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The Astora Protocol / ASTORA

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Resources

The Astora Protocol
We aim to protect, serve, and guide the path to a free world.
Enlist today to be a vanguard of freedom, ensure your place at the forefront of the best security and protection the galaxy has to offer.

*Join our discord; here


Protocol Initiated

The Astora Protocol was initiated on 25-08-2946 by Captain Zephyr. Its goal is clear, security for all who want to make an honest living in the verse. We shall defend those that cannot defend themselves against pirates and alien aggressors alike. Being a part of Astora means you will aid in one the greatest endeavors of all; making dreams become reality and upholding a fair and equal verse, for all.

Pilots, we will train you to become ace dogfighters. Give you the necessary skills you need to survive, in space, in atmosphere and on the ground. No matter if you want to pilot a fighting machine or have dreams of hauling the biggest load your ship can handle. We have a place for you!

Our goal is to be self sustaining, even as a part of a much larger group; The UAF (United Alliance Fleet). It is alliance of organizations all dedicated to helping one another. More than this, it is a family, and we vow to be there through thick and thin for our brothers in arms.

What is your place in all this? Whether you see yourself as an explorer, diplomat, hauler, salvager, engineer, scientist, farmer, fighter pilot, and everything in between. We have a place for you!

Come join us in our grand vision.


U.A.F – United Alliance Fleet
We are a proud founding father and member of the United Alliance Fleet. Security and safety through a sense of community and equality. We invite you to visit our brothers and sisters.


The Intention of the Astora Protocol is to ensure that Alliance controlled space is secure for the common man to travel. We wish to protect and serve, nothing more, and nothing less.

UAF – United Alliance Fleet:
Secure Transport Coprorationhere
The Galactic Triumviratehere
h2. Recruitment history


On a recruiting session in Port Olisar mckinney2291 asked to join our ranks, Interested with our cause

RealNova pledged his support when he could during times his organization allowed


Jack Aquaster We thank you in your pledge to support our cause in affiliation with our cooperative organizations


SirMrCaptain is welcomed having flown with Selphara and Dap2nd and flying with the crew on a Constellation he proved valuable as quick learner. The shields never went down. He has proven himself a valued member.


We welcome Lecorse a member of a foreign legion. Once a lone wolf has proven to be the perfect balance of jovial counterpart and cutthroat pilot.


Fresh out of flight school seen as a fearless combo team mastering combat on their own. Selphara and Dap2nd were invited after some friendly banter proving to be a resource much welcomed. Watch their guns and their wit, both are on point.


Astora has found the light, and his name is Jezus. The org and Jezus’s paths crossed multiple times. He is an active and very helpful pilot. Always on the lookout to help others. A few precarious rounds around Kareah definitely settled our belief in him.


Astora bids farewell to a valued member today. FithTechnik sadly ventures into his studies and exploration into the verse taking him to far away he felt he couldn’t give the organization the support it deserved. Fifth, there will be a spot for you if you return.


Astora welcomes a clever pilot SPLAT to the organization. No one really knows his name, We only know what he does to those who oppose him


Astora welcomes a new affiliate LukeRDavis. Thank you for your pledge of support.


Astora greats SeagullZz a keen eyed pilot whose enthusiasm and passion captured our eye. His ability and keen knowledge of the situation in the verse while supporting us and others prompted an immediate invite.

CreamYRootBeer being an engaging personality while flying solo into the verse inspired action in the crew. Accepting of our crew invite has made us both stronger.

Today we welcome yet another, Genetiic joins our brave fight to keep justice in the verse thank you for your desire to make this a safer place.


Diskitten is welcomed to Astora fresh from a flight school on Olisar; being impressed with one of our Constellation class vessels, he offered assistance as a gunner and adapted quickly as we patrolled the com stations to Kareah.

We also welcome Timmms, Your letter of application inspired our hearts. We look forward to working with you in your goals.


Firefly-xvi, Fractaser, sonic_thunder, found engaging in the verse with their great individual and different skills were invited to join us here in Astora. Thank you for accepting our invitation.

Astora welcomes PhasedG, While seen entranced by the beauty of the verse, This explorer crossed our path joining the crew of our pathfinder while exploring. Learning the ropes of the larger vessels he saw the wonders and cruelty of the verse.

Astora welcomes FithTechnik fresh into our system, finding himself outnumbered. Bravely fighting inspired others of our organization to stand by him.


On one of our recruitment drives Legendary_Bruno, TacTurtle, and GreenGus expressed interest in our organization. After seeing how our organization ran and supporting our crew in a few missions Astora welcomes you.


Ozymandylas is welcomed to the fold after being seen fighting off a group of pirates off of Yala bravely exploring the region we supported him. Grateful he offered support to our cause and promptly accepted his affiliation to the organization

Astora welcomes Bullgear a cunning and resourceful cargo hauler and trader he devours everything verse. After a couple of random encounters, formation flying and pirate hunting a friendship was struck


Astora welcomes BagOChips whom assisted with an investigation against fraudulent charges against a member of the company and fighting off those wishing to cover up. A further bond was formed.


Astora welcomes TRloader as a seasoned veteran. Having fought by LuckyStarStrike’s side before they joined the group, he looks for a place to call home. Being ever vigilant he joins our ranks making us stronger.


Astora welcomes Orphenkun responding to a request for a gunner for our turrets, forging the bond of brotherhood in battle he requests to join our establishment which was gladly accepted.

Also welcoming Vincenta22 offering aid in Kareah. Helping us remove false criminal records for one of our members. Showing an equal distaste for those who enjoy others suffering forging a bond. We humbly accept his application and become even stronger together.


Astora welcomes Agent947 who admiring our fleet with Takhara and Arthur_Mars join our ranks with big dreams and bringing their experience to the fold.


Astora welcomes a couple of pilots to our organization BlazePhoenix; a brother in arms to Zephyr. Also LuckyStarStrike whom offered immeasurable morale, and guidance to the group as Vdxja and Polking joined the fight securing our systems communications array.

Also welcoming Gideon01 and DryskoHD after offering assistance via turret gunners in our ships while responding to the call from ICC forged a further bond of brotherhood and joining our cause brings us to 25 members


After fending off a swarm of pirates with Alex, Tec, and Zephyr, ResetButton was asked to join our merry band. Astora welcomes you.


On this day our Crew reached 15 members,

Skullface provided the platform for a secret test regarding [REDACTED] near [REDACTED]. After completion his membership could be made public.

Sherpain and Yuheeeng are welcomed to Astora, after a few training exercises, these two were invited to our fold, and promptly joined us.

Let us also welcome BigBoss to our family. This recruit saw our organization pamphlet and decided to join up, so welcome to BigBoss.


Astora Welcomes LieutenantKoopa to our crew. They flew in and assisted Zephyr supporting him against extreme odds. After taking him to safety, Koopa was invited to join our fold, and humbly accepted the call.

SirFunstache is also welcomed to the team, yet another to join our cause.


Astora welcomes a most talented hotshot pilot Alex Gav.

Astora also found PaddoBoy and Tectulus, they bravely supported our cause while checking the beacons, when supporting ICC, and offered their assistance to further the cause of our organization

Finding two more members wishing to join our ranks Echo2k and DramaticKiwi. You have made us stronger thank you.

Astora’s founder was Quoted saying on the one month anniversary of the initiation “Congratulations on receiving the “Most Active Organization” award giving thanks to the organization for support of the port authority.” Also quoted to say “We will grow and build into a force worthy of being called Vanguards.”


Astora welcomes its newest members; Gogepiter, Lt.Dan, GDONG, and Phuture. After a long voyage in deep space, these men were given the chance to join, and each of them humbly accepted.


Astora welcomes its very first member; Direwolf to the Organization. After engaging with pirates and gaining respect for each other, Zephyr asked him to be a part of a team, and now, nearly a month later, that team is real.


Astora Protocol is initiated with Zephyr founding the beginnings of an epic security company.


The Astora Protocol operates under the law of the Seven Tenants.

  1. Respect the Protocol and its members
  2. While in Protocol Operation, do not harm the innocent.
  3. If a member of the Protocol is threatened, be their shield.
  4. Allow yourself room for improvement, we can all learn from each other’s experiences.
  5. Do not make a promise you cannot keep, be true.
  6. The Protocol’s goal is to provide help to those who need it, never forsaken this code.
  7. Lastly, have fun, dedication is appreciated, but not expected, so live your life. Your time is valuable to us whenever you give it.


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