be held annually during the general meeting.

Article IV: Voting Rights

  1. Eligibility: All members, both active and passive, have the right to vote in board of directors elections unless stated otherwise in the bylaws.
  2. Voting Procedure: Weighted Voting System
  3. Voting Weights:
    1. Active Members: 2 votes each
    2. Passive Members: 1 votes each
    3. Staff: 4 votes each
    4. Honorary Members: 3 votes each

Article V: Meetings and Amendments

  1. General Meetings: General meetings shall be held on Towel Day (May 25) to discuss and vote on organisational matters.
  2. Extraordinary Meetings: Special meetings can be called by the board of directors or by a petition of [specified number, e.g., one-third] of the members.
  3. Proposal of Amendments: Amendments to the bylaws can be proposed by any member of the organisation.
  4. Approval of Amendments: Amendments must be approved by a [specified majority, e.g., two-thirds] vote of the members present at the general meeting.

Article VI: CEO and President of the Board

  1. CEO:
    1. Appointment: The CEO shall be appointed by the Board of Directors from their List.
    2. Term: The term of the CEO shall be [6 months], with the possibility of reappointment.
    3. Duties: The CEO shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the organisation, implementing the policies and strategies set by the Board of Directors, and representing the organisation in external affairs.
    4. Voting Rights: The CEO shall have equal voting rights in board decisions.
  2. President of the Board:
    1. Election: The President of the Board shall be the first/top candidate nominee on the elected List.
    2. Term: The term of the President of the Board shall be [1 year], with the possibility of re-election.
    3. Duties: The President of the Board shall preside over board meetings, ensure the board’s decisions are implemented, and act as a liaison between the board and the CEO.
    4. Voting Rights: The President of the Board shall have [tie-breaking vote] in board decisions.
    5. Role Accumulation: The President of the board can accumulate Director and CEO roles.