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Scarlet Syndicate / ANARCHO

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Smuggling

Welcome to The Scarlet Syndicate

Our areas of service include; Medical and Explorative services as well as ventures into Combat Operations because occasionally we will need things

Regardless of where you hail from all our welcome!


The Details

Honestly if you’ve come this far, you are clearly lost. If, however, you were looking for us, then congrats! you did it! We are not an overly serious group despite what anyone has told you, or you may have heard.

  • Command structure is relatively loose and detailed in the Charter.
  • Primary areas if focus include: Medicine, both legal and otherwise. Exploration, how else can you find the rarest and shiniest things. Last but not least; Combat Operations, while not our primary goal, we acknowledge the joy and thrill that is involved in a good fight.

No one wants to hear a long a tedious story of how a group came to exist. Instead trust that our amateur team of medical personnel will be there to patch you up and get you back into the fight, whatever you activities may or may not be. Need something smuggled? Sure we can do that to! After all passenger transports are good for something.


  • Its not 2016 yet!



Seriously I have nothing better to put here, everything is described in either History or Charter tabs.



The Rules:

  • Don’t take a job you can’t complete.
  • Strive for profits.
  • Piracy, smuggling, trafficking are all currently accepted forms of business. (Just try not to get caught)
  • All allied or friendly organizations are to be treated as such. (Refer to ‘History’ tab)

Syndicate Structure

Though a loose collective of players the command structure is clarified below:

Scarlet Admiral: This/These player(s) are responsible for ensuring resources are allocated effectively. They also have final veto power on Syndicate decisions. Admirals control fleet level syndicate assets, ie. those shiny capital ships. Probably the more boring of jobs.

Crimson Marshals: These Members are elected into this position, its entirely up to the syndicate members to decide which marshal they follow. Marshals control squadron level syndicate assets ranging from single to double seat fighters up to multi-crew ships. Be popular, do great things, a position for glory, or not.

Legionaries: Congrats! you are the glue that holds this shit storm together! Pick a sky marshal and be best damn friends with him/her. You are responsible for flying our single seat ships or helping to man our larger ships. In summery, we need you! ;)

Rookie: Jesus fuck, your are new, kill something, trade something, fly your ship into a space station. Be a little ball of chaos. Don’t worry we do love you!