Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Avenging Angels / AVA

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Transport

NATURE : Military Special Operations, General Contractors
PURPOSE : To assist the Government in Special, off the books Operations, bounty hunting, population resource control, and general contracting
STATUS : Overt and Covert operations


Avenging Angels are an old Earth Order that faded away with the death of the founder Dominus Maximus, many years ago. A historian, Legotus Dominica from the Guild of Histories, located the only surviving direct descendant decades later in order to restart the Order. He Raised Modecai as the histories of the Order instructed, but with modern overtones and norms. AvA is a quasi militaristic order that has spiritual overtones but is not ruled by it. Part of the downfall of the previous order was its strict adherence to religion. Member are invited to worship but not required nor does it affect advancement. All religions are welcome as long as loyalty to the Order is placed first.
The Current Seraphim and founder vowed to never repeat the sins of the past and allows that not all are as strict as the original founder.


Loyalty- Loyalty to your brothers, loyalty to squadron, loyalty to your Seraphim.
Duty- You joined with us, your duty is to follow your officers and follow when lead, lead when followed.
Respect- Respect goes both ways. They respect your position, you respect theirs.
Selfless Service- You gave to the Angels your time, blood, sweat, and tears. Think of your brothers first, of you, last.
Honor- Your word is law. Be worthy of it. Don’t be an honor-less leech.
Integrity- Do the right thing even when no one is looking.
Personal Courage- Don’t be a coward. Speak up for those who cannot and do this often.


(We have been asked several times if we are a real faith based org. This is a game, so no. RPing only.)


1. No smuggling.
2. Military operations are OK as long as they don’t support our enemies.
3. Bounty Hunting OK as long as they are criminals.
4. General Contracting is OK as long as they are not criminals.
5. Call for help or all calls for battle by the Seraphim are to be obeyed.
6. Orders by Chapter Officers will be obeyed.
6. Suggestions for the betterment of the Chapter are encouraged.
7. Loyalty to the chapter is required.


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