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East Austral Company / AUSTRAL

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Transport

Motto of the East Austral Company: Auspicio Imperator Et Senatus Terra, By right of the Imperator and the Senate of Earth


The East Austral Company is a privately owned company which was established to create profitable trade, along with coaching business within the Tevarin regions. It was founded in 2924 by Lte. James E. Webb shortly after his demobilisation from squadron 42. After being granted an Imperial Charter by Imperator Kelos Costigan in 2945, this up and coming organisation is set to make its mark on the universe. Importation of exotic goods, primarily teas from Tevarin sectors into the U.E.E. Most of the East Austral Companies ships are supplied by Aegis Dynamics, though ageing with the vast majority being military navy surplus, East Austral Co. is committed to provide the foremost service.


Rules and Regulations:

The judicial authority is vested in the courts of justice vis. the local , the District and the supreme courts with the authority of the Governor-General, trial by jury in all criminal cases are introduced. All members are privileged to a fair hearing and trail in terms of criminal convictions. That members of company are prohibited from engaging in any private trade, piracy or accepting presents or bribes in circumstances contrary to East Austral Company policy, unless by special appointment. That all members of the East Australia company adhere to the laws and conduct in accordance with the laws and codes of the United Earth Empire.

With complete and absolute freedom of speech and print exist to the extent of the social code and laws of the U.E.E. Complete freedom of religion is recognised, with offences to insult or disparaging another religion, to the extent of the code and law of the U.E.E.

If general conscription is established, no privileges shall be granted to anybody including high ranking members, unless specified by the high court or the board of directors.

All members of the East Austral company shall conduct themselves with honour, dignity and a high sense of decorum, with all members pledging a minimum service length to the company, however may be relinquished of remaining service specified by the high court or the board of directors. Those that have Letters of Marque, will be give an outlined the actions their ship can take against warring nations, along with the standard accordance of letters of Marque.

Letter of Marque:

A commissioned privateer shall enjoy the protection of the East Austral Company and is subject to the obligations of the laws of war. If captured, the crew is entitled to honourable treatment as prisoners of war, Privateers without the licence are deemed as pirates and as such are “at war with all the world,” are to be dealt with in accordance with U.E.E. laws and codes.

The letter of marque by these terms required privateers to bring captured vessels and their cargoes before the board of directors. Applying the rules and customs of prize law, the board shall decided whether the letter of marque was valid and current, and whether the captured vessel or its cargo belongs to a company sanctioned enemy. If so the prize and its cargo are “condemned,” to be sold with the proceeds divided among the privateer’s with the company taking a 25% earning of the gross value of the cargo. The vessel, if captured, shall become the property of the privateer, in question. The privateer may decide to take the vessels monetarily value instead whereby the company shall purchase the vessel from the privateer, at hull standard price. This price does not include modulus currently on the vessel.


East Austral Company Charter:

The charter of the East Austral Company shall be thus;

The East Austral Company shall be a free, independent and commercial state under a Board of Directors. Its form of government shall be that of a limited and constitutional Board of Directors. The executive power shall be vested in the Governor-General, whose person shall be sacred and above all reproach or impeachment, save for the Imperator himself. The Governor-General shall commission all ecclesiastic, military, and civil officials; appoint all public divine service; proclaim and promulgate all measures regarding commerce, trade, customs, levy and collect all taxes and dues, make and cancel treaties, declare war, and conclude peace. The Governor-General shall always give fair hearing to the Board of Directors (except in diplomatic or military matters of instruction or command), and the members shall be responsible.

The Government shall consist of one Governor-General, one Chairman, one Recruitment Officer and one Quartermaster. As a rule, their opinion shall always be ascertained before any resolution are passed by the Governor-General, even though he may in council have heard the opinion of the division of the board.

All questions relating to the ordinary or special business of the company shall be discussed by the Board of Directors.

The goals and requirements of the East Austral Company shall be thus; To assert the sovereignty of the Imperial Empire over the territories held by the Company; to renew the charter of the company for twenty years, it is required of the company to maintain a separate and distinct accounts of commercial and territorial objectives. To tendering the Honour of our Nation, the wealth of the U.E.E., and the encouragement of them, and others of subjects in their good enterprises, for the increase of navigational knowledge, and the advancement of lawful traffic and trade, to the benefit of the Empire.

The East Austral Company and its members shall abide by all existing laws within the United Earth Empire.