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Aracus Merchant and Merc Orgamization / AMMD

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Piracy

We’re looking for dedicated indivuals willing to take on a wide variety of rolls all with an interest in helping the Org, and themselves, grow. Even with limited numbers, there’s no excuse not to be the best in the galaxy.

Balance is AMMD.
AMMD is Crucial.


A once proud clan of merchants on Elysium IV known as the Aracus Merchants and Mercenaries Dominion, established prior to The Second Tevarin War, was reduced to rubble by a Vanduul raiding fleet in 2736. The clan leader and his trade convoy vanished in the days leading up to the incursion, and when the smoke cleared, 62 fighters, 8 frigates, and a destroyer belonging to AMMD had been sunk. In the face of such devastation, AMMD all but dissolved. 77th the chain of command, Freelancer 1st Adept Aracus took up the cause to rebuild the decimated guild.

Sixty-five years later, at the dawn of the 29th century, and facing his 98th cycle on Elysium IV, he relinquished command to his Grand Master Tradesman’s adopted son, T’Varik of the 8th Moon. A prior vagabond who resurrected his spirit from a despondent upbringing to rise through the ranks as a skilled mercenary and tradesman. The perfect candidate to lead the Merchants and Mercenaries. T’Varik rose to the challenge, defeated his formal rivals in duels of combat and agility. Aracus retires to The Ark as a curator of data and material after the boy has successfully succeeded Aracus.

Under T’Varith’s time leading AMMD, he falls in love with a young woman who’s father is a key researcher in terraforming. Her name is Allysen Egarith. Together, in the summer of 2818, they give life to a baby boy they name Arakis Egarith of the 3rd Sun, in honor of Aracus. A mere three months later, Arakis and Allysen are brutally butchered by a Vanduul raid while travelling to Locke in the Idris system. Their bodies are never recovered.

Enraged by his despair, T’Varik rallies AMMD with a clarion call to wipe out the Vanduul in the sector. It is in this campaign that he learns a human betrayed the convoy carrying Arakis and Allysen, and sold their position to the Vanduul in exchange for 200 units of fuel; little more than a week’s salary for an initiate tradesman. Upon learning of the man’s betrayl, T’Varik hunts down the traitor, slaughters him, and leave his torn and broken body in the streets of Elysium IV’s captial. Scrolled on the ground in the man’s own blood are four simple words.

All Men Must Die


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  • Resource Exploitation
  • Product Bartering
  • Salvage Reclamation
  • Fair Trade
  • Market Speculation
  • Commodities Market
Use of Force
  • Government Sponsored Mercenaries
  • Org-Backed Peace-Keepers
  • Privately Sponsored Security
  • Self-Defense (Castle Doctrine)

Sanctioned Efforts mean 25% of your personal profit is contributed back to the Org.


  • Smuggling
  • Prisoner Exchange
  • Black-Market Trade
  • Ransom Acquisition
Use of Force
  • Owned Cargo Acquisition
  • Black-Ops Missions
  • Vessel Retention and Confinement
  • Compensatory Target Termination

Unsanctioned Efforts mean 10% of your personal profits are contributed back to the org, as the Org cannot publicly support you in your effort.

  • Blood-sport
  • Slaughter of Innocents
  • Slave Trade
  • Currency Manipulation
  • Assault against a Member Body
  • Theft from a Member Body

This will add you to the kill-list for AMMD, and you will forever be Kill-On-Sight

Banned Efforts will have you removed from the Org. If a member accuses you of having been engaged in banned efforts, you will be subject to investigation by a Warden of AMMD.