The ATSC was created in 2090 out of government necessity to keep order in the new space colonies.
Nobody ever intended to join the ATSC, a lot of Vets did though after the collapse, but most people had enough of all the killing… and killing is what it’s all about.
When they first hit the colonies, the ATSC operated like any other Earth based force. They got slaughtered by the truck load, and it became clear that the frontiers required a more forceful type of policing.
Back then, Close Air Support was introduced in the shape of the AG-60 Havoc. Most Vets flew those babies on Mars during the war, and they were past their prime even then. Lack of funding from Earth meant that those ships were still on front line service. Second-hand machines flown by second-hand crews, which didn’t make the job any easier.
Back then, the ATSC was supposed to represent government authority in the colonies, but most of the smart pilots knew the score. Keep the population under control, and try to turn a blind eye to any shady corporation deals.
The ATSC was made up of all volunteers, usually Vets with time on their hands. There were a few high-minded idealists who thought they could make a difference, but the majority were just running from problems back on Earth.
The ATSC never did ask many questions. If you were willing, and you were up to it, you were in – and the same is true to this day.
No problem! When you decide to pick up Star Citizen for yourself, just use our referral code to get an extra free 5000 UEC to spend on better equipment! No need to thank us, just go blow up some pirates!
Bottom line up front: We are the best, most active (see our ATSC Discord Server), and fastest-growing TRULY military-based NEUTRAL PMC in Star Citizen!
We are the best military based Organization in the ‘verse, since we are led by an actual real-life military officer! If you are also in the military, or have honorably served in the past, we will automatically promote you to the ATSC rank of Captain! But more about us: we are an aspiring group always looking for supportive and positive players to fill our ranks! Alpha Team Space Command (ATSC) specializes in freelancing and security, and we support all play-styles available in Star Citizen. Regardless if you want to play as a pirate type or a security contractor, we have the organization to handle it all! For freelancing, each of our members have the right to play on their own and make their own money, resources, etc. But when a member needs help, they can call up ATSC support and we will dispatch assistance as needed! On the security side, Headquarters ATSC (HQ ATSC) will bid on, apply for, be hired for, or otherwise create and/or manage applicable operations independently of members. Then when ATSC is contracted or deployed in some manner to complete a security job, we will advertise that to our members via our Spectrum Page in order to build a fighting force. It is completely up to each member if they wish to take part in any mission.
But overall, the ATSC is about doing what you want, but having the support when you need it! It doesn’t matter if you want to play as a pirate type or a law enforcer, play one hour a week or 8 hours a day, regardless of your play-style or time limitations you would be a valuable member of our PMC and we have a spot for you!
If you are a member of a different organization, no problem! Join us so we can build a relationship between us so that we can prosper together! We can provide mutually beneficial support and services. On our side, the ATSC can protect transports and cargo, eliminate or capture High-Value Targets (HVTs) and/or High Value Individuals (HVIs) as the law permits, provide a defense for a specific location or person, conduct Search & Rescue operations, and more! For more information, please contact the ATSC directly.
We need new recruits to fill our ranks! As such, we are constantly looking for new and active members to make up our PMC. In Star Citizen, there is safety in numbers, so recruiting is very important. We want every member to feel welcomed and want to stay, so we aren’t here to make your life harder if you join us. If you decide to join, you will have a reliable and respectable team behind you wherever your journey in the ‘verse takes you, so don’t worry about egotistical clan representatives or the like!
We aim to provide support to not only our own members, but the ‘verse as well. Need back-up for a mission? Just call in support! Someone stole your ship at Security Station Kareah while you were performing guard duty? Just request an evac! Need a ship? We will spawn you one! Want to find the best weapons, armor, and ship upgrades? Just say so and we will put together a scouting party! Want to freelance and do your own thing? Good luck! You get the picture here, play however you want, and get rewarded for it!
Additionally, for people looking to trade or find new resources, jump on board! We want to organize scouting parties to look for and secure new areas with high end and rare loot! We will also organize trading routes for our members to utilize in order to take advantage of the market! The more we get, the stronger we all will become!
When further updates are released, we are going to stand up an organization bank and marketplace where we can pool, share, and trade resources, that way we can fund important missions without expecting our members to take on any unnecessary monetary burdens. We also want to build powerful bases all across the ‘verse in order to establish safe trade routes and bring the fight closer to our enemies. To do this we are aiming our sights at owning our very own Bengal-Class Carrier (if that’s even possible, if not we will get something else), but that will take time and resources so the more people that join us the faster we can get there! Bottom line: we want to look after our own and become one of the leading security organizations in Star Citizen!
ATSC will become one of the most professional and self-sustaining PMC organizations in Star Citizen. We want to secure our member’s expansion and dominance by providing the best resources possible to allied forces. We will go where no other PMC would dare to go, we will operate in both safe and unsafe areas and bring pain to anyone who stands in our way. We want to explore and protect new areas, and even set up bases all around the ‘verse to expand our influence. In time, we will rise through the ranks as one of the top organizations in the ‘verse! We want to find new systems, technology, and ships as they are released, as well as obtain the best military equipment we can find. As we grow in strength, we will be able to issue out weapons and equipment to new players to help them get started through the use of our Armory. But we can’t do any of this without a readily trained fighting force, so if you are new, feel free to join and we will help you get familiar with the game!
Our last major point is that we want to become the most technologically advanced PMC that Star Citizen has ever seen. To do so, we need your help! Unlike other organizations, we will have active members who will be ready to go on missions and help the group succeed. Other organizations advertise 24/7 capabilities but a lack of activity is evident. Please join us to make this dream a reality!
The first thing we want to say is that we aren’t here to boss you around and tell you how to have fun. You are free to do what you want, we specialize in freelancing after all! We have a command structure to help keep things more organized and keep us operationally ready. The only time we would ask that you listen to higher ranking individuals is if we are conducting a more organized operation of some kind, where obviously command and control is necessary. But the thing is, you don’t have to be involved in that if you don’t want to be, it’s completely up to you! If you would rather go exploring, then feel free to use our Spectrum, Discord, etc. to contact other members and set something up if you want! If you need help, just ask and we can set something up for you! More information about our Roles, Ranks, and Structure is located here.
We also have a proven command structure that will allow us to have the proper amounts of command and control for official ATSC missions. It allows us to have centralized control, but decentralized execution. This is one of our master tenets, and allows us to provide theater-wide focus while allowing operational flexibility to meet objectives. What this means is, you will be a part of an organized mission without being micromanaged at the tactical level!
This is all possible through our Major Commands, or MAJCOMs for short. MAJCOMs are strategic echelons directly under HQ ATSC that provide high-level leadership and supervision for specific mission-sets. For example, the Air and Space Materiel Command, or ASMC for short, is responsible for resource collection (such as mining and salvaging), as well as providing theater-wide hospital-based medical support and more! Each MAJCOM has a specific mission-set and are considered the experts for the missions in which they are assigned. The best part about it is that you can move in between these MAJCOMs as you see fit! This lends itself perfectly to those who have multiple ships, we set up a unique way of building our units so that all players (casual, regular, or dedicated) can hop in and enjoy joining or even leading their own ATSC unit!
As a member of the ATSC you are essentially a protected freelancer. You are free to play the game however you want, and you will not be forced into any specific mission. If you are requested to join an operation and go on ‘Active Duty’ you will have the choice to accept or deny that mission request. There will be no repercussions for denying the call to Active Duty, but there will be incentives for you to accept the missions that you might miss out on. More details about this system are located on the ATSC Spectrum Page.
In order to hold a certain position, Guardians will need the appropriate rank. For example, to be a Squadron Leader, a Guardian must at least a Captain in rank… but not all Captains will hold a Squadron Leader position. Our ranks are listed below:
We wanted to be clear, as RSI only gives us the option to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to role-playing. ATSC is not inherently a Role-Playing organization, however, we won’t stop you if you want to role-play! So long as it is tasteful, fun, and not illegal!
As time goes on, the Commander (Alpha-Wing) will update this page accordingly. Please contact him with any questions you may have, or check out his profile to learn more about him. We hope you will join us and become a Guardian of the High Frontier, thank you for checking out our page, and good luck out in the ‘verse!
ATSC Commander
The ATSC Charter will be the official written guidance for all ATSC personnel and all their associated accounts and serves as the ATSC’s Constitution. This document is the cornerstone of all ATSC laws, rules, and regulations. This guidance will be followed as intended by the ATSC Commander so long as a player is a member of ATSC, regardless of whether or not they read or understand its contents. If a problem arises, it shall be reported to anyone available on the ATSC Command Staff. However, the ATSC Commander has the final say in all decisions. All ATSC Guardians (i.e. all members) have a responsibility to uphold the rules recorded in this Charter.
By the authority of the ATSC Commander: ATSC Command Staff will have the authority to enforce ATSC by the application of the punishments written herein:
1) Authenticity – Authenticity inspires loyalty and engagement, helps create trust, drives innovation, and builds great community experiences. We in the ATSC believe Authenticity to be a main factor in what allows our members to thrive and grow within the ATSC.
2) Trust – Trust is the foundation for what allows the ATSC to function as a cohesive unit. It’s also what allows our members to act with courage, and with strong deliberate actions. We expect our members to act with consistency and compassion, to communicate properly, and to operate with competency.
3) Respect – Respect is what allows our members to feel safe and express themselves within the ATSC, and it’s what helps us build such a strong community. We pride ourselves on having members from all over the world, and as such, do not discriminate based on race, color, gender, sex, or creed.
1) Below are the ranks will be required in order to be authorized to lead a particular level of unit:
2) Taking Command of an ATSC Unit
3) Responsibilities as Commander:
4) Appeals:
1) General Policies:
2) ATSC Privacy and Ethics Policies:
All standard mandatory ATSC notice and consent banners, documents, etc regarding ATSC Privacy and Ethics Policies, that are located on any ATSC Information System (IS), are to be read and obeyed by all members of the ATSC.
ATSC Commander
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